Respiratory airways Flashcards
What are the three main functions of the respiratory tract?
- Regulate the temp of inspired air.
- humidify inspired air.
- act as a filter and defence function.
What is the first line of defence in the respiratory airways?
hair and skin folds in the nose.
What 3 things do the turbinates create in the superior meatus?
- olfactory epithelium
- cribriform plate.
- sphenoid sinus.
Where are the frontal sinuses located?
within the frontal bone on the midline septum and over the orbit of the eye and across the superciliary arch.
Which nerve supplies the frontal sinus?
a branch of the 5th cranial nerve.
What shape are the maxillary sinus? and where do these sides correspond to?
They are pyramidal in shape.
The apex is the zygomatic process of the maxilla.
The floor is the alveolar process.
The roof is the orbit.
where do the maxillary sinuses drain into?
the hiatus semilunaris.
Where are the ethmoid sinuses located?
they are located between the eyes and they are labyrinth in shape [like an aero].
where does the sphenoid sinus drain into?
into the sphenoethmidal recess, lateral to the attachment of the nasal septum.
where is the sphenoid sinus located?
medial to the cavernous sinus and inferior to the optic canal, dura and pituitary gland.
what epithelia line the pharynx?
squamous and columnar ciliated epithelia.
what are the Eustachian tubes?
they are small tubes that supply air to the middle ear and are used for pressure equalisation.
where are the pharyngeal tonsils situated?
they are situated on the posterior wall of the nasopharynx.
where is the oropharynx situated?
anterior to the soft palate.
What are the two folds in the oropharynx?
palatogossal folds.
palatopharyngeal folds.
Where is the hyoid bone positioned with respect to the oropharynx?
the oropharynx is located inferior to the hyoid bone.
how many cartilages are there in the pharynx?
9, these are often doubled up with muscles.
what is the role of the larynx?
valvular function.
how are the vocal chords changed?
the arytenoid cartilage rotates on the cricoid cartilage to change the vocal chords.