Respiratory system Flashcards
Diaphragm contracts/ flattens/ moves downwards
Intercostal muscles contract to move ribs up/out
Increase volume of thorax
Reduce pressure of thorax below atm pressure/ pressure gradient (-ve)
Adaptation of lungs:
Many alveoli - more s.a. for CO2/ O2 to diffuse
Epithelium of alveoli is very thin - short diffusion distance
Capillaries running over surface of alveoli - delivers CO2 (to be removed from blood)/carries O2 away (from alveoli)
Lungs surrounded by diaphragm/ icm- ventilation/ supply of O2/ removal of CO2
1 volume, inside/ of, jar increases ;
2 pressure inside, jar/ balloons, decreases;
3 to below pressure in atmosphere; [idea of creating a pressure gradient (between balloon and exterior)// Note: ‘makes pressure in jar lower than atmosphere’ = 2 marks]
4 (therefore) air, moves/ pushed/ forced, into, balloons/
glass tube; [flows / enter / fills]
Define tidal volume: (2mks) [f211 june14 q2bi]
1) volume of air, inhaled/ exhaled; [breathed / moved, in (and / or out of lungs)]
2) in, one/ each, breath;
3) during, steady/ regular, breathing; [at rest / during steady exercise / normal / quiet breathing]
Suggest how the bell-jar model may be used to demonstrate tidal volume: [f211 june14 q2bii]
1) up/ down, movements (of rubber sheet / band); [pull / push on rubber sheet / band // pull / push and let go]
2) small/ steady/ regular, movements (of rubber sheet); [rhythmically / in time with breathing / repetitively // Note: pulled down slightly = 2 marks]
Define vital capacity: [f211 june14 q2biii]
1) the maximum volume of air; [tidal volume + inspiratory reserve + expiratory reserve = 2 // total lung capacity – residual volume = 1 mark]
2) inhaled/ exhaled, in one breath; [breathed, in / out, in one breath]
Suggest how the bell-jar model may be used to demonstrate vital capacity: [f211 june14 q2biv]
pull down on rubber, sheet/ band, as far as possible and pushed up as far as possible [pull / push in either order // pull and push as hard as possible]
Role of squamous epithelium in lungs: [f211 june13 q2c]
short(er) diffusion, distance / path ; [reduced / shorter diffusion distance// thin diffusion barrier]
Role of large no of alveoli in lungs: [f211 june13 q2c]
large(r) surface area ; [increases surface area// (do NOT ref to sa : vol ratio) ]
Role of good supply of blood in lungs: [f211 june13 q2c]
high / large / steep, concentration gradient
OR removes oxygen (from lung surface) / brings carbon
dioxide (to lung surface); [maintains / creates concentration gradient// do NOT ref to diffusion grad.) ]
Role of good ventilation in lungs: [f211 june13 q2c]
high/ large/ steep, concentration gradient OR supplies oxygen (to alveoli)/ removes carbon dioxide
(from alveoli) ; [maintains/ creates concentration gradient]
Explain what causes the change in the volume of air
between point B and C on Fig5.1 (during expiration):
(4mks) f211 jun12 q5b
1 (external) intercostal muscles / diaphragm, relax ; [ref to internal intercostal muscles contracting]
2 rib cage / ribs, move down OR diaphragm, moves /
pushed, up ;
3 volume of, thorax / chest cavity / lungs, drops /
decreases ; [‘space inside’ or ‘air in’ for volume]
4 pressure inside, thorax / chest cavity / lungs, increases ;
5 above, external / atmospheric, pressure ; [(pressure) higher than outside]
6 air leaves down pressure gradient ;
7 (elastic) recoil of alveoli ;
Suggest why it is not possible to expel all the air from the lungs (tidal volume): (2ks) f211 jun12 q5d
1 thorax / rib cage / lungs, cannot be completely, compressed/ flattened;
2 trachea/ bronchi, held open by cartilage;
3 bronchioles/ alveoli, held open by elastic fibres;
4 [absence of pressure gradient/ atmospheric and thoracic pressure equal// presence of surfactant in alveoli// upward movement of diaphragm limited collagen fibres]
Using the mammalian gaseous exchange system as an example, explain how the different cells and tissues enable the effective exchange of gases. (5mks) [f211 june11 1c]
C1 thin / squamous, epithelium;
C2 thin endothelium (of capillary);
F1 (provides) short diffusion distance; [diffusion barrier , thin / one cell thick]
F2 ref to surfactant (from epithelial cells), reducing surface tension/ preventing alveoli collapsing;
C3 blood/ red blood cells/ erythrocytes; [blood supply/ supply of blood]
F3 transports (named) gas(es), to/ from, exchange surface/ alveoli;
C4 diaphragm/ intercostals, muscles;
F4 (maintains/ creates) diffusion/ concentration, gradient;
C5 ciliated epithelium/ goblet cells/ ciliated cells;
F5 idea of: protection from/ removal of, dust/ bacteria/ pollen/ spores; [trap, dust/ bacteria/ pollen/ spores]
C6 cartilage;
F6 hold airway open;
C7 smooth muscle;
F7 constrict/ control diameter of, airway/ blood vessel; [narrows lumen]
C8 elastic, fibres/ tissue;
F8 for recoil/ aiding ventilation; [prevent alveoli bursting]
C9 macrophage/ neutrophil;
F9 engulf/ destroy pathogens or protect from infection;
{{different q: many alveoli to produce large SA; barrier, thin/ only 2 cells thick; good blood supply/ many capillaries; to carry dissolved gases to and from the alveoli; ventilation to refresh the air in alveoli; contains elastic tissue to stretch and recoil to help expel air}}
Describe how the spirometer would be used to measure tidal volume. (3mks) [june11 5ai]
1 idea of not breathing through nose ; [e.g. subject wears nose clip / plug or holds nose]
2 subject breathes , evenly / normally / regularly ;
3 idea of (measure) height / amplitude , of waves
(from trace) ; [(measure) difference between peak
and trough]
4 measure at least three waves and calculate mean ;
5 detail of how spirometer works ; [e.g. as breathe in lid goes down / as breathe out lid goes up; e.g. movement of lid recorded , on trace / by data logger
e.g. pen attached to lid moves up/down as breathe;
DO NOT CREDIT description of water level
changing IGNORE ref to using mouthpiece, soda lime,
Using the axes below, complete the spirometer trace that you expect to see recorded from a healthy sixteen year old over ten further breaths, while at rest.
Describe how you could use a spirometer trace to measure the rate of oxygen uptake. [june11 5aiii]
10 further waves drawn with similar heights ;
trace falls ;
[Look for 10 extra peaks and 10 extra troughs
Note ‘similar’ means no wave drawn for vital capacity
– all waves should be approximately same
Suggest two factors that should be considered when carrying out a risk assessment for an experiment using a spirometer. [june11 5b]
1 measure , volume of oxygen used/ decrease in volume in chamber; [‘measure how much the trace has
gone down’ or ‘measure decrease in trace’]
2 one detail of how to measure volume change; [e.g. draw line along tips of , peaks / troughs
e.g. find difference in height from one ,
peak / trough , to another]
3 measure time taken (to use this oxygen); [(measure volume of oxygen used) in a
given time]
4 divide (volume) by time taken; [unit stated to indicate rate has been
calculated e.g. dm3s-1 / dm3min-1]
NOTE ‘draw line along tips of, peaks / troughs and
calculate gradient of line’ = 3 marks
(mark points 1, 3 & 4)
Function of elastic tissue: [june10 1c]
function in the lungs: recoil/ OR return to original, size/ shape OR to help expel air OR prevents alveoli bursting [IGNORE stretch / expand ACCEPT ref to lungs, alveoli, airways recoiling etc DO NOT CREDIT ref trachea / bronchi recoiling]
Function of ciliated epithelium: [june10 1c]
waft/ wave/ move, mucus [transport / remove, mucus DO NOT CREDIT dirt particles without ref to mucus]
Function of goblet cells: [june10 1c]
secrete / release / produce, mucus
Function of smooth muscle: [june10 1c] [june09 1aiii]
constrict the airway [narrows lumen OR controls, airflow / diameter, of airways];
to constrict the bronchus [june09 1aiii]
Describe how goblet cells and ciliated cells work together to keep the lung surface clear of dust and other particles. [june09 1aii]
(goblet cells) secrete mucus;
(mucus) traps, dust / particles / named particle; [bacteria / microorganisms / pathogens]
ciliated cell/ cilia, wave / waft / move, mucus;
to, top of trachea / back of mouth;
Explain why blood capillaries and alveoli are very close together. [june09 1bi]
short, distance / path;
(so that) diffusion / concentration, gradient is, high/ steep; high rate of, (gas) exchange/ diffusion
[high rate of movement of named gas in correct direction ‘rapid’/ fast/ quick; ref to efficient, gas exchange/ diffusion]
The walls of the alveoli contain elastic fibres.
State the function of these elastic fibres: [june09 bii]
recoil / expel air / prevent bursting; [exhale more completely / force air out ]
Explain why cartilage is essential in the trachea. (3mks) [jan13 6aii]
(provides) strength/ support, to keep, it/ trachea/ airway, open OR (provides) strength / support, to prevent collapse; [in context of bending the neck]
during, inspiration / inhaling / breathing in;
volume of, chest cavity / thorax / lungs, increases;
low(er) / negative, pressure in, trachea / thorax / lungs;
All living organisms exchange substances with their external environment.
•the surface area of the body is approximately 1.8 m2
•the volume of the body is approximately 0.07 m3
•the surface area of the lungs is approximately 70m2
Comment on the significance of this information for gas exchange. (3mks) [jan13 6b]
1 body has small surface area to volume ratio OR lungs, provide / have, large surface area to volume ratio; [ SA/Vol, SA:Vol; person for body]
2 correct calculation of (one) surface area to volume ratio; [25.7 /26 (:1) for body OR 1000(:1) for lungs]
3 idea of: body SA / SA:Vol is not big enough to meet body’s needs OR lung SA / SA:Vol is big enough to meet body’s needs;
4 oxygen into (blood / body) and carbon dioxide out (of blood/ body)
Name the type of epithelium in the walls of the alveoli. [jan12 1aii]
squamous/ pavement
The air sacs contain many elastic fibres. Explain the role of these elastic fibres during ventilation. [f211 jan12 1aiii]
to prevent bursting;
to return air sac to original, size / shape;
to help expel air;
Explain how refreshing the air in the air sacs helps to maintain a steep diffusion gradient. [f211 jan12 1bi]
1 increases, partial pressure / concentration, of oxygen
(in the air sac); [(provides) high concentration of oxygen (in air sac)]
2 so concentration of oxygen (in the air sac) is higher than
that in the blood;
3 decreases, partial pressure / concentration, of carbon dioxide (in air sac);
4 so concentration of CO2 (in the air sac) is lower than that in the blood;
A steep diffusion gradient can be maintained by ventilating the lungs. This refreshes the air in
the air sacs.
Describe and explain one other way in which a steep diffusion gradient is maintained in the lung. [f211 jan12 1bii]
D1 (continuous) blood flow (in the capillaries);
E1 to, bring in (more) carbon dioxide / take away (more)
D2 oxygen combines with haemoglobin;
E2 to keep concentration in, blood / plasma, low;
Name the two types of epithelial tissue found in the lungs and airways. f211 jun15 3ai
columnar / ciliated ;
squamous / pavement ;
Explain how the alveoli create a surface for efficient gaseous exchange. (5mks) f211 jun15 3aii
- wall is one cell thick for short(er) diffusion, distance / pathway ; [‘alveolus / epithelium one cell thick’]
- squamous, cells / epithelium , provide short diffusion distance / pathway ; [pavement / thin / flat for squamous]
- elastic so, recoil / expel, air/gas, / helps ventilation ;
- create / maintain, concentration gradient / described ;
- large number (of alveoli) provide large(r) surface area ;
- small size (of alveoli) provide large(r) surface area to volume ratio ; [SA:Vol]
- (cells secrete) surfactant to maintain surface area ; [surfactant to prevent collapse]
For each type of epithelium, state function + location: squamous
f211 jun12 1cii
F: acts as a surface or short (diffusion) pathway;
L: alveoli or cheek lining or in blood vessels; [glomerulus as blood vessel]
For each type of epithelium, state function + location: ciliated
f211 jun12 1cii
F: move, mucus or secrete mucus; [move fluid / liquid for mucus// ‘move ovum’ and ‘in fallopian tubes’// removal of bacteria / fungal spores / dust if in mucus]
L: bronchioles or bronchi or trachea or airways;
What is happening to the elastic fibres at point A? (lung vol is increasing) f211 jun12 5aii
being stretched/ stretching ; [lengthening]
Outline the mechanism of inspiration. [f211 jan10 6ai]
1 diaphragm / intercostal muscles, contract :
2 diaphragm moves down / ribs move upwards
and outwards ; [movement of diaphragm pushes digestive organs down]
3 volume of thorax increased ;
4 pressure inside thorax falls ; [capacity for volume // lungs / chest (cavity), for thorax]
5 to below atmospheric pressure (so air enters
lungs) ;
A person breathes through the mouthpiece of a spirometer. State what happens to the air chamber in Fig. 6.1 during inspiration. [f211 jan10 6aii]
it falls / goes down [decreases in volume / volume gets smaller]
Explain how the alveoli create a surface for efficient gaseous exchange. (5mks 2015)
wall is one cell thick for short(er) diffusion, distance / pathway ;
2.squamous, cells / epithelium , provide short diffusion distance / pathway ;
3.elastic so, recoil / expel air / helps ventilation ;
4.create / maintain, concentration gradient / described ;
5.large number (of alveoli) provide large(r) surface area ;
6.small size (of alveoli) provide large(r) surface area to volume ratio ;
7.(cells secrete) surfactant to maintain surface area ;
max 4