gastro Flashcards
What causes GORD
immaturity of oesophageal sphincter
Which pt is GORD most common in
Cerebral palsy
hx of surgery
How do you diagnose GORD
Clinical picture
Also 24 hour pH monitoring
Mx of GORD
Reassure (begins early, can take a year to go away)
Review if:
Projectile vomiting, haematemesis, bile stained vom, FTT, persistent regurgitation beyond 1 year of life
If breast fed:
breast feeding assessment
If formula: check right vol. is given trial smaller more frequent feeds trial thickened formula alginate
Positional stuff:
keep baby upright
2-4 week trial of PPI or antihistamine in children who have 1 or more of :
unexplained feeding difficulty (choking), distressed behaviour, failure to thrive
Dx of pyloric stenosis
vomiting which becomes worse –> projectile
hunger after vomiting (til they become so dehydrated that they don’t feed)
Mass in RUQ that feels like olive
What are people with pyloric stenosis at risk of
Hypochloraemic metabolic ALKALOSIS with low potassium and sodium
Mx pyloric stenosis
IV rehydration (with 5% dextrose +0.45% saline) at 1.5x maintenance rate Add potassium once output is up
Cure is Ramstedt pyloromyotomy
What is infant colic
excessive paroxysmal crying accompanied by drawing up of knees and passing excess flatus
common in first 4 months of life
if persistent –> CMP allergy
Mx for colic
Reassure that it often resolves around 6 months
If breastfeeding mum can benefit from hypoallergenic diet
If bottle fed check bottle size
Info: NHS choices
Strategies to soothe baby - white noise, holding
Signs + symptoms of appendicitis
Vomiting, anorexia, abdo pain
Pain aggravated by movement, fever, Guarding (may not get it if appendix is retrocaecal)
What is non-specific abdo pain
Pain that resolves within 24-48 hours
Often accompanied by cervical lymphadenopathy and URTI
These children can be diagnosed w/ mesenteric adenitis
Presentation of intussusception
PAROXYSMAL colicky abdo pain accompanied by pallor around the mouth
usually resolves but there may be some lethargy
child draws legs up
Redcurrant jelly stool
refusing feed
vomiting (bile stained)
What can cause intussusception
preceding viral illness (swollen peyer’s patches)
meckel’s diverticulum (most common place is ileum through ileo-caecal valve)
Complications of intussusception
Blocked venous flow, bleeding, inflammation, necrosis, perforation
Ix for intussusception
AXR - may show no air in large bowel
US - confirmatory test - target sign
Mx intussusception
ABCDE, IV fluids and NG aspiration may be needed
1.If no peritonitis - rectal air insufflation
- If clinically stable w/ no contraindications for contrast enema (peritonitis, perforation, hypovolaemia) + BSA clindamycin and gentamicin
- surgery
If recurrent Ix investigate for pathological lead point
How can Meckel’s diverticulum present
Rectal bleeding and low Hb Can also present more acutely: Meckel's diverticulitis (presents similarly to appendicitis) intussusception volvulus
Ix for Meckel’s
techentium scan
As meckel’s has gastric mucosa it takes technetium up
Mx for Meckel’s
Asymptomatic - nothing
Symptomatic - remove
2 presentations of malrotation
Obstruction - get bilious vomiting
Obstruction and vascular compromise
Mx of malrotation
vascular compromise - urgent laparotomy
Ladd procedure - divide Ladd bands and put bowel back in its place
Defintion of recurrent abdo pain
Pain that interrupts daily activities for up to 3 months