Respiratory System Anatomy Lab 4 Flashcards
What are the two broad divisions of the respiratory system?
Conducting and Respiratory portions
Conducting portion of respiratory system
functions to condition and transport air between the external atmosphere and the lungs
Respiratory portion of the respiratory system
where gas exchange at the alveolar-capillary interface actually occurs
Primary entryway air travels from the external environment
nose (mouth is secondary)
Nasal conchae
generates turbulance in the air flow and causes it to swirl around
Order that air passes through body
- Air passes through either nose (primary) or mouth (secondary). 2. Nasal Cavities (hairs) 3. Nasal conchae
- Nasopharynx 5. Oropharynx 6. Laryngopharynx 7. Larynx 8. Trachea 9. Primary Bronchi 10. Left and Right lung
Nasal Cavity location
behind nose
nasopharynx location
Behind nasal cavity
oropharynx location
Under nasopharynx and behind mouth
laryngopharynx location
Underneath the oropharynx and behind the epiglottis and larynx
epiglottis location
food flap
larynx location
throughout area under the vocal cord, in the trachea : it consists of the thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, and vestibular fold
thyroid cartilage
large section covering the thyroid, above the cricoid cartilage
cricoid cartilage
right under the thyroid cartilage
vestibular fold
located above the vocal fold. in middle of thyroid cartilage
vocal cord
fold under the vestibular fold
trachea location
bumpy tube air goes down
tracheal cartilage
not fully closed rings around the trachea, which enables expansion
carina location
where the bronchi splits into the primary bronchi, at the base of the trachea
primary bronchi
two branches stemming from the trachea off of the carina
secondary bronchi
stemming off from the primary bronchi, still somewhat large, getting closer to the smallest (tertiary bronchi)
tertiary bronchi
smallest branches of bronchi, branching off of the secondary bronchi