Respiratory #10- Flashcards
What defines the capacity of performance of an individual?
It max O2 consumption (VO2 max in ml/kg/min)
- Higher in male than female
- Peaks ~ 20
How does PCO2, pH, minute ventilation change with ramping exercise?
- Decline in pH and in bicarbonate (production of lactic acid by anaerobic metabolism → consumes bicarbonate → reduction of bicarbonate)
- Increase in minute ventilation
- Increase in VCO2 (metabolic production of CO2) follow closely increase in ventilation → expiratory CO2 stays stable
*Both increase exponentially after flexion point - Expired CO2 goes down at peak intensity
- VO2 increases linearly → at peak exercise, starts to plateau off
*Chemoreceptors don’t really explain the matching of ventilation to exercise (because no increase in CO2)
What are the relationships between HR and VO2 and between Minute ventilation and VO2?
(VO2 = oxygen consumption)
HR and VO2 → linearly relationship
VE and VO2 → curvilinear relationship
What systems mostly limit trained vs untrained individuals?
Trained → Respiratory system (Cardio system it trained/pushed)
Untrained → Cardiovascular system
*A lot of increase in CO is from HR, more than SV
How is oxygen carrying capacity increased during exercise?
- Increasing cardiac output:
- Large increase in HR
- Tiny increase SV at the start of exercise
- Decrease in vascular resistance → increase blood flow
- Decrease in vascular compliance
*Recruitement of vessels + distention to accomodate larger volumes - More extraction of oxygen from the blood:
- Bigger difference between arterial and venous PO2 → gradient increases linearly
How does the respiratory system increase tidal volume during exercise?
Why does it do so?
Inspire more + Expire below FRC
*If kept same FRC and just inspired more → would require more muscle recruitement → more work to breathe (optimization)
What determines the anaerobic threshold?
Point where ventilation increases exp (not linearly anymore)
Anaerobic system is already working before that threshold, but point at which is produces lactate and reduces bicarbonate faster than can get rid of it
How does relative dead space change with increasing exercise?
Deadspace : tidal volume ration decreases as tidal volume increases
*Decreases very fast at first and then plateaus
VCO2 produced increases, but expired CO2 in each expiration does the increase because of the increase in minute ventilation
During exercise, how does the affinity of Hb for oxygen change?
Bohr → decrease in pH
Haldane → Decrease in arterial PCO2
Change in temperature → decrease in affinity for O2 with increased temperature (~40˚C) right shift
How does the increase in VCO2 affect the frequency of breathing and tidal volume?
With increase in VCO2, 1st increase in Tidal volume, when VT plateaus → bigger increase in frequency of breathing
*Not always, but in majority of subjects
*For flow-volume curve, at high exerices → approach max flow-volume curve on expiration
Even if try harder, can’t expire faster
How is the V/Q ration affected by increasing exercise?
What does it explain?
Ventilation increase much more than flow
A bit of increase V/Q ratio → reduction in PCO2 at peak exercise
Why do some athletes have mild arterial hypoxemia?
Female athletes are more likely
Corresponds to major dip in PaO2 → SaO2 (when get past the flat part of Hb saturation)
Alvealor → arterial oxygen gradient: increases a lot more in hypoxemic athletes = inefficiency of ventilation
Factors that can lead to that → decrease in pH, increase in body temperature → reduction affinity of Hb going through peripheral circulation will bring down oxygenation + shunts → bigger A → a oxygen gradient
*Supplemental Oxygen → better performance pretty systematically →respiratory system IS contributing to exercise limitation
What are some adverse respiratory consequences of high intensity exercise?
- Slight widening of the Alveolar → arterial O2 gradient (A-a Do2)
- Reduced oxygen saturation caused by fall in pH and increase in core temperature (also somtimes increase inlung water)
- Increased work of breathing and blood flow to the respiratory muscles
What is the difference in O2 uptake for sendentary vs highly trained athletes?
Highly trained athlete = more efficient taking up O2 for same
Need to ventilate less for the same O2 uptake, at the cost of having a higher PaCO2
Ve matched to CO2 production → if permit arterial CO2 to be higher, can have lower ventilation
How important is the oxygen cost of breathing during exercise vs at rest?
What changes for people with emphysema?
Increase because more respiratory muscles are recruited:
At rest → 2ml/min
During exercise → 100ml/min → 8-10% of the maximal O2 consumption (larger mass of muscle recruited)
*Exponential increase → Could be a limiting factor?
With emphysema (obstructive lung disease) → O2 consumption by the respiratory muscles increases much more with smaller increase in ventilation
How can inspiratory muscle Oxygen cost be assessed experimentally?
What was observed?
By reducing the inspiratory muscle work at > 85% VO2 max:
Individuals put on mechanical ventilator → proportional assist of ventilation → Pleural pressure (esophageal) becomes much less negative when insp. muscles are unloaded + Transdiaphragmatic pressure becomes much less positive
- Prevents exercise-induced diaphragm fatigue (loss of capacity of diaphragm to generate force after hard exercise is improved)
- Decrease sympathetic tone, increase vascular conductance, increase blood flow to locomotor muscles
- Decrease in locomotor muscle fatigue
- Less short of breathe, less limb discomfort
- Can las longer at peak exercise
- Less blood flow to accessory respiratory muscles
What characteristics of the diaphragm favour increase performance?
- Doesn’t show evidence of diaphragm fatigue generally (very resistant to fatigue)
- Diaphragm has greater mitochondrial volume, capillary density, aerobic capacity than locomotor muscles
- Vasculatur is protected agains vasoconstriction during exercise
- Extensive recruitement of “accessory” muscles distributes work of breathing
What is the respiratory muscle metaboreflex
Metabolites that accumulate in respiratory muscles → afferent signal to CNS → reduce blood flow in active blood flow → limits exercise performance
*Feedback that prevents exercise from excessive fatigue/dammage
What are 3 physiological responses to gas exchange during exercise?
- Increase in pulmonary artery pressure → limited by recruitement + distension of pulmonary capillaries + fall in PVR
- Increase in pulmonary diffusing capacity (how much gas can take up/mm Hg gradient/time) (3-fold) → larger exchange area of blood-gas barrier + more volume of blood in capillaries
- Shift of O2 dissociation curve (T˙, pH, alkalosis)
What drives increase in ventilation in exercise?
- Projections from the motor cortex (central neurogenic)
- Feedback from the periphery → movement from limbs, metabolites accumulation (peripheral neurogenic)
- Neurhumoral (chemoreceptor)
*Acidemia, but CO2 reduction counter-balances
*Hyperapnea occurs at the onset of exercise → before have recirculation of blood back to chemoreceptors (not sensed in periphery), just anticipation → hyperventilating
How does temperature within the airways changes at different levels of ventilation?
High ventilation → fall of temperature within the airways (sub 30˚C)
At the glottis, air temp is lower on inspiration than expiration, but most of the heat is recovered as the air gets out
Associated with a loss of fluid within the airways → greatest in large airways (closer to mouth), less in distal part of lungs
Amount of fluid is small → if evaporation of fluid as heat the air coming in → consequences in chemical composition of lining fluid
*Small animals would be more vulnerable to heat and water losses than us
How is hydration of the lungs maintained?
What is the effect of hyperpnea
Fluid requirements up to 0.5ml/min during hyper apnea
Hyperpnea → drying of airways and cellular damage
Water is provided by bronchial circulation
Increase in bronchial blood flow → airway cooling
What is the relationship between Oxygen consumption and ventilation in newborns?
Linear relationship (slope of 1)
How is lung capacity related to birth weight?
Curvilinear relationship
How to the pressure-volume characteristics of the respiratory system and compartements differ in infant vs adults?
Chestwall of an infant is much more compliant (less recoil)
Lungs have same inward recoil
*For infants, inspiration is not the same as expiration → surfactant recruitement (during inspiration, more pressure at lower volume than during expiration)
How is the flow-volume curve at first breath? vs normal?
At start of first breathe → lung volume = 0
Very negative pleural pressure need to open the lungs from completely closed state ~ -30 cm H2O
End Inspiratory volume ~ 40 mL
Very positive pressure needed for expiration (40 cm H2O)
FRC after 1st breathe ~ 20 mL
NORMAL breathe: (much smaller loop)
Volumes → 90 - 100 mL
Pleural pressure → -3 - -8 cm H2O
*Gas exchange gets more efficient with time because more alveoli are open → more surface fo exchange, less shunts
What explains expiratory interruptions in airflow for newborns?
Expiratory pause due to closing of the vocal cords for “defense of FRC” → infant tries to maintain lung volume
The, as vocal cords re-open and the glottis re=opens → further deflation of the system before inspiration is initiated again
How does lung compliance, resistance of the lungs, FRC, breathing frequency, tidal volume change during the first day of a newborn?
Compliance of lungs → increase
Resistance across the lungs → decreases at first, then plateaus
Breathing frequency → increase at first, then decreases
Tidal volume → decreases, then plateaus
Why is the formation of FRC so important?
FRC/kg = interspecies constant
- Low lung volume → alveolar collapse (micro-atelectasis)
- Lung volume is a reservation of oxygen
- Reduced alveolar gas oscillation with breathing
- Helps buoyancy for aquatic mammals
What does alveolar stability depend on?
- Tissue force
- Alveolar lining layer
Pressure = 2*Surface tension/Radius
(transmural pressure is a function of the radius, smaller alveoli = high transmural pressure → more tendencie to collapse) → surface tension will vary to compensate by secretion of surfactant → stabilization so 1 doesn’t empty into the other
What is lung development dependent on?
Lung development is dependent on alveolar (amniotic) fluid secretion in uterus
*Fluid must be excreted out of the lungs at birth
- Insufficient fluid secretion → lung hypoplasie
- Excessive fluid accumulation in alveolar space → lung hyperplasia
Respiratory movement important in lung dev. → ex: if diaphragm is not moving on 1 side → lungs on that side become hypoplastic (much smaller)
What is the difference in fluid movement to the lungs before and after birth?
What drug blocks?
Before birth → H2O and Na+ (diffused through membrane, not cells), Cl- (by channel for Cl-) → from interstitial space to potential airspace to allow proper development
After birth → H2O and Cl- (diffused through membrane, not cells), Na+ (by active ENaC) → from potential airspace to interstitial space *Active resorption from ENaC channels
*Amiloride can block ENaC → reduced resorption of fluid from alveolar compartement
ENaC highly expressed in early life, expression declines in lungs over time
How was clearance of fluid experimentally observed ?
Put 5% albumin fluid in lung → fluid absorbed, but no albumin → measure concentration of albumin in fluid 1h after insertion
Concentration is greater in neo-nate because their rate of fluid absorption is greater, decreases with age
What is the role of Epinephrine in neo-nate respiration?
Acts on beta receptors, very high at birth and decline quickly → mediate rapid clearance of alveolar fluid
If block beta receptors with propranolol → inhibit fluid resorption
What is the composition/structure of the ENaC channel?
ENaC alpha + ENaC beta + ENaC gamma
ENaC is highly expressed in labour and newborn and declines quickly (very low at 80 days)
ENaC beta is most highly expressed chain»_space; ENaC a»_space; ENaC y
What is different about placental circulation compared to our circulation?
Placental arteries bring deoxygenated blood from fetus → placenta
Ombilical veins bring oxygenated blood + nutrients → fetus
*Reversed because its arterial circulation of fetus pumping blood to placenta
What are the characteristics of pH, PCO2, PO2 in fetus compared to normal vessels?
pH → Umbilical artiery >= 7.20, Umb. veins / fetal scalp >= 7.25 (a tiny bit acidic compared to normal 7.35-7.40)
Increases rapidly at birth
PCO2 → umbilical arteries = 40-50 (mixed blood) umbilical veins < 40, fetal scalp < 50
At birth ~ 80 mm Hg → Repiratory Acidemia
PO2 → Umb. artery = 18, Ub. veins = 30, fetal scalp >= 20
At birth ~ 20 mm Hg (very low PO2 related to very high PCO2 because of Dalton’s law of partial pressures)
*Fetus living on mount everest → VERY low PO2
What explain the respiratory acidemia see at birth?
Very high PCO2 → very low PO2 by Dlaton’s partial pressure laws
What does fetal hemoglobin allow for O2 saturation after birth?
At birth, low O2 saturation, then rapid increase to about 90-92%
PO2 also increases rapidly, but still around 50 → Hb has much higher affinity
*Hb curve shifted leftwards
What is different between fetal hemoglobin and adult hemoglobin?
Fetal hemoglobin curve is shifted leftwards → more affinity
Fetal Hb not sensitive to 2,3-BPG (allosteric modulator that shifts curve to the right)
How is chemoreceptor sensitivity different or similar in the neonatal period?
Reduced chemoreceptor sensitivity:
- Hypoxic response is reduced (would not be good because PO2 ~ 30 mm Hg), small ventilatory response in presence of hypoxia
*Neonates have enhanced tolerance to hypoxia/anoxia (except guinea pigs) → tested by exposing them to absence of O2 and see when breathing movement stops
What are changes in anti-oxidant enzymes that occur in neonates as they are exposed to high oxygen?
Important to deal with oxidative stress, all increase significantly after birth (induced a bit before birth)
Catalase (CAT) → degrades H2O2
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) → converts O2(-) → H2O2 (makes it less active)
Glutathione peroxidase → acts as important reducing agent → protects epithelial cells from hyperoxic state
*Airway epithelial cells are exposed to much higher O2 levels than other organs
What happens in the case of maternal hypoxemia?
Redistribution of blood flow in the fetus → concentrated to adrenal gland > heart > brain»_space; all other organs
What cardiac changes occur at birth?
In fetus, very little blood traversing the lungs because no breathing, most blood passes from pulmonary artery → aorta by the Doctur arteriosus (connecting channel), just small amount passes by the lungs
At birth, need big increase of blood flow to the lungs, close Doctus so no shunts
A lot of constrictors involved in closing ducts arteriosus → endothelin, calcium channel (contraction of smooth muscles), myosin and cytoskeletal proteins
Dilatation of lung capillaries → nitric oxide, CO, K+ channels, cAMP and cGMP
What mechanisms are responsible for adaptation to “hyperoxia” at birth?
- Upregulation of anitoxidant proteins
- Swtich from fetal → adult circulation
- Synthesis of adult Hb → shift in dissociation curve rightwards
- Decreased peripheral chemoreceptor activity initially with restoration sensitivity over time
What is the importance of surfactant proteins B and C in neonatal respiration?
SPB deficiency → respiratory failure → early death
SPC deficiency → interstitial lung disease → fibrotic/scaring condition of the lungs
Both deficiencies can come from mutations in SFTPB and SFTPC (genes)