Residential Tenant Act Flashcards
Lays out all the specifics o f the rental.
Services Unspecified
If you begin using a service the landlord cannot remove it if you prove it is adding to your enjoyment of the property.
Landlord Duties
-Must pay for all upkeep and major repairs.
-Must keep premises in safe conditions
-Even if you rent a place knowing something is wrong, they must fix it.
Tenant Duties
-Maintain ordinary health cleanliness.
-Not liable for reasonable wear and tear
-Dispute and go to court
-Rent pay goes directly to the court and they will order repairs to be done with rent.
Emergency Repairs
-Urgent for health and safety of persons in the home.
-Landlord must post in visible area name and contact of repair person.
Locks and Access
Landlord or Tenant may not change locks without and agreement or court order.
Right of Entry
Landlord must not enter unless:
-Tenant consent and notice at least 24hrs before and no more than 72hrs.
-Between 8am and 9pm (unless consent)
When does the tenant get a Copy of Lease / Agreement
-Given to tenant ASAP or within 21 days.
-Tenant can withhold rent until given a copy.
Security Deposit
-1/2 of the month’s rent and agreed to in writing.
-Receive deposit back within 15 days of ending lease.
What is done before rental increase is allowed?
1 year into the contract or the lease expires.
How much notice is required before a rent increase?
3 full months
Can the rent be increased at different times?
No, it has to be all at once.
How long can the tenant take to dispute the increase?
Must be within 30 days.
Does the tenant have to pay if the increase is above the legal amount?
Tenant only has to pay the legal amount of the increase.
How much notice does a tenant need to give before they vacate?
1 months notice.
What is a hidden rent increase?
Landlord adds a fee to something the tenant was already using free of charge. (Not allowed)
Rent Payment
Due 1st day at midnight.
What happens if the rent or utilities are not payed?
Landlord can issue 10 day notice of eviction. 30 day notice for utilities.
If the outstanding funds are payed in within these days the notice is nullified.
Reasons for Eviction
-Impending on other tenants from enjoying the property.
-30 Days passed and damage deposit is not received.
-Unreasonable Damage.
-Too many people in residence.