resp Flashcards
mx of sinusitis
refer if systemic infection, signs of orbital problems, neuro signs
If symptoms <10 days don’t give Abx
can use nasal saline
symptoms >10 days give intranasal corticosteroids (if child >12) consider back up Abx if nothing has changed in 7 days
how does whooping cough present
week of coryza followed by paroxysmal cough and then inspiratory whoop (cough can cause vomiting)
symptoms can go on for 3 months
Mx of whooping coufh
Admit if:
< 6 months
severe breathing difficulties (paroxysms, apnoea)
significant complications (seizures etc.)
If admission not needed give abx (MACROLIDE -clari)
don’t go to school til 48 hours after Abx have been finished or 21 days after cough started if not treated
despite Abx they will have protracted non-infectious cough
mx of foreign body
Conscious: encourage coughing back manoeuvres removal of foreign body - rigid bronchoscopy if stridor asphyxia, radio opaque objects on CXR, hx of inhalation, reduced breath sounds in one area (if acute); if not do flex bronschoscopy surgery
secure airway
Causes of bronchiectasis
general: CF primary ciliary diskinesia imunodeficiency chronic aspiration
previous pneumonia
congenital lung abnormality
obstruction by foreign body
mx bronchiectasis
improve nutrition airway cleaning physio long term macrolide inhaled bronchodilator inhaled saline vaccination against strep + flu
acute exacerbation:
from sputum cultures
What is a serious complication of bronchiolitis
recurrent apnoea
When to admit a child with bronchiolitis
apnoea, child looks generally unwell
severe resp distress (grunting, marked recession, RR >70), central cyanosis, 92 sat <92%
consider if:
poor feeding and hydration
clinically dehydrated
mx bronchiolitis
Humidified O2 if sats <92%
CPAP if impending resp failure
upper airway suction if secretions
fluids (NG if not feeding)
what are the 3 types of wheeze
Viral induced
multiple trigger (this usually becomes asthma)
mx of viral episodic wheeze
- salbutamol inhaler w/ spacer
burst therapy - 10 puffs in an hour and then reassessed, if they’re ok they can go home - leukotriene antagonist /inhaled steroid
encourage parents to stop smoking
safety net:
return if symptoms don’t get better in 2 days
if no response after 10 puffs seek help
if they have symptoms in between viral illness they’re at increased risk of asthma
what does asthmatic wheeze sound like on auscultation
what is multiple trigger wheeze
wheeze triggered by different allergens
has a high likelihood of progressing to asthma
when to suspect multiple trigger wheeze/asthma
symptoms worse at nigh + early morning interval symptoms non-viral triggers FHx \+ve response to asthma treatment
Important questions to ask for asthma hx?
does it interfere with sleep
does it interfere with sport
how much school has been missed