Respiratory Lab OSCE Flashcards
What are some characteristics to assess for upon inspection of the anterior chest?
Anterior Chest
Respiratory distress (wheezing, stridor, labored breathing)
Work of breathing: accessory muscle use, intercostal indrawing, abdominal breathing, flail chest, rate/depth
Swelling, erythema, atrophy, deformities, scars/lesions
Central or peripheral cyanosis
Trachea midline
Thorax: pectus excavatum, pectus carinatum,increased AP diameter (barrel chest)
Symmetrical chest expansion
What are some characteristics to assess for upon inspection of the posterior chest?
Deformities: kyphosis, scoliosis
Work of breathing: accessory muscle use, intercostal indrawing, abdominal breathing
Swelling, erythema, atrophy, deformities,scars/lesions
Symmetrical chest expansion
What is the difference between hyperpnea and hyperventilation?
oHyperpnea: deep breathing
oHyperventilation: rapid breathing
What is Cheyne-Stokes breathing?
Cheyne-Stokes: cyclic crescendo-decrescendo respiratory effort (rate and volume) followed byperiods of apnea
What is Kussmaul breathing?
Kussmaul: deep breathing with metabolic acidosis; rate may be fast, slow or normal
What is ataxic breathing?
Ataxic breathing: irregular and unpredictable breathing which may be shallow or deep andmay stop for periods of time
Identify signs of respiratory distress.
Signs of respiratory distress Accessory muscle use Tripod position Pursed-lip breathing Intercostal in-drawing Tracheal tug Stridor Displacement of trachea from midline Cyanosis: Chest expansion Skin color ocentral cyanosis: lips, frenulum, buccal mucosa operipheral cyanosis: fingers, toes, ears, nose Clubbing Chest deformities pectus excavatum: marked depression in the lowerportion of the sternum that can impair cardiac andrespiratory function pectus carinatum: protrusion of the sternum and ribs Barrel chest: increase AP diameter of the chest resultingin round shaped thorax Abnormal spinal curvatures
What is flail chest?
Flail chest: multiple sequential rib fractures form an independently mobile segment of chest wall
What is paradoxical movement?
Paradoxical movement: chest moves inward during inspiration and outward on expiration as in flail chest
what should be assessed for upon palpation?
Anterior/posterior chest wall Tenderness Masses Tactile fremitus Assess for chest expansion i.Unilaterally reduced posterior chest expansion: lung collapse or pneumonia
What does decreased fremitus suggest?
Decreased fremitus: pleural effusion, thickenedchest wall, pneumothorax, emphysema
What does increased fremitus suggest?
Increased fremitus: consolidation of lung tissue,pneumonia, tumor, fibrosis
What does crepitus suggest?
Crepitus: crackling sensation over skin surface –subcutaneous emphysema
Upon percussion, where is a flat sound normal? A dull sound? A resonant sound? A hyper-resonant sound? A tympanic sound?
Percussion Findings:
Flatness (bone)
Dullness (diaphragm, masses, fluid)
Cardiac dullness is normal on left 3rd to 5th intercostal spaces
Resonance (lung)
Hyper-resonance (hyperinflated lungs)
Tympany (abdomen)
What is diaphragmatic excursion?
Diaphragmatic excursion: determine level of diaphragmwith inspiration and expiration on the posterior thorax, normal 3-5.5 cm