Responsibilities of Pharmacy Personnel Flashcards
How many years experience to be PIC?
Once a new pharmacy permit has been issued how long prior to opening date can drugs be stocked on shelf?
14 days
If PIC changes, must take CII through CV inventory (true or false)?
How many pharmacies can a PIC be in charge of?
max of 2
After PIC change how long do you have to get new PIC on pharmacy license?
14 days
How long must PIC keep records for?
2 years
How frequently must CS inventory be taken?
Every other year, CII monthly. If new PIC, must do it when they take over.
When is annual pharmacy permit due?
April 30
What is length PIC can have planned absence?
</= 30 days
How long can PIC have unplanned absence?
</= 15 days
How many hours are required between consecutive shifts?
6 hours
How long must tech training documentation be kept?
2 years
List what things techs can do
-refill auth IF no changes
-data entry of rx info
-stock automated devices
-compound drugs
-prepare labels
-count meds
-accept e transfer of legend drug as long as refill is not an on hold rx
Can techs administer vaccines?
Yes must be 3 years and older and have PharmD supervision.
Pharmacist:tech ratio
If an intern is getting required practical experience they are not counted in that ratio. Versus if they are working their job performing tech duties then they are
What can interns not do that pharmacists can?
oversee techs