Respiratory System Flashcards
Cartilaginous plates in the wall. Smooth muscle and submucous glands. Fewer glands and goblet cells.
No cartilage present. Smooth muscle layer (circumferential). Constriction of these muscles in asthma. Some ciliated cells. Delicate squamous epithelium.
Respiratory Bronchioles
Physically see the bronchioles bifurcate into the two respirator. First in the respiratory system, allowing gaseous exchange. Developing alveoli. Smooth muscle and elastic fibers.
Aveolar Ducts
The respiratory bronchiole bifurcates into this. Walls almost all made up of alveoli instead of respiratory epithelium.
Alveolar Sac
The end of the line.
Alveolar Septum
Separates the alveoli. The walls. The blood capillaries run. Endothelial, type I and II alveolar, Interstitial, macrophages. Separates the capillary from the air space.
Alveolar Pores (of Kohn)
Collateral air flow. Allow pressure diffusion and air exchange.
Type I
90% of the surface area. “Fried Egg.” Responsible for gas exchange. Blood air barrier. They are 40% of the number of cells.
Type II
On the edges. Clara cells (in bronchioles as well). They secrete surfactant-like substance and they divide to make the cells mitosis (type I and II differentiation). Lamellar Body is where the surfactant is stored and secreted via exocytosis. 60% of the numbers and only 10% of the surface area.
Conduction System
Trachea and bronchi. No gas exchange occurs here.