Respiratory Flashcards
What pathophysiological mechanisms underpin pneumonia and the associated pain response?
With Clinical Physio Flashcard
Air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs become filled with microorganisms, fluid and inflammatory cells, impairing gaseous exchange.
Predominantly nociceptive: Pleuritic chest pain due to inflammation of the pleura seen most in lobar pneumonia.
What are the predominant patient-reported dysfunctions for pneumonia?
With Clinical Physio Flashcard
- Chest pain, tightness of the chest
- Shortness of breath walking
- Increase in fatigue
- cough
- diarrhoea
- loss of taste
What dysfunctions may be found during an objective assessment for pnuemonia?
- Vitals: Decreased sats (<96%), elevated HR (to norm), increased respiratory rate
- On Obvs: Cyanosis (if severe and not treated), shortness of breath, increased WOB
- On Auscultation: Reduced breath sounds (particularly in the localised areas identified on imaging), Rales - corse crackles.
- On palpation: tactile fremitus, reduced thoracic expansion (biasing the unaffected side)
- On imaging: Cloudiness and consolidation
What modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors influence pneumonia?
* Smoking
* Drug and alcohol abuse
* Malnutrition
* Exposure to toxic chemicals and pollutants
* Hx of lung disease
* Infection (bacterial or viral)
What are the normal parameters for ABGs
With Clinical Physio Flashcard
PH 7.35-7.45
PaO2 10-14
PaCO2 4.5-6.1
HCO3- 22-26
BE -2 to + 2
What is the prognosis of pneumonia? (NICE 2022 guidelines) 1 week to 6 months.
1 week- fever should have resolved
4 week- chest pain and sputum production should have substantially reduced
6 week- breathless and cough should have substantially reduced
3 months- most symptoms should have resolved
6 months- most symptoms should have completely resolved
What are the different types of pneumonia? (HAP, CAP, VAP, AAP). Which one did David have?
HAP- hospital acquired pnemounia
CAP - community acquired pneumonia
VAP- ventilation acquired pneumonia
AAP- Aspiration acquired pneumonia
What are the presenting clinical features of pneumonia?
- Productive cough
- Purlent sputum (blood stained/ rust coloured/ greeny/ yellow)
- fever
- malaise
What’s is the royal college of physicians (RCP) NEWS2 For?
With Clinical Physio Flashcard
The NEWS chart monitors key physiological parameters to monitor the risk of early deterioration and thereby potential death.
Deviation from physiological parameters can escalate in monitoring needs such as more frequent checks, ward doctor review, critical care response team and pt to be moved to ICU/ HDU
What are the normals physiological parameters for the following news2 chart
HR/ pulse
Oxygen sats
02 therapy
Body temperature
What do the aggregate score mean for
What is low risk?
What is medium risk
What is high risk?
With Clinical Physio Flashcard
RR- 12 to 20 (per minute)
SpO2 scale 1- > 96 (%)
SpO2 scale 2- 88-92%
Oxygen therapy- RA or oxygen?
Systolic blood pressure- 111-219 mmHg
AVPU Scale- Alert, Voice, Pain, unresponsive (level of responsiveness)
Body temperature- 36.1 to 38
What do the aggregate score mean for
1-4- low risk?
5-6 or a score of 3 in any parameter- medium risk
7 or more- high risk
What are the normal reference ranges for ABGs? (pH, PaCO2, PaO2, HCO3, and Base Excess)
With Clinical Physio Flashcard
- pH: 7.35-7.45
- PaCO2: 4.7-6 kPa
- PaO2: 11-13 kPa
- BE: -2 to +2
What does the pH in ABGs tell you and what influences it?
Whether the pH is normal, acidotic or alkalotic?
* Acidotic: pH <7.35
* Normal: pH 7.35 – 7.45
* Alkalotic: pH >7.45
The changes in pH are caused by an imbalance in the CO2 (respiratory) or HCO3– (metabolic). These work as buffers to keep the pH within a set range and when there is an abnormality in either of these the pH will be outside of the normal range.
As a result, when an ABG demonstrates alkalosis or acidosis you need to then begin considering what is driving this abnormality by moving through the next few steps of this guide.
The ABG mnemonic ROME refers to what?
- Respiratory Opposite: If pH and PCO2 have changed in the opposite direction, the cause is likely to be respiratory.
- Metabolic Equal: In the pH and HCO3 have changed in the same direction, the culprit is likely metabolic.
- ROME = Mixed: If all the above is true, there is likely a mixed contribution
What does the acronym RIPE mean in CXR interpretation?
- Rotation: The medial aspect of each clavicle should be equidistant from the spinous processes. The spinous processes should also be vertically orientated against the vertebral bodies.
- Inspiration: The 5-6 anterior ribs, lung apices, both costophrenic angles and the lateral rib edges should be visible.
- Projection: Note if the film is AP or PA: if there is no label, then assume it’s a PA film (if the scapulae are not projected within the chest, it’s PA).
- Exposure: The left hemidiaphragm should be visible to the spine and the vertebrae should be visible behind the heart.
What does the A-I inspection of CXRs entail?
With Clinical Physio Tips
- Airway: Inspect the trachea for evidence of deviation
- Bones: Inspect for fractures or damage to the thoracic cage
- Cardiac: Inspect Heart size and boarders
- Diaphragm: Including assessment of costophrenic angles
- Extras: Any other points of interest (e.g. aortic valve) or abnormalities (e.g. haematoma).
- Fields: Any signs of consolidation?
- Gastric: Inspect for the presence of gastric gasses.
- Hillar Region: The hilar point is also a very important landmark; anatomically it is where the descending pulmonary artery intersects the superior pulmonary vein. When this is lost, consider the possibility of a lesion here (e.g. lung tumour or enlarged lymph nodes).
- Impression: Given your above inspections, what is this showing you?
What are the clinical features of Type 1 respiratory failure and what causes it?
Clinical Features
Hypoxaemia (PaO2 <8 kPa) with normocapnia (PaCO2 <6.0).
Ventilation/Perfusion (VQ) mismatch, for example:
* Reduced Ventilation and normal perfusion (e.g. pulmonary oedema)
* Reduced perfusion with normal ventilation (e.g. pulmonary embolism)