Respiratory system-1/2 Flashcards
what are the two functionally distinct portions of the respiratory system?
- conducting
- nasal cavity
- nasopharynx
- larynx
- trachea
- brnchi
- bronchioles
- terminal bronchioles
- respiratory
- respiratory bronchioles
- alveolar ducts
- alveolar sacs
- alveoli

what are the four functions of the conducting portion of the lungs?
- conduit for delivering air to the lungs
- conditions incoming air be cleansing, moistening and warming
- olfaction- superior portion
- small area of conducting portion possesses the sensory receptors and other specializations necessary for
- sound production - lower portion
- vocal folds in the larynx
decribe the following for respiratory epithelium
- tissue type
- begining of conducting
- end of conducting
- areas exposed to rapid airflow or prone to abrasion
- pseudostratified columnar ciliated with goblet cells
- simple cuboidal columnar ->simple cuboidal epithelium
- nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithlium
describe the cell type associated with the respiratory epithelium
- most numerous cells
- second most numerous
- sensory receptors
- regenerative cellsw
- diffuse endocrine cells
- ciliated columnar cells
- has hundreds of cilia on its apical surface that move mucus along the epithlial surface
- goblet (mucos) cells
- produce and secrete mucous.
- product = polysaccharide rich mucous droplets
- brush cells
- sensory receptors covered in microvilli on the apical surface
- basal (stem) cells
- regenerative cells capable of dividing and differentiating in to other cell types
- small granule cells
- diffuse endocrine system located on the BASAL lamina and have numerous granules.
- granules = hormones secreted for regulating the mucous and serous secretions of other cells.
what is the portion of the nasal cavity where air enters first?
the anterior dilated portion of the vestibule.
lined by skin with 1___ 2__ 3___
Nares- composed of stratified squamous keratinized epithelium
- vibrissae
- sweat glands
- sebaceous glands
hyaline cartilage that divides the vestibule into right and left halves.
nasal septum. internal to the vestibule the nasal septum is composed of bone
3 shelf like folds in the bony lateral walls of the nasal cavity
- function
- differentiate in the what covers the inferior and superior portions
nasal conchae (turbinates)
- funciton
- increasing the surface area exposed to the air
- disrupting the air flow
- covering
- inferior
- respiratory epithelium
- superior
- olfactory epithelium
- inferior
what are the four cell types included in olfactory epithelium?
- list function and structure of each
- notes
which is the most numerous?
- olfactory cells
- function
- olfactory sensory reception
- structure
- each olfactory cells is a biopolar neuron
- apical surface
- slightly above the surface of surrounding cells
- notes
- generate nerve impulse in response to the oderiferous molecules
- cells axons project through basal lamina, forming nerve fiber bundles in the lamina propria->CN 1 through the cririform plate
- function
- sustantacular
- function
- to support and electrically insulate the olfactory cells
- structure
- most numerous in olfactory epithelium
- notes
- microvilli on apical surface
- form junctions with eachother and olfactory cells
- function
- basal
- function
- can replace
- olfactory cells
- sustantacular cells
- can replace
- structure
- short pyramid shape
- located in the base of the epithelium
- function
- Olfactory glands(bowmans)
- function
- produce a serous secretion that traps and dissolves odiferous substances
- srous secretion flow purpose
- constant flow from these glands removes old scents
- and permits detection of new scents
- structure
- found in lamina propria
- deep to the olfactory epithlium and ducts open on the epithelial surface
- function

relatively large, blind cavities present in 4 skull bones, which communicates with small openings
what are the skull bones
paranasal sinuses
- frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid and maxilla
what lines the sinuses? describe the location of the lamina propria and the glands with in here.
respiratory epithlium
- thin lamina propria is continuous with the periosteum
- possesses seromucous glands
describe the structure on the apical surface of the resipratory epithlium.
beat in such a way that mucous is moved towards the nasal cavity
inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
results from an upper respiratory tract infection
- cronic sinusitis and chronic bronchitis
- componenets of inherited disorder from ciliary dysfunciton
- kartagener syndrom
- dyskinesis
- componenets of inherited disorder from ciliary dysfunciton
connects the nasal and oral cavities to the larynx and esophagus
located posterior to the nasal cavity and is lined by respiratory epithelium
located posterior to the oral cavity and is lined by stratified squamous epithelium
dissociate between the two lymphoid tisues
- aggregarions of lymphoid nodules in the lamina propria of the posterior wall of the nasopharynx.
- aggregations of lymphatic nodules located in the lateral orpharynx behing the 3rd molar tooth.
- pharyngeal tonsils
- palatine tonsils
- function- 2
- structure-two types of cartilage
- function
- passageway for air between oropharynx and trachea
- organs involved in producing sounds for speech
- structure
- possesses several irregulatly shaped cartilagenous plates some of which are hyaline cartilage** while others are **elastic cartilage
- Plates are joined by ligaments and are moved with respect to one another by intrinsic skeletal muscle of the larynx
spoon shaped plate with an elastic cartilage core
- function
- respiration
- swallowing
- structure
- function
- respiration
- epiglottic is in a vertical position and uncovers the laryngeal opening
- swallowing
- epiglottis moves to a horizontal position covering the laryngeal opening
- respiration
- struture
- covers larynx
- stratified squamous epithelium** covering the **lingual surface** and the **apical portion of the epiglottis.
- changes to the respiratory epthelium at the base of the laryngeal surface
what are the two types of vocal cords?
- funciton
- structure
where are these two structures located in?
- false vocal cords
- function
- create resonance of sound
- structure
- lack musculature
- immovable
- superior part of false vocal cords are covered by respiratory epithlium
- function
vocal folds (true vocal cords)- know both names
- function
- movement of air against the edges of these folds produces sound
- structure
- lower pair of folds
- covered by stratified squamous epithelium
- contain
vocal ligaments
- consists of parallel elastic fibers bundles
vocalis muscle
- skeletal muscles* attached to the ligament that can modify both the *tension* on the true vocal cords and the *amount of space between the folds
vocal ligaments
- function
the larynx contains both the false cords and the vocal folds.
- ventricle
- out pocket of the larynx lumen located between the false and true vocal cords
- the ventricle affects the resonance and volume of the sound
what affects the resonance and volume of the sound, with respect to the vocal cords and larynx?
In the larynx if the ventricle
- out pocket of the larynx lumen located between the false and true vocal cords
- the ventricle affects the resonance and volume of the sound.
Tube that bifurcates into 2 primary bronchi
- define the four layers
- mucosa
- respiratory epithelium above lamina propria (LCT)
- underlying loose elastic -rich connective tissue
- respiratory epithelium above lamina propria (LCT)
- submucosa
- dense layer of irregular connective tissue
- glands
- serous
- mucous
- cartilagenous layer - not in photo
- 10-20 horse shoe shaped hyaline cartilage
- designed to keep the lumen open
- held together by fibroelastic connective tissue
trachealis smooth muscle
- bridging the two ends of each tracheal ring, regulating the lumen size
- 10-20 horse shoe shaped hyaline cartilage
- adventitia- not in photo
- loose connective tissue
- with many adipose cells, binding trachea to the adjacent structures

describe the segmentation of the bronchial tree- start at the trachea
trachea->lobar bronchi(secondary)->segmental bronchi (tertiary)->large subsegmental->small subsegmental->terminal ->pulmonary lobule->acini
what allows for the elasticity of the vocal folds?
what allows for the tension modification of the vocal folds?
- vocal ligaments
- located with in the vocal folds and consists of parallel elastic fiber bundles
- vocalis muscle
- skeletal muscles attached to the ligament that can modify both thetesnion on thetrue vocal cords and the amount of space between the folds.
which portion of the conduction respiratory tract is clinically important for surgical procedures?
segmental bronchi
- facilitates segemental reseactions during surgical procedures
- 10 segmental bronchi with each bronchus going to discrete Broncho pulmonary segments
What does the terminal bronciole supply too?
pulmonary lobule
- each respiratory bronchiole, derived from a terminal bronciole, organizes a pulmonary acinus
what portion of the bronchial tree does NOT pocess cartilage in their walls?
Broncioles- between the segmentalbronchus and terminal bronchi
- begining at 10th-15th level of branching in the broncial tree
- few mm in diameter
- epithelium varies
- larger bronchioles
- thin respiritory (ciliated pseudostratified columnar
- smaller
- simple columnar ciliated -> simple cuboidal ciliated epithelium
- larger bronchioles
what represents the end of the conducting portion of the respiratory epithelium?
terminal bronchioles
- 0.5mm in diameter
- lined in
- simple cuboidal epithelium
- lamina propria
- thin
- fibroelastic CT
- 1-2 layers of smooth muscle
- cells
- clara cells aka club cells
- found interspersed amount the cuboidal cells
- rounded apical suface, with microvili**, **NOT cilia
- function: absorption, secretion, adhesion
- function-4
- secretion of glycosaminoglycans
- synthesis of enzymes for toxins
- secretion of surfactant
- regeneration of bronchiole epithelium of bronchiole epithelium via MITOTIC DIVISION
- clara cells aka club cells
What are the location and function(4) of club/clara cells?
- location
- terminal bronchiole
- function
- secretion of glycosaminoglycans
- synthesis of enzymes believed to degrade certain inhaled toxins
- synthesis of a surfactant that reduces surface tension in the bronchioles
- important because this section lacks cartilage structure to hold shape
- regeneration of bronchioles epithelium via MITOTIC DIVISION

where does asthma affect the respiratory system?
- bronchioles
- sudden chonstriction of the smooth muscle in the bronchioles
- bronchospasm
- bronchial spasms
- cause
- cell degranulation triggered by specific antigens
- sudden chonstriction of the smooth muscle in the bronchioles
- treatment
- epinephrine
- relaxes smooth muscle
- epinephrine
describe all the cell types in the terminal bronciole
- club/clara cells
- Brush cells
- chemosensors
- small granule cells
- stem cells
- provide replacement of other bronchiolar cell types
what humidifies, warms and filters the air during inspiration?
what special structure has a part in the nasopharyngeal mucosa?
nasal cavity and sinuses
- lamina propria includes seromucinous glands and many blood vessels
- important in humidifying and warming air.
- waldeyer ring
- adenoid or nasopharyngeal tonsil form part of this strucuture.
- name components of the larynx
- 3 main
- two mucosa types/ location in larynx
- glands in larynx
- components
- false vocal cords (ventricular folds)
- ventricle
- vocal folds (true vocal cords)
- vocal ligament
- vocalis muscle
- mucosa types
- respiratory types mucosa
- most portion of the larynx
- stratified squamous mucosa
- vocal cords
- better suited for abrasion and vocalisation
- respiratory types mucosa
- seromucinous glands
where are bands of smooth muscle between mucosa and submucosa more prominent?
smalller airways
segmental bronchioles lack ____ ____ and have only occasional plates of _____ _____.
- submucosal glands
- supporting cartilage
bronchioles less than 1mm lack ___ ____.
submucosal glands
distal airways with fewer goblet cells make up with the presence of _ _ _ _ cells.
- produce _____
- act as _____ cells
- _______ noxious agents
- clara/club cells
- produce surfactant
- act as stem cells
- detoxify noxious agents
what is a protective response in presence or accumulation of toxins that occur with heavy cigarette smoke or air pollution?
squamous metaplasia
- needs immediate remedy
- considered pre-cancerous
- cells are change shape and affect function