Resp Flashcards
ABG - normal pH
7.35 - 7.45
ABG - normal pCO2
4.5 - 6.0 kPa
ABG - normal pO2
10 - 14 kPa
Indications for NIV - in COPD
COPD with respiratory acidosis pH 7.25 - 7.35 (after starting nebs + steroids)
Initial settings for BiPAP in COPD - EPAP
4 - 5 cm H2O
Initial settings for BiPAP in COPD - IPAP
10 cm H2O
Initial settings for BiPAP in COPD - back up rate
15 breaths/min
Initial settings for BiPAP in COPD - back up insp:expiration ratio
Primary pneumothorax - rim < 2cm - not short of breath
Consider discharge
Primary pneumothorax - rim > 2cm or short of breath
Primary pneumothorax - rim still >2cm or still short of breath after attempting aspiration
Insert chest drain
Secondary pneumothorax - rim > 2cm and/or > 50 years old
Insert chest drain
Admit for 24+ hours
Secondary pneumothorax - patient < 50 years old, rim 1 - 2 cm
Attempt aspiration
Admit for 24+ hours
Secondary pneumothorax - rim still > 1 cm after attempting aspiration
Insert chest drain
Admit for 24+ hours
Secondary pneumothorax - patient < 50 years old, rim < 1 cm
Give oxygen
Admit for 24+ hours
Diving after secondary pneumothorax
Avoid permanently, unless had bilateral pleurectomy + normal lung Fx + CT post-operatively
Features of Lefgren’s syndrome (acute form of sarcoidosis)
Erythema nodosum
Paraneoplastic ADH associated with which lung cancer
Small cell
Paraneoplastic ACTH associated with which lung cancer
Small cell
Lamber-Eaton paraneoplastic syndrome associated with which lung cancer
Small cell
Paraneoplastic PTH-rp associated with which lung cancer
Squamous cell
Paraneoplastic HPOA associated with which lung cancer
Squamous cell,
Paraneoplastic TSH associated with which lung cancer
Squamous cell
Paraneoplastic syndromes - Clubbing is associated with which lung cancer
Squamous cell
Paraneoplastic syndromes - Gynaecomastia is associated with which lung cancer
Causes of bronchiectasis
Post-infective Bronchial obstruction Cystic fibrosis, ciliary dyskinesias Immune deficiency ABPA Yellow nail syndrome
Post-infective causes of bronchiectasis
Immune deficiency causes of bronchiectasis
Selective IgA deficiency
Medication licensed for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Pirfenidone MOA
Anti-fibrotic agent
Features of ABPA
Life threatening asthma - PEFR
PEFR <33% best or predicted
Life threatening asthma - Oxygen sats
sats < 92%
Life threatening asthma - pCO2
‘Normal’ pCO2 (4.6 - 6.0 kPa)
Life threatening asthma - Examination
Silent chest,
Poor respiratory effort
Exhaustion, confusion, coma
Severe asthma - PEFR
PEFR 33 - 50% best or predicted
Severe asthma - Examination
Can’t complete sentences
Severe asthma - RR
RR >25/min
Severe asthma - HR
HR > 110 bpm
Life threatening asthma - Obs
Moderate asthma - PEFR
PEFR 50 - 75% best or predicted
Moderate asthma - Examination
Speech normal
Moderate asthma - RR
RR < 25/min
Moderate asthma - HR
HR < 110 bpm
COPD exaverbation - NIV unavailable/inappropriate
Doxapram MOA
Respiratory stimulant
COPD - still breathless on SABA/SAMA and LABA + ICS
COPD - 1st line
COPD - Still breathless on SABA/SAMA without asthmatic features/steroid responsiveness
SABA prn
LABA + LAMA regular
COPD - Still breathless on SABA/SAMA + asthmatic features/steroid responsiveness
LABA + ICS regular
SABA prn
LABA + LAMA regular
Still breathless
SABA prn
LABA + LAMA + ICS regular
LABA + ICS regular
Still breathless
SABA prn
LABA + LAMA + ICS regular
Features of EGPA (Churg-Strauss)
Lung disease (late onset/worsening 'asthma') Renal disease (AKI) Eosinophilia pANCA Mononeuritis multiplex NO SINUSITIS (in exams)
Pulmonary hypertension group 1
I - Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)
Pulmonary hypertension group 2
II - Pulmonary hypertension secondary to left heart disease
Pulmonary hypertension group 3
III - Pulmonary hypertension secondary to lung disease
Pulmonary hypertension group 4
IV - Pulmonary hypertension secondary to chronic thromboembolic disease
Pulmonary hypertension group 5
V - Pulmonary hypertension with unclear cause
Sarcoidosis - indications for steroids
Stage 2 or 3 disease + symptomatic
Eye/heart/neuro involvement
Restrictive spirometry - FEV1/FVC ratio
FEV1/FVC > 0.7
Obstructive spirometry - FEV1/FVC ratio
FEV1/FVC < 0.7
Cavitating upper lobe pneumonia in diabetic/alcoholic
Lung fibrosis in aerospace worker
Management of acute eosinophilic pneumonia
Oral steroids
COPD not controlled on triple inhaled therapy
Roflumilast MOA
Long-acting phosphodiesterase inhibitor
NSCLC stage I or II - management
Surgical resection
Contraindications to surgical resection in NSCLC
Stage IIIb/IV FEV <1.5 Malignant effusion Tumour near hilum Vocal cord paralysis SVC obstruction
Features of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis / Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
Episodic SOB and cough Environmental trigger Acute: fever Chronic: weight loss No eosinophilia
Silicosis - fibrosis affects which zone
Upper zone fibrosis
Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis - fibrosis affects which zone
Upper zone fibrosis
Histoplasmosis (fungus Histoplasma capsulatum) - typical features
Recent travel
URTI and retrosternal pain
Nodular shadowing
Pathogen commonly associated with bronchiectasis
Features of microscopic polyangiitis
Glomerulonephritis Systemic features Palpable purpura Cough, dyspnoea, haemoptysis Mononeuritis multiplex ANCA +ve
Features of GPA (Wegeners)
Lung disease SINUS DISEASE Renal disease No eosinophilia ANCA positive (usually c, but may be p)
Adult with asthma - not controlled on SABA alone
SABA + low-dose ICS
Adult with new diagnosis of asthma with symptoms <3/week and no night-time awakening
Adult with new diagnosis of asthma with symptoms >3/week or night-time awakening
SABA + low-dose ICS
Adult with asthma - not controlled on SABA + low-dose ICS
SABA + low-dose ICS + LTRA
Adult with asthma - not controlled on SABA + low-dose ICS + LTRA
SABA + low-dose ICS + LABA
+/- continure LTRA
Adult with asthma - not controlled on SABA + low-dose ICS + LABA
SABA + MART (LABA + low-dose ICS)
+/- LTRA
Features of theophylline poisoning
Tachycardia + increased myocardial contractility
Diffusion capacity of lung for CO
Transfer coefficient
=DLCO corrected for lung volume/transfer per ‘bit’ of lung
Causes of a low DLCO (low transfer co-efficient)
- Pulmonary fibrosis
- Pneumonia
- PE
- Pulmonary oedema
- Emphysema
- Anaemia
- Low cardiac output
Causes of a raised DLCO
Asthma Pulmonary haemorrhage Left-to-right heart shunt Polycythaemia Hyperkinetic state Male, exercise
CURB-65 score - C
Confusion (AMTS <=8/10)
CURB-65 score - R
RR >= 30
CURB-65 score - U
Urea > 7
CURB-65 score - B
Systolic <= 90 ,or,
Diastolic <= 60
CURB score of >=3
Consider ITU
Stable COPD - ABG shows pO2 <7.3
Offer LTOT
Stable COPD - ABG shows pO2 7.3 - 8
Offer LTOT if any of:
- secondary polycythaemia
- peripheral oedema
- pulmonary hypertension
LTOT assessment - patient develops respiratory acidosis
Medical optimisation + re-assess 4 weeks
LTOT assessment - PaCO2 rise of >1 kPa
Medical optimisation + re-assess 4 weeks
Two difficult to control organisms in CF
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Caplan syndrome
Patient with RA + occupational dust exposure - > severe pneumoconiosis
Solitary lung nodule <5mm
Can be discharged
Solitary lung nodule >= 8 mm + high risk features
CT-PET, and biopsy if high uptake
Solitary lung nodule > 6 mm + low risk
CT surveillance (3 months)
Solitary lung nodule 5 -6 mm
CT surveillance (12 months)
ARDS diagnostic criteria
Acute onset
Oedema on CXR
pO2/FiO2 < 40kPa (200 mmHg)
CRB-65 score 0 - risk of death
< 1%
CRB-65 score 1 or 2 - risk of death
1 - 10%
CRB-65 score 3 or 4 - risk of death
> 10%
Small cell lung cancer with extensive disease
Consider chemotherapy
Treatment for MAC (mycobacterium avium complex)
Rifampicin + clarithromycin + ethambutol
Treatment for M.kansii NTM (Mycobacterium kansasii)
Rifampicin, isoniazid + ethambutol
Prognostic test in IPF
Carbon monoxide transfer factor
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis/EEA - bronchoalveolar lavage findings
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (Extrinsic allergic alveolitis) - CXR/CT findings
Upper/mid-zone fibrosis
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (Extrinsic allergic alveolitis)- blood investigations
NO eosinophilia
Serology for specific IgG antibodies (precipitins for bird/fungus)
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis/EEA - examples
Bird fancier’s lung
Farmer’s lung
Malt worker’s lung
Mushroom worker’s lung
Psuedomonas eradication in CF
2 weeks IV anti-pseudomonal antibiotic + inhaled aminoglycaside
6 weeks PO ciprofloxacin
Management of theophyllin poisoning
Gastric lavage if <1hr
Activated charcoal
Charcoal haemoperfusion
Features of sarcoidosis
Lung fibrosis/BHL
Renal failure
Non-caseating granulomas
Sarcoidosis CXR features
Apical fibrosis
Sarcoidosis - blood findings
Lymphocytosis Increased CD4:CD8 ratio Raised ESR ACE (in 70%) Hypercalcaemia (10%)
Sarcoidosis - CXR stage 0
Sarcoidosis - CXR stage 1
Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
Sarcoidosis - CXR stage 2
BHL + interstitial infiltrates
Sarcoidosis - CXR stage 3
Diffuse interstitial infiltrates only
Sarcoidosis - CXR stage 4
Diffuse fibrosis
Commonest lung cancer in adolescents
Bronchial carcinoid
1st line management of psuedomonas in bronchiectasis
PO ciprofloxacin 14 days
2nd line management of psuedomonas in bronchiectasis
IV tazocin, ceftazidime, aztreonam or meropenem
Small cell lung cancer - Limited disease (T1-4, N0-3, M0)
Consider surgery
4 cycles cisplatin-based chemotherapy +/- radiotherapy
Small cell lung cancer - Early stage (T1-2a, N0, M0)
Consider surgery
Or chemo + radiotherapy
Small cell lung cancer - Extensive disease (T1-4, N0-3, M1a/b)
6 cycles cisplatin-based chemotherapy + radiotherapy if good response
1st line management of moderate/severe disease in granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids
COPD patient develops respiratory acidosis/>1kPa rise in PaCO2 during LTOT on two repeated occasions (and apparently clinically stable)
Offer domiciliary oxygen only in conjunction with nocturnal ventilator support
MPO antibodies
PR3 antibodies
Causes of mononeuritis multiplex
Vasculitis Diabetes AIDS Amyloidosis RA
Microscopic polyangiitis - ANCA findings
pANCA in 50-70%
cANCA in 40%
Pulmonary causes of eosinophilia
- Asthma
- Eosinophilic pneumonia
- Hypereosinophilic syndrome
- Loffler’s syndrome
- Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia
Treatment of ABPA
Oral steroids +/- itraconazole
Treatment of aspergilloma
Oral itraconazole +/- surgical resection
Delta-F508 mutation seen in
Cystic fibrosis
ESR in anti-GBM disease
Adult asthma step 1
Adult asthma step 2
not controlled on 1 or new diagnosis with symptoms >3/week or nocturnal
SABA + low-dose ICS
Adult asthma step 3
SABA + low-dose ICS + LTRA
Adult asthma step 4
SABA + low-dose ICS + LABA
+/- LTRA depending on response before
Adult asthma step 5
Switch to MART:
-MART (LABA + low-dose ICS)
+/- LTRA
Adult asthma step 6
-MART (LABA + medium-dose ICS)
+/- LTRA
Adult asthma step 7
-High dose ICS
+/- LTRA
- trial LAMA/theophylline
-expert help
How to distinguish transudate vs exudate
Protein level <30g/L = Transudate
Protein level >30g/L = Exudate
If protein level 25-35g/L use Light’s criteria
Light’s criteria
Exudate likely if at least one of:
Fluid protein/serum protein >0.5
Fluid LDH/serum LDH >0.6
Fluid LDH more than 2/3 upper limits normal serum LDH
PEFR demonstrating severe acute asthma
33-50% of best/predicted
PEFR demonstrating life-threatening acute asthma
<33% best/predicted
Acute asthma - RR demonstrating severe
RR >25
Acute asthma - Pulse rate demonstrating severe (or life-threatening)
HR > 110
Acute asthma - signs demonstrating severe
Can’t complete sentences
Acute asthma - signs demonstrating life-threatening
Silent chest Cyanosis Poor respiratory effort Confusion Exhaustion, coma
Acute asthma - Obs demonstrating life-threatening
Oxygen sats <92%