Restorative 1 Flashcards
front, side and crown (top of head)
Oval from three views
is the bony ridge found on the inferior surface of the maxilla and the superior surface of the mandible which contains the sockets of the teeth.
alveolar process
The bones of the skull are held in position by
the only movable bone in the skull (which is held in position by muscles and tendons).
special note: the mandible
In osteology, the bones of the skull are divided into two categories
1) bones of the cranium
(2) bones of the face
Occipital, Temporal, Parietal, Frontal
bones of the cranium
top and sides of the skull.
inferior to the parietal bones.
makes up the forehead.
the rocking chair of the brain. It holds the brain
Nasal bones, Zygomatic bones, Maxilla bones, Mandible bone
bones of the face
only moveable bone of the face
Mandible bone
13 surface bones of the skull
6 cranium bones + 7 facial bones
forms the inferior portion of back and base of skull, this also serves as the rocking chair for the brain
Occipital bone location
large opening which permits entry of the spinal cord into the cranial vault.
Foramen magnum
the parietal bones form the posterior 2/3 of the top and the superior portion of the sides.
Parietal bone location
located superior to the posterior border of the ears.
Parietal eminences
Parietal eminences are used to measure
the widest portion of the cranium.
is formed at the junction of the two parietal bones, along this suture line will be the (vertex of the cranium) highest point of the cranium.
Sagittal suture
The temporal bones create the inferior portion of the sides of the cranium, they also lie inferior to the parietal bone and anterior to the occipital bone.
Temporal bone location
is the vertical portion of the temporal bone with a concave surface forming the temporal cavity
the area that most commonly needs hypodermic tissue building.
the opening of the ear passage, it is the primary structure for the acute location of a modeled ear.
External auditory meatus
a thin long arched process which arises from the skull directly above the ear passage and then extends anteriorly
Zygomatic arch
The zygomatic arch is part of the
temporal bone
The portion of the zygomatic arch immediately anterior to the external auditory meatus is used to measure
the widest part of the face.
The zygomatic arch is also used to correctly position the modeled ear. The arch is located
superior and anterior to the external auditory meatus
a projection located posterior and inferior to the external auditory meatus (hole in ear).
Mastoid process
serves as the insertion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Mastoid process
The muscle is used to measure the widest portion of the neck.
Mastoid process
forms the forehead, and (the top 1/3 of the cranium).
Frontal bone location
the forehead
Vertical surface
the crown
Horizontal surface
of the frontal bones
are rounding eminences at the upper part the forehead.
Frontal eminences
are located at the portion of the frontal bone where the vertical surface meets the horizontal surface.
Frontal eminences
another eminence of the frontal bone that lies inferior to the Superciliary arch (this margin forms a natural protective barrier for the eye).
the inferior part of the forehead just superior to the medial end of the eyebrows.
Superciliary arch
small and smooth elevation located superior to the root of the nose and between the supercilliary arches and supercilliary (eyebrows).
is a slightly arising ridge which begins at the lateral corner of the eye socket and arises on the frontal bone to the level of frontal eminences and disappears.
Line of the temple
the width of the forehead is the area bounded by
the right and left line (s) of the temple.
lie directly inferior to the glabella; together they form a dome over the nasal cavity.
Nasal bones location
the nasal cavity is divided into two chambers by
a vertical cartilage called the septum.
The margin of the nasal cavity is
pear shaped and is created by the maxilla and nasal bone.
When the nose is bent to one side from an
external cause (i.e., deceased lying on face),
a small wall separating two cavities, such as a vertical cartilage of the nose.
decomposition in the cranial vault
Protruding eyes is caused by
(cheek bones) create the prominence of the checks and major portions of the inferior and lateral margins of the eye sockets.
Zygomatic bones location
The greatest width of the face on the anterior (front of the face) plane is measured from
the center of the zygomatic bones
two large bones which form the upper jaw
Maxilla bones location
adjust color rather than say use of make-up, no written permission required.Minimum effort, skill, and time to complete.
Minor restoration
written permission required for restorative procedure.Long period of time, are extensive, required advance technical skill, time to complete
Major restoration
The art of building or creating parts of the body which had been destroyed by accident, disease, decomposition, or discoloration, and making the body perfectly natural and lifelike
Demi – Surgery
is defined as the care of the deceased to recreate a natural form and color. We are to restore the deceased human remains to its most natural appearance
Restorative Art
is defined as the study of the structures and surface markings of the face and features.
the study of humans as a biological species with interest in evolution and modern human variation.
Physical Anthropology
is another name for shape
before or in front of; refers to the ventral or abdominal side of the body
toward the rear caudal end, toward the back; dorsal.
toward the head
beneath; lower; toward the feet
middle; near the middle plane.
toward the side.
refers to two sides (of face or feature).
a part extending beyond the level of its surroundings.
the withdrawal of a part from its normal position
having a spiracle depressed or hollow surface (bowed in).
curved evenly resembling a segment of the outer edge of a sphere (bowed-out).
a line which is neither horizontal or vertical.
Is a vertical plane which divides the head into left and right sides.
Cut across the median plane right angle
Is slanted (inclined) it is neither vertical nor horizontal
a surface exhibiting a minimum curvature, but differing in direction from the adjacent surface.
Correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts that are on opposite sides of the face (ears, eyes).
Refers to the difference of paired features; the two sides of a feature or both “halves” of the face. (difference between the two ears).
the largest single bone in the face and has two surfaces - horizontal and vertical.
The vertical portion is the
Has two projections - the anterior projection is the coronoid process the posterior projection is the condyle
The condyle rests in the
mandibular fossa
A triangular shape eminence located medially on the anterior surface of the mandible.
Mental eminence
(dip) -Is the receding surface located on the mandible between the mental eminence and the incisor teeth.
Incisive fossa
A tiny opening located on either side of the mental eminence
Mental foramen
Is the projection of the jaw beyond the upper part of the face.
The lips are too short.
Buck teeth