Particles Flashcards
Kyoto AND Osaka
Kyoto TO Osaka
Kyoto and Oasake FOR EXAMPLE
Kyoto YA Osaka
Kyoto OR Osaka
Kyoto KA Osaka
I like Kyoto
Kyoto GA suki desu
There are temples in Kyoto
Kyoto Ni OTera Ga arimasu
(Ni - in)
(Ga - it exists)
I like ramen
Ra-Men ga suki desu
I have a dog
inu ga imasu
What is を used for ?
Direct object
What is は used for?
Topic marker
‘As for’
Nihon wa (as for Japan)
What is がused for?
Things you like
Subject of exsistance
Specific topic
What is で used for?
Place of action
What is に used for?
Place of existence
What is とused for?
I went to Kyoto
Kyoto ni ikimashita
(Ni) destination
(Mashita) past tense
I ate sushi in Kyoto
Kyoto de sushi o tabemashita
(De) place of action
(O) action to the verb
(Mashita) past tense