Respiratory Physiology Flashcards
Volume of air inspired or expired with each NORMAL breath
Tidal Volume
Volume that can be inspired above the tidal volume (used with exercise)
inspiratory reserve volume
volume that can be exhaled after expiration of tidal volume
expiratory reserve volume
volume in the lungs after maximal expiration
residual volume (not measured with spirometry)
Anatomic Dead Space
volume of conducting airways, ~150mL
Physiologic Dead Space
volume of lungs that doesn’t participate in gas exchange
Vd = Vt*[(PaCO2 - PeCO2)/PaCO2]
Vt is tidal volume
PaCO2 is pCO2 of alveolar gas or arterial blood
PeCO2 is pCO2 of expired air
Minute ventilation
tidal volume * breaths/min
Alveolar ventilation
(tidal vol - dead space) - breaths/min
volume remaining in lungs after tidal volume expiration
functional residual capacity (not measured by spirometry)
Volume of air that can be forcibly expired after a maximal inspiration
forced vital capacity
volume of air that can be expired in the 1st second of forced max expiration
FEV1, normal 80% of FVC
FEV1/FVC in obstructive lung disease
FEV1 is reduced more than FVC so it is DECREASED
ex. asthma
FEV1/FVC in restrictive lung disease
FEV1 and FVC are reduced so it is NORMAL or INCREASED
ex. fibrosis
external intercostals and accessory muscles
used during exercise and respiratory distress for inspiration
Abdominal muscle and internal intercostals
expiratory muscles in exercise or airway resistance like asthma
the distensibility of the lungs and chest wall, is inversely related to elastance
compliance of respiratory system
alveolar pressure - intrapleural pressure
transmural pressure of lung
inflation of a lung follows a different curve than deflation
At FRC, collapsing force of chest wall and expanding force of lung pressures are:
equal and opposite, thus the lung-chest wall system neither wants to collapse or expand
air is introduced into the intrapleural space, intrapleural pressure becomes equal with atmospheric pressure and lung collapses while chest wall expands
disease with increased lung compliance and lungs expand
emphysema, higher FRC
disease where lung compliance is decreased and tendency for lungs to collapse is increased
fibrosis, lower FRC
small alveoli
high colapsing pressures, need higher amounts of surfactant
LaPlace Law on Alveoli
P = (2T)/r
P is collapsing pressure (pressure to alveoli open)
T is surface tension
r is radius
dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine
main component of surfactant used to reduce surface tension, increases compliance, esp in small alveoli
starts being produced at week 24
Major site of airway resistance
medium-sized bronchi (not small airways because of parallel arrangement)
At rest before inspiration begins
- alveolar pressure
- intrapleural pressure
- Lung Volume
Alveolar pressure - atm pressure, said to be zero
intrapleural pressure is negative
lung volume is FRC
During Inspiration
- alveolar pressure
- intrapleural pressure
- Lung Volume
As lung lung increases, alveolar pressure will decrease to less than atm pressure (negative) allowing air to enter
intrapleural pressure becomes more negative
lung volume FRC + TV
During expiration
- alveolar pressure
- intrapleural pressure
- Lung Volume
alveolar pressure greater than atm pressure (more positive) so air flows out of lungs
intrapleural pressure is returns to normal (negative) unless it is forced expiration then it is (+) to squeeze out air
lung volume returns to FRC
pursed lips
COPD, to prevent airway collapse
decreased FEV1/FVC
COPD and asthma, also have increased FRC
pink puffers
emphysema, have mild hypoxemia and normocapnia
air trapping so barrel chested
blue bloaters
primarily bronchitis, severe hypoxemia with cyanosis, can’t maintain alveolar ventilation so hypercapnia
decrease lung compliance in which inspiration is impaired
fibrosis, a restrictive lung disease
FEV1/FVC is normal or increased
dry inspired air partial pressure of O2
humidified inspired air partial pressure of O2
this is because partial pressure of H2O is 47mmHg
so 760-47 = 713mmHg
713mmHg*0.21 = 150mmHg
Ferrous state
Fe2+ binds oxygen
Ferric State
Methemoglobin, Fe3+, doesn’t bind O2
O2 affinity to fetal Hb
higher than adult. left shift
allows fetus to take mother’s oxygen
pO2 of 100mmHg (arterial blood)
Hb is 100% saturated, O2 is bound to all 4 heme groups
pO2 40mmHg (mixed venous blood)
Hb is 75% saturated, O2 is bound to 3 of 4 heme groups
pO2 25mmHg
Hb is 50% saturated, O2 is bound to 2 of 4 heme groups
Positive cooperativity
change of affinity of Hb as each successive O2 binds to heme site, affinity for 4th O2 molecule is highest
Right shift of Hb-O2 curve
affinity for oxygen is decrease, P50 is increased
increase in pCO2 or decreases in pH (during exercise)
increase in temperature (durin exercise)
increase in 2,3-DPG
living at a high altitude
increase in 2,3-DPG as adaptation to chronic hypoxemia
Right shift of Hb-O2 curve
Left shift of Hb-O2 curve
affinity for oxygen is increase, P50 is decreased
decreased pCO2, increased pH, decreased temperature, decreased 2,3-DPG (esp HbF)
CO poisoning
A-a gradient
difference between alveolar (A) and arterial (a) pO2
normal is <10mmHg
Causes of increased A-a gradient (>10mmHg)
diffusion defect like fibrosis, V/Q defect, right-to-left shint
decreased O2 delivery to the tissues
major form of CO2 in the blood
Pulmonary blood flow when patient is supine
nearly uniform throughout lung
Pulmonary blood flow if standing
lowest at apex and highest at base
Zone 1 of lung (apex)
Alveolar pressure > arterial pressure > venous pressure
high alveolar pressure may compress capillaries and decrease blood flow
Zone 2 of lung (middle)
arterial pressure > alveolar pressure> venous pressure
blood flow is driven by difference between arterial pressure and alveolar pressure
Zone 3 of lung (base)
arterial pressure> venous pressure > alveolar pressure
blood flow is driven by difference between arterial pressure and venous pressure
hypoxia in lungs
vasoconstriction to get blood to more oxygenated areas of the lung
fetal respiratory resistance
high from generalized hypoxemia until first breath
Right-to-left shunt
tetralogy of Fallot
decrease in arterial pO2
admixture of venous blood with arterial blood
Left-to-right shunt
patent ductus arteriosis
pO2 will be elevated on right side of heart because mixture of arterial blood with venous blood
V/Q ratio
ventilation/perfusion, ~0.8
arterial pO2 is 100mmHg
arterial pCO2 is 40mmHg
V/Q at apex of lung
higher V/Q, pO2 is highest and pCO2 is lowest because more gas exchange
blood flow loest, ventilation lower
V/Q at base of lung
lower V/Q, pO2 is lowest and pCO2 is highest because there is less gas exchange
bloof flow highest, higher ventilation
Airway blocked, blood flow is normal
V/Q is zero
increased A-a gradient
Dead Space
Blood flow is blocked, ventilation is normal
V/Q is infinite
Ex. pulmonary embolism
Input to dorsal respiratory group
vagus - from peropheral chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors in lung
glossopharyngeal - from peripheral chemoreceptors
Output from dorsal respiratory group
via phrenic nerve t othe diaphragm
primarily responsible for inspiration and generates the basic rhythm for breathing
Dorsal respiratory group
Primarily responsible for expiration
ventral respiratory group, not active in normal or quiet breathing
stimulates inspiration, produces a deep and prolonged inspiratory gasp
Apneustic center in LOWER pons
inhibits inspiration, regulates inspiratory colume and respiratory rate
pneumotaxic center in UPPER pons
breathing under voluntary control
cerebral cortex
Central chemoreceptors in the medulla
sensitive to pH
decrease in pH of the CSF produces hyperventilation
CO2 crosses BBB, combines with H2O and makes H+ and HCO3 in CSF
Peripheral chemoreceptors in carotid and aortic bodies
pO2 <60mmHg will cause an increase in breathing rate
pCO2 can increase breathing and increases in arterial H+
Hering-Breuer Reflex
Lung stretch receptors in smooth muscle of airways, stimulated by distention of lungs to decrease breathing frequency
J receptors
juxtacapillary receptors, located in alveolar walls close to capillaries
engorgement of pulmonary capillaries, like in left heart failure, stimulates the J receptors, cause rapid, shallow breathing
joint and muscle receptors
activated during movement of the limbs
involved in the early stimulation of breathing during exercise
Exercise and ventilatory rate
during exercise, there is an increase in ventilatory rate that matches the increase in O2 consumption and CO2 production by the body.
changes in pO2 and pCO2 during exercise
mean values for pO2 and pCO2 do not change during exercise
Adaptation to high altitudes
alveolar pO2 is decreased
hypoxemia stimulates the peripheral chemoreceptors (hyperventilation, respiratory alkalosis)
increase erythropoietin, increase 2,3-DPG, pulmonary vasoconstriction
Snack that smiles back