Research.GettingStarted Flashcards
- is a systematic investigation which involves 2, 3, and 4 information in a sequential manner in order to increase our understanding of the phenomenon of interest
- Research (2) collecting (3). Analyzing (4) interpreting
- Research is a (1) for (1) that begins w/a (1). 2. Intended to benefit the counseling profession when there are gaps between what (2)and what is 2
- search; truth; question (2) clients need; being provided to them
A ___ ____ is the general question that guides the direction of the research
research question
Once a research question is identified, __ are developed
________ _____ ______ _____ : (1) Practice drives client outcomes; (2) Client outcomes drive research; (3) Research drives practice
Scientist Practitioner Feedback Loop
Scientist Practitioner Feedback Loop: Practice drives __
client outcomes
Scientist Practitioner Feedback Loop: Client outcomes drives
Scientist Practitioner Feedback Loop: Research drives
Basic components of research: (a); (b); (c).
(a) research question (b) hypothesis; (c) variables
A ___ is an inference or application that is an estimation of the projected results
A value that is observed or manipulated
After identifying a (broad) research question, making a hypothesis, and considering the variables to be studied, the next step is to determine the appropriate __ ___.
___ : such characteristics that have more than one attribute or value (thereby making them capable of ___)
Variables; varying
Basic Component of Research: Techniques employed for data examination
Research Design
Types of Research design
Quantitative design
Basic Component of Research: Quantitative designs collect __or__ data
numerical; categorical
Basic Component of Research: Qualitative designs collect data in the form of ___ ___
narrative answers
Basic components of research: ___ designs collect data in the form of narrative answers
Basic components of research: Qualitative designs are often focused on a
central phenomenon
Research methods/designs/empirical inquires: (a); (b); (c)
a. relational or correlational
Experimental research defines the ____