respiratory physiology Flashcards
respiratory muscles
Diaphragm major inspiratory, dome-shaped skeletal muscle.
Other respiratory skeletal muscles active during more strenuous breathing.
quiet breathing
inspiration- active
Diaphragm contracts downwards pushing abdominal contents outwards.
External intercostals pull ribs outwards and upwards.
expiration- passive
elastic recoil
strenuous breathing, inspiration- active
inspiration- active
Greater contraction of diaphragm (1cm quiet breathing up to 10cm during strenuous breathing) and external intercostals.
Inspiratory accessory muscles active, e.g., sternocleidomastoid, alae nasi, genioglossus.
strenuous breathing, expiration-active
Abdominal muscles (rectus abdominus, internal oblique, external oblique and transversus abdominus).
Internal intercostal muscles oppose external intercostals by pushing ribs down and inwards.
nasal cavities, paranasal sinuses
- filter, warm, humidfy air, detect smells
conducts air to larynx, a chamber with the digestive tract
protects opening to trachea and contains vocal chords
trachea and bronchi
- filters air, traps particles in mucus, cartilages keep airway open
responsible for air movement through volume changes during movement of ribs and diaphragm, include airways and alveoli
acts as sites of gas exchnage between air and blood
filtering air
Upper airways to bronchioles
lined by pseudo-stratified, ciliated, columnar epithelium.
Inhaled particles stick to mucus. Mucus moved towards mouth by beating cilia.
cough reflex
Cough is protective reflex - rids airway of offending material.
Rapidly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors (RARs) are found in epithelium of respiratory tract.
RARs activated by dust, smoke, ammonia, oedema etc.
RARs afferents of vagus nerve.
cough reflex
- Stimulation of RARs by irritant.
– Afferent information sent via vagus nerve to brain.
– Brain sends information to diaphragm & external intercostals to induce strong contraction.
– air rushes into lungs.
– abdominal muscles
contract to induce expiration.
– glottis opens to
forcefully release air and
respiratory tree
Airways branch into smaller and more numerous bronchioles until terminating in a group of alveoli.
Each division results in an increase in number, a decrease in diameter and an increase in surface area.
respiratory tree- conducting airways
Do not participate in gas exchange.
Form anatomic dead space.
Bronchi containing cartilage and nonrespiratory bronchioles.
Conducting airways 150mls in volume (30% of average breath).