Restaurants Flashcards
Welcome! How many customers?
Irashiamasu! Nan Mei Sama desu ka?
2 people please
Hutari desu oniguyshiamasu
Go ahead to your favoured table
Osuki na te-buru e douzo
(Na changes the adjective by attaching to the noun - big/bigger)
(e is the particle へ to go (open choice))
Have you decided on the order?
GOChyuumon wa okimari dessho ka?
(GO - honoured)
‘(O’Kimari- concluded in this instance)
(Dessho ka? - polite question/uncertainty. Is that it it/I wonder if?
One ramen and one hamburger steak please.
Ra-men o hitotsu to Hambugu-suteki o hitotsu kudassai.
I will choose Two hamburger steaks please
Hanbagu-sute-ki o hutatasu ni shi masu. onigaishimasu.
I would like to order one tonkotsu ramen please.
Ra-men o hitotsu o chyumonshitaidesu oneguyshimasu
How about grilled meat adjustment?
Oniku no yaki kagen wa ikaga desho ka?
(Oniku no yaki- grilled meat)
(Ikaga - how about?)
Kagen - condition/state/situation
(Ikaga desho ka?- polite/choice)
How about a drink?
Onomimono wa ikaga desho ka?
Can I have 2 Asahi beers please
Asahi-biiru o hutatsu kudesai
Is that everything?
Is that ok with everything?
iijou de yoroshii desho ka?
iijou (quantity / everything)
De ( particle - means by which)
Yoroshii (good/fine/ok)
Yes everything!
Hai , iijou desu!
No, it’s fine (but to say no)
iie, kekkodesu
No. It’s ok (casual)
iie, daijyoubu desu
Here is the steak
Kochira ga sute-ki desu
Here is the order. Is it complete?
Kochira ga gochyumon
Desu. Osoroi desho ka?
Osoroi - complete /matching/pair
It’s ok / fine
Daijyoubu desu
Sorry. Where is the beer?
Sumimasen. Biiru wa doko desu ka?
The bill please
Okanjyou kudesai
Xxyen. Cash or card? Which will you settle the bill by?
Xx en desu. Genkin matawa ka-do dochira de kessai shimasu ka?
Dochira de- by which
Shimasu ka - will you?
Kessai-to settle a bill
By card please
Ka-do de oneguyshimasu
I’d like to pay by cash
Genkin de haraitaidesu
Here is the receipt
Kochira ga reshito desu.
Please come again
Mata Okoshi kudesai
Mata- again
Okoshi-come /visit/ return
Kudesai - please
We’ll done
Flat thin counter