Respiratory Flashcards
Alveolar gas equation
PAO2 = FiO2 x (Pb - PH20) - (PaCO2/RQ)
Pb = barometric pressure (760mmHg unless given other) PH20 = humidity inspired gas (47mmHg) RQ = 0.8
3 → of anatomic shunt
Thebesian veins (drain left heart) Bronchiolar veins (drains bronchial circulation) Pleural veins (drains bronchial circulation)
R—>L shunt d/t intracardiac lesion
AV malformations that develop from liver disease
V02 (oxygen consumption)
V02 = CO x (Ca02 - Cv02)
V02 is the difference between the amount of 02 that leaves the lungs and the amount of 02 that returns to the R heart. Based on Fick principle
- for 70kg adult, 250mL/min
- 3.5mL/kg/min
We can say whole body V02 is about 25%
Treatment for methemoglobinemia
IV methylene blue 1-2mg/kg
Only muscle that tenses (elongates) vocal cords
What does the internal branch of the SLN innervate?
Posterior epiglottis, laryngeal mucosa to the level of the cords
SLN block
3mL bilaterally at the inferior aspect of the greater cornu of hyoid bone
Is right or left RLN more prone to injury? Why? Structures?
L RLN loops under aorta, so more susceptible (MS, PDA ligation, aortic arch aneurysm, thoracic tumor)
R RLN loops under right subclavian artery (thyroid/parathyroid surgery, LMA or ETT, neck tumor, neck extension)
Location of adult and pediatric larynx
adult: C3-C6
Peds: C2-C4
2 → of angioedema, and their treatments?
1) ACEIs: epi, antihistamines, steroids (just like anaphylaxis)
2) Hereditary angioedema, or C1 esterase deficiency: (C1 esterase concentrate or FFP)
Congenital syndromes associated with large tongue
- beckwith syndrome
- trisomy 21/downs
Congenital syndromes associated with small/underdeveloped mandible
- Pierre robin
- Goldenhar
- Treacher Collins
- Cri du Chat
(“Please get that chin”)
Congenital syndromes associated w cervical spine abnormality
- Klippel-Feil
- Trisomy 21
- Goldenhar
Choanal atresia
Blockage of nasal airway by tissue
Micrognathia or mandibular hypoplasia
Small, underdeveloped mandible
3 Key processes of aerobic metabolism
- ) Glycolysis: 1 glucose → 2 pyruvic acid (2 ATP)
- ) Kreb’s Cycle: happens in mitochondria. Makes H+ ions (in form of NADH) to use for electron transport (2 ATP)
- ) Electron transport/oxidative phosphorylation: Yields 34 ATP, C02, and H20.
Criteria for pulmonary artery hypertension
- Mean PAP at least 25mmHg
- PAOP no more than 15mmHg
Where does the tip of an LMA sit?
Cricopharyngeus muscle (UES)
Solubility coefficients of 02 and C02
02: 0.003mL/dL/mmHg
C02: 0.067mL/dL/mmHg
So…. C02 is 20X more soluble than 02.
Sp02% and corresponding Pa02 values
Sp02 90% = Pa02 60mmHg
Sp02 80% = Pa02 50mmHg
Sp02 70% = Pa02 40mmHg
Bohr effect
C02 and H+ ions → conformational change in Hgb molecule; which facilitates release of 02. (→ R shift on dissociation curve)
Basically, it means that C02 and H+ (acidity) → Hgb to release more 02. Makes sense if you think about it.
Difference between static and dynamic compliance
STATIC: plateau pressure, function of lung/chest wall compliance only.
DYNAMIC: peak pressure, function of airway resistance + lung/chest wall compliance and their interaction. Dynamic compliance is what changes with resistance changes.
02 content
Ca02 = (1.34 x Hgb x Sa02) + (Pa02 x 0.003)
Normal is 20mL 02/dL blood
Laryngospasm reflex arc
AFFERENT: SLN, internal branch
EFFERENT: SLN, external branch, + RLN
Estimation of shunt %
Shunt ↑ 1% for every 20mmHg ↑ in A-a gradient.
Things that increase PVR
Hypoxia, low Fi02, Hypercarbia, Acidosis PEEP, High airway pressure Polycythemia Hypothermia SNS stim/Vasoconstrictors Surgical stress
N20, ketamine, desflurane
General rule about changes in PA02/Pa02 gradient versus changes in PAC02/PaC02 gradient
This is a generalization BUT….
- ↑ Vd affects PaC02 (can’t get blown off)
- ↑ shunt affects Pa02 (02 can’t get dropped off)
Short term benefits of smoking cessation
SNS stim ↓ after 20-30 min
P50 returns to normal in about 12 hours (Ca02 improves)
Intermediate term benefits smoking cessation
About 6 weeks
- Mucociliary clearance improves
- Sputum production ↓
- Pulmonary immune function improves
- Airway function improves
- Hepatic enzyme induction begins to subside
LMA sizes
1 = <5kg | 4mL air 1.5= 5-10kg | 7mL air 2= 10-20kg | 10mL air 2.5= 20-30kg | 14mL air 3=30-50kg | 20mL 4=50-70kg | 30mL 5=70-100kg | 40mL
When bronchial blockers are useful
Patients who need OLV who….
- <12 year old
- trached
- Have a single lumen ETT already
- Need to stay tubed after surgery and you’re too lazy to use a cook catheter to change it out at the end of the case
Small lumen permits air suctioning, but thicker stuff can clog it