Respiratory Flashcards
Which parameters can be measured by spirometry?
- tidal volume
- vital capacity
Which parameters can be measured by plethysmograpy or helium dilution (but not spirometry)?
- total lung capacity
- functional residual capacity
- residual volume
What does Boyle‘s law state?
Write the formula
At a constant temperature pressure and volume are inversely proportional to each other
What is the tidal volume?
Volume during normal in/expiration
What is the functional residual capacity?
Volume of gas in the lung after normal expiration
What is the vital capacity?
Volume exhaled during maximal expiration (after maximal inhalation)
What is the residual volume?
Volume in lung after maximal expiration
What is the physiologic dead space?
How can it be measured?
- Volume of lung that does not eliminate CO2
- Bohr‘s method (using arterial and expired CO2)
How can the anatomic dead space be measured?
- Fowler‘s method: nitrogen concentration after 1 single inspiration of 100% O2
What is the systolic and diastolic and mean pressure in the main pulmonary artery?
25 and 8 mmHg
Mean 15 mmHg
What is the formula for pH?
pH: pKa + log (HCO3)/CO2
What are normal respiratory rates of ruminants?
adult cattle: 15 - 35
adult small ruminants: 12 - 20
neonates: up to 60
by 1 month: <30
What degree of deoxygenated hemoglobin is necessary for cyanosis?
What is a normal BAL cell distribution?
Mainly macrophages (50-70%) and lymphocytes (30-50%)
Lower in neutrophils (<5%), mast cells (<3%) and eosinophils (<0.1%)
What disease are best diagnosed with BAL rather than TTW?
EIPH, Asthma, fungal infection