Respiratory System PT1 Flashcards
How does inspiration work?
Nose, nasal cavity & mouth warm, filter & moisten incoming air
Travels through throat to trachea. This branches into 2 bronchi
Air travels to bronchioles, lined with cilia
Air travels to alveolar sacs, containing alveoli
Diffusion occurs, o2 & co2 move between alveoli & red blood cells
How does the body inspire during rest?
External intercostal muscles contract gently pulling ribs up & out
• The diaphragm contracts pulling itself down
• Volume of chest cavity increases
• Air pressure drops – gas moves from high to low
How does the body expire during rest?
External intercostal muscles & diaphragm relax
• Ribs go back down & diaphragm moves up
• Pushes Co2 out of lungs & into air
How does the body inspire during exercise?
External intercostal muscles & diaphragm contract more forcefully
Aided by Sternocleidomastoid, scalenes & pectoralis minor
Volume of chest cavity increases further
Creates larger pressure gradient
How does the body expire during exercise?
External intercostal muscles relax
Aided by contraction of internal intercostals, sternocleidomastoid, external obliques & rectus adbominus to more forcibly expel gases from the lungs into air
What is the definition of Tidal Volume?
Volume inspired or expired per breath
Rest: 500ml
Exercise: Increase 3-4 litres
What is the definition of Inspiratory Reserve Volume?
Max volume inspired following end of inspiration at rest
Rest: 3100ml
Exercise: Decrease
What is the definition of Expiratory Reserve Volume?
Max volume expired following end of expiration at rest
Rest: 1200ml
Exercise: Decrease
What is the definition of residual volume?
Volume remaining in lungs at end of maximal expiration
Rest: 1200ml
Exercise: Same
What is the definition of Inspiratory Capacity?
Max volume of air inspired
Rest: 3600ml
Exercise: Increase
What is the definition of vital capacity?
Max volume of air forcibly expired following max inspiration
Rest: 5000ml
Exercise: Slight decrease
What is the definition of total lung capacity?
Volume of air in lungs following max inspiration
Rest: 6000ml approx
Exercise: Slight decrease
What is the definition of minute ventilation?
Volume of air inspired/expired per minute
Rest: 7500ml
Exercise: Dramatic Increase
MV = TV x Freq of breaths