Respiratory #5-7 Flashcards
What is efficiency of ventilation dependent on?
Depends on the ratio of tidal volume to dead space
Usual ratio ~ 3:1 (Vt/Vd)
At low ratios, big changes in Ve and needed to change Va because a big portion goes to the alveolar dead space
How does posture affect lung volumes?
What are the % of TLC for FRC and RV?
FRC ~ 55% of standing TLC
RV ~ 20% of standing TLC
FRC goes down a bit
4 pattes:
a little higher standing FRC (maximal value)
Supine (lying):
The abdomen pushed up and compresses the lungs
FRC ~ 32% of standing TLC → when diaphragm is relaxed at the end of quiet breath, organs in abdomen move upwards
RV goes dow 2% compared to standing (because of increase in blood volume and abdominal cavity, but minimal
TLC ~ 90% of standing TLC → net volume of the heart changes so less space for lungs (shift in blood volume from periphery to heart)
*Can still recruit you muscles maximally
How do lung volumes change from seated to suping in obese and non-obese subjects?
*Disadvantegous for work of breathing, also as all ariways availablity of all airways to be open to receive air (shunts)
In obese subjects:
TLC goes down a lot more from seated to supine, is also ~90% of capacity (normal ~ 100%)
ERV (between FRC and RV) doesn’t changes (normally goes to for non-obese subjects) → because obese subjects are already breathing close to RV ~ 45% of TLC instead of ~60% when standing
RV doesn’t change but is greater ~ 30% (non-obese ~ 22%)
How does the transpulmonary pressures and volumes differ from apex to base of the lungs at different lung volumes?
- The absolute gradient of pressure it the same from apex to bas of lungs at all stages and volume*
(volumes in % of TLC)
(pressure top lower → bottom higher)
At TLC → not much difference between apex and base, both at ~ 100% of lung volume (-40 → -33 cm H2O)
At FRC → Apex ~ 70%, Base ~ 25% (biggest gradient in volume because steep part of the curve) (-7.5 → -0.5 cm H2O)
At RV → Apex ~ 40%, Base ~ 20% (plateau) (-2.2 → + 4.8 cm H2O)
How does regional lung expansion differ?
At TLC → homogenous inflation of alveoli
At FRC → top more inflated than bottom
At RV → In upper half, same as FRC (top more inflated than bottoms), in lower half → homogeneously inflated ~ 20% of TLC because significant number airways are closed which fixes volumes of that regions
Explain the results of the single breath nitrogen washout.
- Single breath of pure O2 from RV → TLC (~5L)
- Measure concentration of N2 during slow expiration
*Last gas in = 1st gas out
Start of expiration → concentration of N2 increases rapidly as air from the dead space comes out first (low N2) than air from respiratory zones starts to come out
Form 4L to 1L → constant concentration of N2 with little waves (heart beating causes changes in gas exchange?)
From 1L to RV → Gradual closing of the airways in lower zones first → more contributions of nitrogen from upper zones (upper zones have more N concentration because they didn’t get 100% new O2 as they started a bit more inflated)
What happens to subjects with chronic obstructive lung disease when they take the single breath nitrogen washout test?
- Increased slope in phase that is constant for normaly subjects (phase III) → heterogeneity of lung subunit emptying (and filling)
- Also plateau phase starts at higher N2 point as lungs are not as well oxygenated (higher RV)
*With bronchodilator → slight decrease in phase 3 slope, but not to normal
What is Starling’s equation for fluid flux?
Fluid flux = filtration coeff X * (vascular pressure - oncotic pressure)
*Flux between alveolar compartement and pulmonary capillaries for diffusion
What are the mechanical determinants of pulmonary vascular resistance (equation for PVR)?
PVR = (Pa - Pv)/Q
- Varies depending on pressure in vessels
- On lung volume
Passive way to reduce PVR → Recruitement and Distention
Important to maintain low PVR to prevent pulmonary EDEMA
- What is the effect of lung volume on pulmonary vascular resistance?
- What is the effect of vascular pressure on PVR?
PVR = (Pa - Pv)/Q
1. At RV → extra-alveolar vessels reponsible for high PVR (corner vessels are squeezed)
At FRC → lowest PVR
At TLC → alveolar vessels responsible for high PVR (alveoli being stretched → increased resistance in capillary bed)
- PVR depends on pressure within vessels
- Increase in arterial pressure → very significant decline in PVR
- Increase in venous pressure (blood returning to the heart for greater preload) → much smaller decrease in PVR than Pa
Passive influences on PVR → recruitement and distention of vessels
What are the differences in capillary density and inflation between upper and lower zones of the lungs?
Upper zones → more inflated, less capillaries
Lower zones → more deflated at every expiration, more capillaries
What determines the flow through the alveolar capillary?
How does perfusion change in different lung zones?
Gradient of pressure through Arterial and venous capillaries has to be greater than alveolar pressure
At apex of the lungs → collapse of capillaries (Palv»_space; Part → not blood flow)
Line between zone1 and zone2 → Part = Palv
Zone 2 → waterfall → intermittant flow
Line between zone2 and zone3 → Pven = Palv
Zone 3 → distension of capillaries → max perfusion
line between zone3 and zone4 = max blood flow
Zone 4 → interstitial pressure (high hydrostatic pressure within the vessels)
How can regional blood flow (1) and regional ventilation (2) in the lungs be measured?
- By 133Xe injections in the blood → assess concentration in the lungs:
More in lower lung zones because more blood flow - Inspire 133Xe → assess concentration in the lungs:
More in lower zones are the ventilation in greater in lower zones
Measure by imaging of the lungs?
Where in the lungs is the V/Q ratio greatest?
At the top of the lungs → V/Q ratio greatest meaning more ventilation for the flow that comes by (even top is less ventilated than bottom)
*V/Q ratio is not just because of gravity as it is seen in mice and dogs
What are the time constants for filling and emptying of different lung units?
τ = RC (resistance * compliance)
τ = ~ 67% of the volume is expired (exponential curve)
V(t) = V0e^(-t/τ)
How does ventilation ratio (upper/lower) vary by flow rate?
Time constants for filling of different regions determine the dynamic distribution of ventilation
Always follows regional compliance but more or less depending on flow rate
At low flow rates (breathing slowly) → smaller ratio ~ 0.7 = upper/lower (more relative ventilation in lower part) (0 - 1.5 L/sec)
At higher flow rate (breathing fast) → ratio closer to 0.9 (upper/lower)
*The curve plateaus a bit from 1.5 → 5 L/sec
What is the pendelluft phenomenon
Unequal distribution of air in lung compartements
Movement between compartements during respiration cycle in heterogenous lungs (different time constants)
Contributes to uneven ventilation
At 0 flow (transition from inspiration to expiration) → Non-homogeneous inflation and deflation of different regions of the lung → pressure differences → gas moves from one region to the other → if bronco-constriction is present also, some lung regions may be exposed to high inflation pressure at end-inspiration → may rupture
*If one airway fill much faster than another one and forces air into the other one
What is the V/Q ratio in ideal situation, in physiological shunt or in physiological dead space?
Ideal situation → V/Q just over 1
Physiological shunt → there is flow, but the blood is not oxygenated → V/Q ~ 0
Physiological dead space → alveoli are ventilated, but not perfused → V/Q ~ infinite
At sea level, how does PO2 changes between inspired dry air, alveolar, arterial, venous?
Inspired dry air → 159 mm Hg (out of 760 mm Hg, rest is N2)
Alveolar → 104 mm Hg (water vapour is added, PCO2 ~ 40)
Arterial → 100 mm Hg
Venous → 40 mm Hg
*Always for a total of 760 mm Hg, N2 takes up the biggest portion
What are partial pressure of O2 and CO2 in the blood (arteries and veins) and in the alveoli?
Pulmonary artery: PO2 = 40, PCO2 = 45
Alveoli: PO2 = 100, PCO2 = 40
Pulmonary vein: PO2 = 100, PCO2 = 40
How do PO2 and PCO2 vary with changes in V/Q?
As V/Q increases → Alveolar PO2 increases
- V/Q ~ 0 → PO2 = mixed venous PO2
- V/Q ~ 100 → PO2 = inspired PO2
As V/Q increases → Alveolar PCO2 decreases
- V/Q < 1 → PCO2 = mixed venous PCO2
What are the normal values for the parameters of gas exchange (ventilation, perfusion, V/Q ratio) ?
Ventilation ~ 2.6 L/min
Perfusion ~ 3.0 L/min
V/Q ratio ~ 0.9
How can the diffusion capacity of O2 be measured across the lungs?
Replace O2 by CO → diffuse in similar manner and there is no appreciable build up of CO in the blood (because bound with very high affinity to Hb partial pressure never builds up in the blood) → no background noise, alv CO is the gradient
1. Breathe in (CO)
2. Hold breathe for x seconds
3. Breathe out → measure concentration
Done when suspect obstructive lung disease
*Hard to use find diffusion for O2 because of continuous change in partial pressure
Diffusion ~ A/T * K * (P1 - P2)
A = area, T = thickness, K = diffusion constant = solubility/sqrt(MW) , ∆P = gradient of partial pressures across the tissue
What does 1/diffusion capacity represent?
Represents the resistance to diffuse
= 1/membrane diffusion + 1/rate of combination of CO with Hb and the pulmonary capillary blood volume
What is the rate of oxygenation like in the capillary blood?
What is it limited by?
Normally, Oxygenation ~ 1/3 of the transit time
Transit time usually enough for abnormal gas exchange
Problem when gradient for diffusion is reduced (ex: altitude it takes more time for gas equilibration) + short transit time (exercise) → incomplete oxygenation
At exercise normally enough time even if transit time is shorter because of recruitment
Normally, oxygenation is perfusion-limited more than diffusion-limited → amount of blood that can go through capillaries is what really limits oxygenation
*Similar but reversed curve for CO2
What is Hemoglobin in equilibrium with?
Equilibrium between binding of O2 and H2O
What are the differences in binding affinities between hemoglobin and myoglobin?
- binds 1 O2
- Does not show cooperativity
- Binds O2 at very low PO2, plateaus ealier than Hemoglobin
- Binds 4 O2
- Shows cooperativity → low affinity state = tense state, High affinity state = relaxed state, because as binds more O2, gets more affinity for O2
- S-curve
*Too much ree Hemoglobin is problematic for tissue damage and oncotic pressure
What conditions are responsible for shifts in the Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve?
Rightward shift: (less O2 affinity for Oxygen)
- 2,3-DPG increase (allosteric modulator)
- Temperature increase
- Decrease in pH
- Increase in PCO2
Leftward shift:
- Higher Hb affinity (example in fetus)
- Opposit conditions as above
What is the Bohr effect?
he Bohr effect refers to the influence of pH (acidity) on hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen.
Helps tissue release of O2 (dissociation of O2 from Hb) in tissues where it is needed/when pH is low
What is the Haldane effect?
Haldane effect is related to the influence of oxygen saturation on the blood’s ability to carry carbon dioxide.
Increased PO2 reduces ability of the blood to store CO2, its a property of Hb
*Chloride is also an allosteric modulator which favours unloading of O2 in tissues (counter balances formation of bicarbonate ions from form CO2
What equation determines Oxygen carrying capacity?
Oxygen transport = (O2 dissolved + Hb-O2) * cardiac output
Less Hb content → less Oxygen transport even if 100% saturated, because in normal conditions, already 97% saturated
*Increase Hb by taking EPO
How is carbon dioxide transported in the blood?
- As bicarbonate: (main carrying form)
CO2 + OH- (from H2O) ↔ HCO3- + H+ ↔ H2CO3
*Accelerated by carbonic anhydrase (enzyme present in RBC)
When bicarbonate is formed in RBC and diffuses out, get Cl- influx to keep electroneutrality (Chloride shift depending on CO2 released or taken up) - Carbamino haemoglobin:
O2 + HbCO2- ↔ CO2 + HbO2- - Dissolved → very little portion (linear increase with CO2 increase)
*Linear over reasonable ranges
What factors determine CO2 partial pressure?
PaCO2 = Vco2/Va * Pb (Pa = P alveolar)
Vco2 = metabolic production of CO2
Va = alveolar ventilation
Pb = atmospheric pressure
How is alveolar oxygen partial pressure calculated?
Palv O2 = Pinsp.O2 - Palv CO2/R
(R = expiratory exchage ratio ~ 0.8 in resting conditions)
Alveolar → arterial oxygen difference:
PA-a O2 = Pinsp.O2 - Palv CO2/R - PaO2
*Elevated PCO2 → reduction of alveolar O2
What is the difference between the alveolar dead space, the anatomical dead space and the physiolgical dead space?
Physiological D.S. = Anatomical D.S. + Alveolar D.S.
Anatomical D.S. = conducting airways
Alveolar D.S. = shunts + no perfusion alveoli (Va = 0 or Q = 0)
How can we know if someones hypoxia is due to shunts?
Giving more concentrated O2 inhaled will not make much of a difference
What are characteristics of control mechanisms of breathing?
Automatic → should not depend on consciousness
Adaptable → must be able to compensate for alterations in functioning of the respiratory system
Adjustable → must be able to yeild to voluntary control (ex: exercise)
What is the general organization (information circulation) of respiratory control like?
Sensors → input to → central controllers → output to → effectors
Sensors = mostly chemoreceptors
Central controllers = pons, medulla, other parts of the brain
Effectors = respiratory muscles
What are the roles of the pons and medulla in respiration control?
Upper pons = pneumotaxic center → inhibition of inspiration
Lower pons = apneustic center → stimulates inspiration
Together control the rate of breathing, but rythmic breathing can persist even if lower pons is sectioned
Medulla → coughing, sneezing + sends resp. and exp. signals to muscles
Medulla has a dorsal and ventral respiratory group
Part of the medulla (upper part) → Pre-Botzinger complex → responsible for inspiration
Are the following parts of the brainstem expiratory or inspiratory in action?
BötC, pre-BötC, rVRG, cVRG
BötC = expiratory
pre-BötC = inspiratory-related firing
rVRG = expiratory (rostral ventral respiratory group_
cVRG = inspiratory (caudal VRG)
*Info goes through the 12th cranial nerve → hypoglossal nerve
Before inspiration → contraction of inspiratory muscles to prepare the rib cage
How does inspiratory firing vary during breathing?
- Start of inspiration → on-switch → Increase at end of inspiration
- Off-switch
- At start of expiration have a little wave (phase I) = expiratory braking → mediated by other complex than preBötC, allows for gradual increase in expiratory airflow instead of stochastic opening of airways for expiration, also helps maintain FRC so that system doesn’t deflate too much
- Off-switch
- phase II of expiration → nothing
*There is no expiratory firing unless exercise or hyperventilation
What is the importance of the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN)?
*Located in the medulla
Serve as central chemoreceptors (respiratory control center)
Fall in pH within CSF → activates them → increase ventilation
What different inputs affect ventilatory drive?
- Central chemoreceptors (RTN) → responsive to pH, change in CO2, depressed by hypoxia (not stimulated by a fall in arterial PO2)
- Peripheral chemoreceptors (carotid bodies and bit aortic bodies) → sensitive to changes in pH, CO2, O2, Lactate, Insulin, Hypoglycemia
- Pre-frontal Cortex, Hypothalamus, Amygdala → emotions
- Motor Cortex Cerebllum → coordination of mouvement, initiation of hyperventilation on exercise associated to anticipation of what the task will be
What are the somatic receptors?
Located in intercostal muscles, rib, joints, accessory muscles, tendons → may have small influences on control of breathing, unconscious, no clear how important
Sensing of mechanical state of breathing apparatus:
- muscle spindles sense length-tension relationship in the muscle
- position and change of position of the chest wall
What are the different vagal afferents?
- Slowly adapting receptors (stretch receptors) → inhibit inspiration = Hering Breuer reflex
HB reflex → not important in adults, if we were to inflate the lungs in a new born, this would inhibit their inspiratory effort, more easily elicitated in anesthesia than in conscious subject
Rapidly adapting receptors → cough, bronco-constriction (reflex contraction of smooth muscles narrowing the lumen
C-fiber afferents → cough, broncoconstriction, reflex apnea activated when inhalation of an irritant
What are the important pulmonary receptors?
Rapidly Adapting (RAR Sigma-fibers):
- Respond to mechanical stimuli (broncoconstriction) water, low Cl-
- Afferents → release of neuropeptides (ex: substance P, NKA)
- Involved in secretion of mucus
- Respond to cigarette smoke, SO2 water, hyperosmolar solutions, etc.
- Efferent part of vagus releases ACh → acts on smooth muscles → constrict
What are the characteristics of the voluntary motor control or breathing?
- Originates in the motor cortex
- Passes direclty to the spinal motor neurons via corticospinal tracts
- Medullary respiratory control center largely by passed
- Completes with automatic control at the level of the spinal motor neuron (mostly overtakes it
When are the muscles of the upper airways activated?
Milliseconds before the major muscles of inspiration are activated → stiffen the rib cage before the pressure becomes more negative + dilation of the pharynx
Motor neurons are located in the medulla near the “respiratory center”
Neurons run in teh cranial nerves
What type are the primary stimuli to breathing?
Chemical → system is adapted to maintain physiological blood gas levels
- Secure Oxygenation
- Eliminate CO2
Explain the experiment using extracorporeal membrane oxygenator to remove carbon dioxide.
Membrane oxygenators took blood from these animals → put it through gas exchange system → remove CO2 at different rates → examin effect on animal’s spontaneous ventilation
*Allows gas exchange outside the host’s body
Measure CO2 at end of quiet breathe = alveolar CO2 = ~ 5%
Observe at 73% CO2 removal → animal is breathing less because CO2 removal accomplished by external device (less flow in and out, btu same CO2 trend)
Observed at 100% CO2 removal → generated apnea (no volume change, no flow)
If remove all CO2 in a resting sheep → drive to breathe is removed (make sure O2 levels not falling at the same time as it would also be a drive to breath)
What the functions of central chemoreceptors?
Specialized group of cells located on the ventrolateral surface of the medulla (retrotrapezoid nucleus)
- Sensitive to pH of the CSF (lower pH in arterial blood → lower pH in CSF by diffusion of CO2 *Bicarbonate changed to CO2 for diffusion and changed again to bicarbonate in the CSF)
- Stimulated when blood PCO2 or pH changes
- Depressed by hypoxia (doesn’t really feel changes in O2)
What is the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation ?
How is pH measured from this equation and what buffering system is associated with it?
CO2 + H2O ↔ HCO3- + H+ ↔ H2CO3
pH = pK + log (concentration of HCO3-/a* PCO2)
pK = affinity constant
a = solubility
*Bicarbonate in CSF is lower than bicarbonate in the blood → smaller change in H+ causes bigger change in pH because buffer capacity is reduced in CSF
If living in high CO2 overtime → gradually increase bicarbonate within CSF → more buffer to cover change in pH
What can cross the blood-brain barrier? What impact does it have?
Only H2O and CO2, not ions
On both sides → H+ and HCO3- which has to convert to CO2 to cross the membrane and reconvert back
*Catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase
What are the peripheral chemoreceptors?
Carotid (mostly) and aortic bodies → small, highly vascular structures located in major arterial vessels (between/at bifurcation internal and external Carotid Bodies → high blood flow)
Carotid bodies = global sensors of metabolic status
Receptors that sense PCO2, pH and PO2** in peripheral blood
Sensitive to blood-born metabolic signals (O2, CO2), hormones (insulin, leptin) and blood flow
Derived from sympathoadrenal lineage
What is the effect of narcotics on ventilatory responses?
It is a depressant → ventilatory response to blood gas is depressed → can cause ventilatory arrest
*Random but if system becomes harder to move (ex: stiffer) → would need more neural recruitement for same ventilation → mechanical response
How does the minute ventilation change depending on PaO2 and PaCO2?
Minute ventilation decreases with increasing PaO2
*The slope (PaO2 vs Min ventilation) shift upwards with an increase in PaCO2 → higher minute ventilation at same PaO2
Minute ventilation increases very significantly with a small increase in PaCO2
*The slope (PaCO2 vs Min ventilation) shift upwards/rightwards with an increase in PO2 → for the same minute ventilation, higher PaCO2 with higher PO2
What is the congenital central hypoventilation syndrome?
A rare condition caused by mutations in the PHOX2B gene → O2 and CO2 sensing are impaired
The absence of the retrotrapezoid nucleus is likely responsible for this disorders
During sleep → hypercapnia (CO2) → need device to activate phrenic nerves (pacemaker for breathing)
What is Cheyne-Strokes ventilation?
Hyperventilation → almost apnea → hyperventilation → almost apnea, etc.
- Can occur physiologically at high altitude
- Can occur because of CNS injury, head trauma
- Low cardiac output, reduced brain blood flow
What is the equation for Alveolar → arterial oxygen difference?
PA-a O2 = Pinsp.O2 - Palv CO2/R - PaO2
*Elevated PCO2 → reduction of alveolar O2