Respiratory Cycle plus DSA by Rogers Flashcards
What is intrapleural pressure?
Ppl The pressure everywhere in the thorax besides the lumens of blood vessels, lymph or airways.
-5 cm H2O at rest & -8 cm H2O during inspiration.
What is alveolar pressure?
The pressure inside the alveoli. At rest, pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure outside the chest cavity (0 cm H2O). At the end of inspiration, Pa is -1 cm H2O due to the increase in alveolar size
What is tidal volume?
Amount of air inspired or expired in a single breath. At rest normal is Vt = 500 ml. Exercise can increase this volume
What is alveolar ventilation?
Valv = Vt -Vds. Tidal volume minus dead space volume. (350 ml) V(dot)alv = Valv x frequency. Alveolar ventilation is now alveolar ventilation multiplied by frequency.
What is transpulmonary pressure?
Ptp = Palv - Ppl
5 cm H2O at rest. The pressure difference between alveolar pressure and intrapleural pressure.
Boyle’s Law
P1V1 = P2V2
Increase in lung volume, pressure decreases - air enters
decrease in lung volume, pressure increases - air exits
Anatomic dead space
Person’s weight = ml of Vds
Space in respiratory system other than alveoli where there is is air but no blood for gas exchange.
Alveolar dead space
Alveoli receive air but no blood. Normal is ~0
Physiological dead space
Basically alveolar dead space.
Phys. DS = Vt x (PaCO2 - PeCO2)/PaCO2
Calculating compliance
(change in volume)/(change in pressure). It is highest during normal breathing range, Vt.
Calculating compliance
(change in volume)/(change in pressure). It is highest during normal breathing range, Vt. Opposite of elasticity.
Impacts in compliance
Fibrosis and obesity lowers compliance - Shallower Vt and higher frequency.
Age increases compliance as elasticity decreases from loss of elastin and increased collagen.
Emphysema increases compliance as it destroys alveolar septal tissues that opposed lung expansion.
Residual volume
Volume of air that is left after exhalation. Cannot be forced out during exhalation. (1200ml)
Inspiratory Reserve volume (IRV)
Additional volume that can be inhaled greater than tidal volume (3000 mL)
Expiratory Reserve volume (ERV)
Additional volume that can be exhaled greater than tidal volume. DOES NOT INCLUDE RESIDUAL VOL (1100-1200mL)
Total lung capacity (TLC)
Maximal volume to which lungs can be expanded with greatest effort. (5800-6000ml)
TLC = IC + FRC =VC +RV = ERV +RV + IRV +Vt
Functional residual capacity (FRC)
Helps to prevent lung collapse following normal expiration. Reduces workload and dilutes toxic inhaled gases (2300-2400)
Vital Capacity
VC = IRV + Vt + ERV. Air that can be maximally inspired following a maximal expiration (4600-4700 ml)
Inspiratory capacity
IC = Vt + IRV Capacity of air that can be maximally inspired following a normal exhale (3500 ml)
Lung vol influencers
Body size, age, posture, sex, ethnicity, obesity, pulmonary diseases
Helium dilution
Inhalation of known [He], which is insoluble in blood, from a known volume. The change in concentration
Body Plethysmography
Change in pressure in closed box as one breathes against shutter. Proportionally box changes in opposite direction of change in lung pressure. Determines FRC
Nitrogen washout tech.
Determines FRC. Evaluates respiration of 100% O2 through one-way valve and collection of all expired gas. Tot vol of all gas expire determined and multiplied by % of N2 in mixed expired air (80%)