Respiratory Diseases Flashcards
Bronco - Pneumonia
BRDC - Shipping Fever etc
BRDC (morbidity/mortality)
What are the viral components?
Bovine Respitory Disease Complex
More thant 50% morbidity
1-5% mortality
Viral (IBR, PI3, BVD, BRSV) +/- coronavirus
Viral aspect of BRDC - what does this do to the body? 3 things.
Virus distress much the muco-ciliary apparatus
Inhibits aveolar macrophages from phagocytizing
Create epithelial damage - edema, nice place for bacteria to grow
Bacterial aspect of BRDC - what does this do to the body? 1 thing.
Manheimia hemolytica & Pasteurella multocida
- Leukotoxins alters alveolar macrophages & neutrophils
Pathogenesis of BRDC - neutrophil affects?
Neutrophils may cause a lot of the problem wing
Clinical signs BRDC acute/chronic?
Acute - depressed, serous to purulent nasal discharge, fever, tachypnea, don’t want to eat
Chronic - all these + mouth breathing, weakness, but normal body temperature
For diagnosis of BRDC what would you do? (3)
Nasal swab & viral/bacterial culture
BAL - broncho-alveolar lavage
(will see more P. multocida & histopholis somni)
Serology (not good for an outbreak)
Which bacteria, are normal in the upper airways? (4 types)
Normally Manheimia, pasteurella, streptococcus & streptomycies are found in the upper airways
Which bacteria, are normal in the lower airways? (3 types)
Manheimia, pasterurella & mycoplasma
After treating for respiratory disease, what bacteria tends to cause relapses especially in BVD cases?
Mycoplasma increases & cause 75% of relapses (also found in the joints)
How many animals would you need to swab to get a good reprentation of a 200 head herd?
Herd of 100-200 animals - nasal swab of 5-10 animals
Treatment for BRDC - considerations?
Antibiotics - need the correct one for the pathogen, appropriate concentration in the lumen) - long acting - use the same antibiotic twice Amount of drug Frequency of admin Duration of treatment Withdrawal time Criteria to pull out of treatment Cost Individual vs. herd medicine
Common antibiotics used for treating BRDC
TMS, Ceftiofur, long acting oxytetracycline, tilamycacin, florofenicol
Characteristics of a good antibiotic additionally?
Bacterial control
Anti-inflammatory (marcrolides)
Purpose of using corticocosteroids w.r.t. BRDC?
Adjunt to antibiotics
Decrease pulmonary inflammation
Anti-inflammatory doses don’t affect neutrophil activity.
Purpose of using NSAIDS w.r.t. BRDC?
decrease pyrexia & decrease relapse rate
How do these treatments affect weight gain etc? (NSAIDs, Oxytetracycline, corticosteroids)
Manheimia decreases DMI & weight gain in acute infection, treating with oxytetracycline didn’t affect these
corticosteroids - eat more
infection - no significant long term effect on weight gain
Interstitial pneumonia - name 5 kinds
Acute Bovine Pulmonary Edema/Emphezema (ABPE)
Atypical interstitial pneumonia
Vermenous pneumonia
BRSV (Bovine Respiratory Synctitial Virus)
Enzootic pneumonia
Acute Bovine Pulmonary Edema/Emphezema (ABPE)
Usually in beef cattle (fat herford beef cows)
Bad summer pasture, to lush fall pasture
High morbidity & mortality
Acute Bovine Pulmonary Edema/Emphezema (ABPE) - Pathogenesis
Cows eat tryptophan
Transformed to 3-metholindol
Goes into the blood to lungs, mixed function oxidizes metabolize it
Some go out as urine metabolites
Some cause pneumotoxicity - epithelial/endothelial cell damage
Causes edema/cell hyperplasia & interstitial emphysema.
Acute Bovine Pulmonary Edema/Emphezema (ABPE) - Clinical signs
Laboured breathing, foam, mouth breathing, expiratory grunt, dyspnea,
Percussion - hyporesinance over the whole field
Acute Bovine Pulmonary Edema/Emphezema (ABPE) - Acute vs Chronic
Acute: No bronchiole sounds over the whole lung field
Chronic - muffled sounds & crackles
Acute Bovine Pulmonary Edema/Emphezema (ABPE) - Diagnosis
Based on history (bad to good field)
Physical signs
Repsond to treatment - remove from pasture, minimize stress, give diuretics & corticosteroids)
Acute Bovine Pulmonary Edema/Emphezema (ABPE) - Prevent
Monensen, lasolacid before clinical signs.