Respiratory Abbreviations Flashcards
Define C
measure of the lung’s ability to stretch and expand
Define D
Diffusion Capacity:
How well a gas in the inspired air can cross into the blood
Define F
Fractional concentration of gas:
Fraction of that gas within a given volume
Define P
Define Q
Volume (blood)
Define S
Saturation (blood)
Define t
Define T
Define V
Volume (gas)
Define PA
Alveolar Pressure:
pressure of air inside the lung alveoli
Define Pa
Arterial Pressure:
Blood pressure on arteries during heart contraction
Define FiO2
Fraction of inspired O2:
is the fraction of oxygen in the volume being measured
Define Ppl
Pleural Pressure:
Pressure within the pleural cavity
Often slightly less than atmospheric pressure and so is described as a negative pressure
Define PO2
Partial pressure of O2
Define VA
Alveolar gas volume: 350ml
Volume of gas in the alveoli of the lungs
Define Q.
Blood flow (perfusion)
Define V.
Air flow