Respiratory Phys - Hb Flashcards
Hemoglobin is composed of:
4 polypeptide subunits (2 alpha and 2 beta)
2 forms of Hb
T (taut) and R (relaxed)
T (taut) form of Hb has…
low affinity for O2
Taut in Tissues
R (relaxed) form of Hb has…
high affinity for O2 (300x)
Relaxed in Respiratory tract
Factors that favor Taut form of Hb:
Increased Cl-, H+, CO2, 2,3-BPG, and temperature.
Shifts dissociation curve RIGHT.
Leads to increased O2 unloading.
Fetal Hb is composed of:
2 alpha and 2 gamma subunits.
Fetal Hb affinity for 2,3-BPG:
lower affinity for 2,3-BPG than adult Hb
Fetal Hb affinity for O2:
higher affinity for O2 than adult O2
Hemoglobin modifications
Lead to tissue hypoxia from decreased O2 saturation and decreased O2 content
Iron form in Methemoglobin
Oxidized form of Hb (ferric, Fe3+) that does not bind O2 as readily, but has increased affinity for cyanide.
Iron in normal Hb is in what state
Fe2+ (ferrous, reduced)
Just the 2 of us: ferroUS is fe2+
Methemoglobin may present with:
Cyanosis and chocolate-colored blood
How do you treat cyanide poisoning?
- Nitrites to oxidize Hb to methemoglobin, which binds CN.
2. Use thiosulfate to bind this CN, forming thiocyanate, which is renally excreted.
Nitrites cause poisoning by
oxidizing Fe2+ to Fe3+
Antidote to Methemoglobinemia
Methylene blue
Also can use Vitamin C