Rest and Sleep Flashcards
Diminished state of activity, calmness, relaxation without emotional stress; freedom from anxiety
Is a cyclical physiological process that alternates with longer periods of wakefulness.
it influences and regulate physiological function and behavioral responses
sleep-wake cycle
(also known as diurnal) a 24-hour, day-night cycle. It influences the pattern of major biological and behavioral functions
Affecting factors:
Social activities
Work routines
Circadian rhythm
Sleep involves a sequence of physiological states maintained by highly integrated CNS activity. It is associated with changes in the peripheral nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems.
Sleep regulation
major sleep center in the body
It secretes hypocretins (orexins) that promote wakefulness and rapid eye movement (REM)
Prostaglandin D2 L-tryptophan, and growth factors control sleep
maintains a state of wakefulness and mediates some stages of sleep. Sleep is an active process involving the RAS
- And a dynamic interaction of neurotransmitters.
Reticular Activating System (RAS)
is a major neurotransmitter associated with sleep. It is derived from its precursor tryptophan. Other neurotransmitters- acetylcholine and norepinephrine appear to be required for the REM sleep cycle.
a naturally occurring amino acid. It decreases activity of RAS, thereby inducing and sustaining sleep.
proposes that there are centers that cause sleep by inhibiting other brain centers.
Active theory of sleep
states that the RAS of the brain simply fatigues and therefore becomes inactive thus sleep occurs.
Passive theory of sleep-
A phase of normal sleep
A sleeper progresses through four stages during a typical 90-minute sleep cycle
The quality of sleep from stage 1 through stage 4 becomes increasingly deep
Stages 1 and 2 is characterized by lighter sleep, person is more easily aroused
Stage 3 and 4 involve a deeper sleep (slow-wave sleep)
Nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep
Stage lasts a few minutes
Lightest level of sleep
Decreased physiological activity begins with gradual fall in vital signs and metabolism
Sensory stimuli such as noise easily arouse a person
When awakened, person feels as though daydreaming has occurred
Stage 1
Stage lasts 10 – 20 minutes
It is a period of sound sleep
Relaxation progresses
Body functions continue to slow
Arousal remains relatively easy
Stage 2
Stage lasts 15 to 30 minutes
It involves initial stages of deep sleep
Muscles are completely relaxed
Vital signs decline but remain regular
Sleeper is difficult to arouse and rarely moves
Stage 3
Stage lasts approximately 15 to 30 minutes
It is the deepest stage of sleep
If sleep has occurred, sleeper spends considerable part of night in this stage
Vital signs are significantly lower than during waking hours
It is very difficult to arouse sleeper
Stage 4
Stage usually begins about 90 minutes after sleep has begun
Duration increases with each sleep cycle and averages 20 minutes
Vivid, full color dreaming occurs in other stages
Stage is typified or fluctuating BP, loss of skeletal muscle tone and increase in gastric secretion
It is very difficult to arouse a sleeper
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep
contributes to body tissue restoration
NREM Sleep
increases in synthetic processes in the brain
A symptom that patients experience when they have chronic difficult falling asleep, frequent awakenings from sleep and/or short sleep or nonrestorative sleep
Associated with poor hygiene or practices that a patient associates with sleep
Tx: sleep-hygiene measures, biofeedback, cognitive techniques, relaxation techniques
Dysfunction of mechanisms that regulate sleep and wake states
Overwhelming sleepiness
Uncontrolled REM
Narcolepsy “Sleep Attack”
Is a disorder characterized by the lack of airflow through the nose and mouth for periods of 10 seconds or longer during sleep
Periodic cessation of breathing during asleep. It characterized by snoring
Sleep apnea
Excessive sleep (daytime or nighttime)
Related to psychologic problem, CNS damage, metabolic disorders
Problem many patients experience as a result of dysomnia. Causes includes symptoms caused by illnesses, emotional stress, medications, environmental disturbances and variability in the timing of sleep because of shift work
Sleep deprivation