Resp Physiology + Star points Flashcards
What is the dual blood supply of the lung?
Pulmonary (venous) - DeO2 via pulmonary artery from RHS.
O2 inhaled- returned to heart by pulmonary veins
Systemic (arterial)
What are some common causes of cough?
Acute: 3w
Postnasal drip-> rhinitis, sinusitis, acute nasopharyngitis.
Asthma + wheeze + breathlessness or only cough: worse 🌙✨, on waking and after exercise.
Lung airway disease: COPD, bronchiectasis, tumour.
Foureign body
Lung parenchymal disease: interstitial lung disease, lung abscess
Drugs: ACE inhibitors
Cough: commonest LRTD.
Cough receptors: mechanically stimulated- touch and displacement
+ chemical- fumes. –> afferent nerves in medulla cough centre.
↪️generating efferent signals via phrenic nerve and efferent vagus branches. -> to expiratory musculature to generate a cough.
Smokers: cough and sputum production.
Orthopnoea- SOB that occures when lying down- abdo conetnts into thorax + redistribution of blood from lower extremeties to the lungs.
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea- LHF- pt wakes up gasping for breath- relieved when sat upright. Sensory awarness depressed in sleep- severe interstitial pulmonary oedema can occur.
What 2 epithelia are in the conduction system?
Ciliated columnar and mucus (goblet) cells
What are the resp complications of asbestos?
Asbestos fibers cannot be cleared.
- Pleural plaques/ thickeini g seen on CXR, restrictive lung cage , mesothelioma.
- Fibrotic lung disease, pc like Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
- Malignanr mesothelioma pf pleura- 1 year median surviabal.
Sx pts- entitled to compensation- occupational most cases.
How would u asses someones suitability for lung cancer surgery?
Non small cell lung cancer- best trated surgically at eaely stage:1-2.
Hpwever: might not benefit if high preop risk: Age: >80 + large pneumectomy. CVs risk Echo if murmur Lung function: FEV
This pt has O2 sats 90% air, how would u give them supplementary Oxygen?
If known to retain CO2- 90 is acceptable.
Consider nasal cannulae with low flow oxygen (1-4L/min) cz this is more comfortable. Allow talking and eating and dry the mouth less.
Dose titrated upwards with controlled rate(Venturi) face,ask- with target sats 94-98%.
What causes bronchiectasis?
Pulmonary infection- esp recurren and chronic- TB, after rubella, measles. Risk fx: chronic lung disease, immunodeficiency.
Pulmonary inflammation: allergy, chemical pneumonitis.
Ciliary dysmobility. - CF,
Whats the difference b/w AP and PA film? In CXR?
PA preferred: cz ❤️ near to radiographic plate- less lung fields- more cardiac size accuracy. Hands up- remove scapulae.
However- pys needs to be mobile.
Unwell pts: or portable films: taken lying down- AP.
When should a pts be considered for oxygen therapy at home?
Stop smoking + COPD-
At least 15hrs a day.
Keep b/w 90-92% O2 sats.
- PaO2 55%
What are some causes of breathlessness??
- Sudden onset: inhaled foreign body, pneumothorax, PE.
- SOB developing over a few hours: Asthma/COPD, pneumonia, pulmonary oedema, resp muscle disease- Guillian Barree.
Intermittent breathlessness: asthma, pulm oedema, PE.
Breathlessness over a few days: pleural effusion, carcinoma of the bronchus, pneumonia including pulmonary tuberculosis.
SOB developing over a few M or years: Fibrosing alveolitis, COPD, Sarcoid, chest wall or neuromuscular disease.
Non resp causes: anaemia, hyperthyroidism.
29Year old male, out drinking, home throwing up, difficulty breathing. He is in great distress. A friend calls an ambulance.
Is this an emergency?
Whats the Heimlich manoeuvre?
Yes!! UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION ‼️ Stridor Resp distress Cyanosis +|- shock.
Used to expel inhaled foreign object.
“Pounia sto upper part of abdomen”
Expelling air from lungs to force object out of trachea.
If obstruction beyong vocal cords: fibre optic or rigid bronchoscopy.
What are some causes of upper airway obstruction?
Anaphylaxis: laryngeal oedema: 1. Adrenaline (epinephrine) 0.5mg IM, 2. antihistamine e.g. Chlorphenamine 10-20mg by slow IV injection, 3. Hydrocortisone IV 100 mg slowly.
4. O2.
Carcinoma of upper airway: Call ENT for laryngyoscopy
Tracheal compression: eg bleeding post thyroidectomy-> yracheal decompression, eg release skin sutures.
Inhaled foreign body: Heimlich manoeuvre
67 year old male with MI,treated successfully and goes ho,e om enalapril, atrovastatin and antiplatelet therapy.
He has a cough keeping him awake at night. Whats happening?
Most prob cause: ACEi should be stopped and an ACE receptor antagonist eg vasartan should be started. ARBS do not affect bradykinin.