Respiratory Flashcards
Asthma diagnosis <6 years old
- Patient + family hx
- Exlcude other pathology if refractory to tx
- Require all 3 of the following documented during >/ 2 episodes: airflow obstruction (cough/difficulty breathing/wheeze), reversibility of airflow obstructions (improvement with SABA +/- oral steroids), no clinical evidence of alternate diagnosis.
Asthma diagnosis >/ 6 years old
- Patient + family hx
- Spirometry or positive methacholine or exercise challenge test or sufficient peak exp flow variability
- Assess for signs of atopy which predicts persistent asthma
What to discontinue before spirometry and for how long
ICS +/- LABA 24 hours prior
Spirometry asthma diagnosis for children >6 years old
FEV1/FVC < 0.8 - 0.9 AND increase in FEV1 12% with bronchodilator
Spirometry asthma diagnosis for adults
FEV1/FVC < 0.75 - 0.8 AND increase in FEV1 12% (>200ml) with bronchodilator
PEF asthma diagnosis for children >6 years old
Increase >/ 20% with bronchodilator
PEF asthma diagnosis for adults
Increase more than 60L/min (min 20%) with bronchodilator
Dinural variation > 8-10% measured BID
Methacholine challenge diagnosis for asthma
PC20 <4mg/mL (4-16 borderline, >16 negative)
Exercise challenge diagnosis for asthma
FEV1 decrease more than 10-15% post exercise
Good asthma control - freq of daytime symptoms
<2 days / week
Good asthma control - freq of nightime symptoms
<1 night / week and mild
Good asthma control - symptoms with exercise
Good asthma control - freq of exacerbations
Mild, infrequent
(Mild: increase in symptoms not req systemic steroids or hospitalisation)
Good asthma control - freq of absence from work or school
Good asthma control - freq of need for Ventolin
</2 a week
Good asthma control - FEV1 or PEF
> / 90 % personal best
Good asthma control - PEF dinural variation
Example SABAS for asthma
Ventolin 100mcg 2 puffs q4-6h
Bricanyl turboinhaler (Terbutaline) 2.5mg 1-2 puffs q6h
Example ICS and LABA for asthma
Symbicort (budesonide/salmeterol) 2 puff BID
Advair (fluticasone/salmeterol) 1 puff BID
Example ICS for asthma
Flovent (Fluticasone) 1 puff BID
Pulmicort (Budesonide) 1 puff BID
Example LTRA for asthma
Singulair - montelulast
Classifying severity of asthma exacerbation <6/yo
0 - 1 - 2 - 3
SaO2: >/95% - 92-94% - </91% - X
Suprasternal retraction: absent - X - present - X
Scalene contraction: absent - X - present - X
Air entry: normal - decreased bases - decreased apex and bases - minimal or absent
Wheeze: absent - exp - in - audible w/o stethoscope
classifying severity of asthma exacerbation >6/yo
Mild - Moderate - Life threatening
Posture: sits, talks in phrases - hunched forward, not full sentences - decreased consciousnesss
Quantitative findings: RR 21-20, no acc muslce use, pulse 100-120, O2 90-95 - RR >30, acc muscle use, pulse >120, O2 <89% - silent chest
Management: yellow zone - urgent transfer to acute care with o2, SABA, ipratropium and reliever
Step-up for age 6-11 in yellow asthma plan if on ics
Predisone 1mg/kg x 3-5 days - max 50mg OR Dexamethasone 0.15-0.6 mg/kg/d - max 10mg
Step-up for age >/12 in yellow asthma plan if on ics and saba
Increase ICS 4 fold x 7-14d or prednisone 30-50mg >/ 5 days
Asthma criteria for hospital admission
Unable to speak sentences
Tachypnea > 25 /min
Tachycardia >110 / bradycardia
PEF <40% predicted
Silent chest