Resp - Path (Hypersensitivity pneumonitis & Pneumoconioses) Flashcards
Pg. 605-606 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Hypersensitivity pneumonitis -Pneumoconioses
What type of hypersensitivity is hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
Mixed type III/IV hypersensitivity
What causes hypersensitivity pneumonitis? What are 4 of its symptoms?
Mixed type III/IV hypersensitivity reaction to environmental antigen –> dyspnea, cough, chest tightness, headache.
What 2 patient populations often present with hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
Often seen in farmers and those exposed to birds
What are 3 types of pneumoconioses?
(1) Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (2) Silicosis (3) Asbestosis
What are 2 increased risks due to Pneumoconioses?
Increased risk of cor pulmonale and Caplan syndrome (rheumatoid arthritis and pneumoconioses with intrapulmonary nodules)
With are three activities/professions with which asbestosis is associated?
Associated with shipbuilding, roofing, and plumbing
What is pathognomonic for asbestosis on CT?
“Ivory white,” calcified pleural plaques are pathognomonic of asbestos exposure, but are not precancerous
Are the pleural plaques associated with asbestos precancerous?
“Ivory white,” calcified pleural plaques are pathognomonic of asbestos exposure, but are not precancerous
Asbestosis is associated with an increased incidence of what 2 conditions?
Associated with an increased incidence of bronchogenic carcinoma and mesothelioma
What part of the lungs does asbestosis affect?
Affects lower lobes.
Describe Asbestos bodies. What is another name for them?
Asbestos (ferruginous) bodies are golden-brown fusiform rods resembling dumbbells
What parts of the the lung do asbestos, silica, and coal affect?
Think: “ASBESTOS is from the ROOF (was common in insulation), but affects the BASE (lower lobes). SILICA & COAL are from the BASE (earth), but affect the ROOF (upper lobes).”
What is the pathogenesis of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis?
Prolonged coal dust exposure –> macrophages laden with carbon –> inflammation and fibrosis
What is another name for Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis?
Also known as black lung disease
What part of the lungs does Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis affect?
Affects upper lobes
What kind of condition is Anthracosis? In what patient population is it found, and what causes it?
Anthracosis - Asymptomatic condition found in many urban dwellers exposed to sooty air.
What are 3 activities associated with Silicosis?
Associated with foundries, sandblasting, and mines.
What is the macrophage response to Silicosis, and what effect does it have?
Macrophages respond to silica and release fibrogenic factors, leading to fibrosis
To what infection is silica thought to increase susceptibility, and how?
It is thought that silica may disrupt phagolysosomes and impair macrophages, increasing susceptibility to TB.
For what non-infectious condition does silica increase the risk?
Also increase risk of bronchogenic carcinoma.
What part of the lungs does Silicosis affect?
Affects upper lobes
What is the (CT) finding associated with Silicosis?
“Eggshell” calcification of hilar lymph nodes