Responder’s Bid After Partner Opens 1 of a Suit Flashcards
What is Responder’s HCP count and bid over 1 of a major with a 3+ card fit?
6-10 HCP- raise to 2M
What is Responder’s bid with 11-12 HCP and 3 card fit?
1NT forcing then jump to 3M
What is Responder’s bid with 11-12HCP and 4 card major fit?
Jump to 3M
What is Responder’s bid with13+HCP and a 3 card fit
Make 2/1 bid
What is Responder’s bid with 13+HCP and a 4 card fit?
Jacoby 2NT (an artificial game forcing bid used to explore slam)
Over 1S what does 2H bid promise?
13+ HCP and 5 Hearts
With 6-12 HCPS and no fit for major suit bid by Opener what is the appropriate bid?
1S over 1H with 4+S
Otherwise 1NT and wait for Opener’s next bid
With 13+HCPs and no fit or ability to bid the other major what is the appropriate response to Opener’s 1M bid?
Bid 2/1 - 2m over 1M does not promise 5 card minor suit
Over Opener’s bid of 1 of a minor when Responder holds 4+ of a major what should Responder bid?
With 6+ HCP bid longest major. If 4/4 in majors, bid 1H. If 5/5 in majors, bid 1S.
Over Opener’s bid of 1 of a club or diamond and with no 4 card major, what should Responder bid with 6-10 HCP
Raise 1C to 2C with 5 card support
Raise 1 D to 2 D with 4 card support
Bid 1D over 1C opening with 5 D
Otherwise bid 1NT
Over Opener’s bid of 1 of a minor with no 4 card major, what should responder bid with 11-12 HCPs (give 3 options) ?
Jump to 3C with 5+C
Jump to 3D with 4+ D
Without support and a balanced hand, bid 2NT
What does Responder’s bid of 2C over 1D promise?
13+HCP and 5+ clubs
When opponent interferes with Opener’s 1M bid, what should Responder bid with support for Opener’s suit and 6-10HCPs?
With 4 card support and interference with Opener’s 1M bid what should Responder bid with less than 6 HCPs?
If opponents interfere with Opener’s 1M bid what does Respondent need to bid a new suit at the 2 level
10+ HCP and good 5+ card suit
What does a cuebid of opponent’s suit show?
3+ support for Opener’s suit and 11-12 HCPs
What is required to bid negative double when opponent overcalls 1M over Openers 1m bid?
4 cards in the other major, plus:
6+HCPs over 1H overcall
8+ HCPs over 1S or higher overcall
When opponents interfere with Opener’s bid of 1m, what is required to bid 1M?
6+ HCPs and 5 card Major
When opponents interfere with Opener’s bid of 1m, and Responder has stoppers in suit bid by opponent what are the HCP ranges to make NT bid?
1NT- 6 to 10 HCPs
2NT- 11-12 HCPs
3NT- 13+ HCPs