Restorative 2 Flashcards
the point of muscle attachment which moves the least
the point of muscle attachment which moves the most
(epicranius) muscle that draw posteriorly, draw inferiorly
occipitofrontalis muscle
frontal belly
occipital belly
when contracted, this muscle raises the eyebrows and continual contraction form transverse frontal sulci
effect on surface form: occipitofrontalis muscle
wrinkles that run a cross forehead
transverse frontal sulci
prude fan shape muscle closes the mandible, used for chewing
temporalis muscle
mastication; it closes the mandible and some side to side movement
function of the temporalis muscle
what is the strongest jaw muscle of mastication
not strongest of jaw muscle
orbicularis oculi, corrugator, levator palpebral superiors
muscle of the facial expression
surrounds the eye leads
orbicularis oculi
gravitation goes from moving in inferior to posterior view
funeral homes
close the eyelid when contracted
function of the orbicularis oculi
produce tears, also compresses the lacrimal sac
orbicularis oculi
optic facial sulci (crows feet)
orbicularis oculi effect on the surface
crows feet
frowning muscle and pyramid shape muscle
draws the eyebrows downward &medially when contracted
function of the corrugator
vertical interciliary sulci ( located below eyebrows)
corrugator effect on surface form
elevate the upper eyelid (raise)
procerus muscle
muscle of the nose
transverse interciliary sulci
procerus muscle effect on surface form
facial sulcus
bucco (facial sulcus)
The very large muscle that covers the top and sides of the skull.
Three muscles in the region of the ear
Muscle of mastication
Fan shaped muscle which retrieves the lower law and bring the teeth together. It has no effect on surface form.
This muscle raises the lower jaw; the only muscle of mastication which influences surface form. Injection of strong fluid into this muscle is an accepted method of mouth closure.
Located at the medial end of the eyebrow, known as the (frowning muscle).
muscle of facial expression that runs from the inside of the eye socket to the superior tarsal plate of the eyelid
Levator Palpebrae superioris
muscle of facial expression, raises the upper lip and dilates the nostrils.
Lavator labii superioris alaeque nasi
muscle of facial expression – elevates and extends the upper lip.
Levator labii superioris
muscle of facial expression that arises from the mandible to insert into the anguli oris.
Depressor anguli oris (Triangularis)
muscle of facial expression. depresses the lower lip inferiorly and slightly laterally.
Depressor labii inferioris (Quadratus)
Lavator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Muscle of the face
Muscle of the face
orbicularis Oculi
Muscle of the face
Levator Palpebrae superioris
Muscle of the face
Levator labii superioris
Muscle of the face
Depressor anguli oris (Triangularis)
Muscle of the face
Depressor labii inferioris (Quadratus)
muscle of the face
muscle of the nose
A long thin slip of muscle which extends vertically from the lower part of the nasal bone to the skin of the lower part of the forehead.
Obicularis oris
Muscles of the mouth
puckering muscle - It is a large sphincter muscle which extends from the base of the nose to the lower jaw and both checks
Obicularis oris
Zygomaticus major
Muscles of the mouth
Muscles of the mouth
Muscles of the mouth
Muscles of the mouth
Levator anguli oris
Muscles of the mouth
Zgomaticus major
Muscles of the mouth
Zygomaticus minor
Muscle of the mouth
Draws the angle of the mouth backward and upward, known as the (laughing muscle).
Zygomaticus major
Principle muscle of the cheek. Originates in the skin over the molar teeth and inserts into the skin at the anguli oris (corners of the mouth)
A superficial muscle which runs across the cheek (retracts the angle of the mouth).
Muscle which wrinkles the chin, raises and protrudes the lower lip.
small muscle at the angle of the mouth. Elevated the angle of the mouth.
Levator anguli oris
extends from the cheekbone to the angle of the mouth. Draws the upper lip posteriorly, superiorly, and laterally as in smiling or laughing.
Zgomaticus major
muscle of the face – draws the upper lip, superiorly, and laterally as in smiling or laughing.
Zygomaticus minor
broad flat muscle covering the neck, it also arises from the fascia (a thin layer of connective tissue) covering the large muscles in the region of the collar bone, ribs and shoulder.
relatively thick muscle which passes obliquely (slanting) across the side of the neck, used to measure the widest part of the neck.
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
double bellied muscle of the neck, which attaches to the mastoid process and the mandible.
Muscle of the neck
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
Muscle of the neck
Muscle of the neck
platysma, sternocleidomastoid and digastricus
muscles of the neck
depresses mandible and lower jaw
sheets of muscles
bucco, mandibular sulcus, serrated jawline, platysmal sulci
effect of platysma
lower the head, rotate the head
widest part of the neck
effect of Sternocleido- mastoid
hyoid bone, helps manipulate the tongue
cord of the neck, vertically
effect of Digastricus
quadratus labii superioris, levator anguli oris, risorius, depressor labii inferioris, and mentalis (chin)
muscle of the mouth and anterior cheek headed muscle
Levator labii superioris alaeque, levator labii superioris, and zygomaticus minor
Quadratus labii superioris
larges muscle of the cheek
Quadratus labii superioris
raises the upper lip and dilates the nostrils
Levator labii superiors alaeque nasi
elevates and extends the upper lip
levator labii superioris
draws the superior lip superiorly and laterally
zygomaticus minor
this group of muscles serves to raise the upper lip to sneer
Quadratus labii superorisis
who sneers?
elvate the angle of the mouth
levator anguli oris
effect of levator anguli oris
nasolabial fold
false smile muscle
retracts the angle of the mouth( narrowband muscle, pulls laterally)
not a paired muscle, elevates and protrudes the inferior lips
mental eminence
effect of mentalis