Career Flashcards
PERSON: ______’s outstanding contribution to the career counseling movement was conceptual framework for helping an individual select a career ~
Parson ~
WHEN: The trend that men worked in factories and women worked primarily as homemakers was established during ~
the rise of industrialism. ~
WHEN : writing of the first developmental theories occurred during ~
World War I ~
World War II impacted the career counseling movement in that it addressed…. ~
life transitions–from military to civilian life ~
The National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee had four basic functions; identify one of them ~
provide labor market information ~
PERSON : Founded the career development theory which includes genetic endowments, special abilities, environmental conditions, and events ~
Krumboltz ~
THEORY : _____ theory emphasizes that job satisfaction is related to work reinforcers ~
PEC theory ~
A major tenet of Super’s theory is that the ______ one follows through life results from expression of one’s ______ ~
career pattern; vocational self-concept ~
PERSON : _____’s theory includes variables, such as prestige and sex type ~
Gottfredson ~
THEORY : Key concept of ___ theory: assumption that individuals have unique patterns of ability which can be measured and matched with jobs ~
trait-and-factor theory :
THEORY : Career counseling models with a counseling goal of helping a person determine their optimal career fit ~
trait/factor and PEF ~
The Multicultural Career Counseling Model for Ethnic Women recommends that the counselors should _____ ~
be aware of many worldviews ~
According to the _____, assessment results be utilized as a means to identify areas for future training ~
LTCC model ~
A client who invests minimal time and effort toward succeeding would be an example of an impediment to ~
goal establishment ~
PERSON : ______’s theory emphasizes the value of individual learning experiences over the lifespan ~
Peterson ~
PERSON : Early supporter of integrating career & personal concerns; suggested afrorementioned to be addressed by career counselors & viewed as occupational mental health ~
Osipow ~
PERSON : __ , a __ theorist, can be identified using the following statements: “…personal problems cannot be separated from career problems.” “…belief systems and interests are interrelated in the career counseling process.” ~
Krumboltz; career ~
Career counseling and personal counseling are distinct and separate entities; they require different _______ and a different counseling _______ . ~
training courses; certification ~
TERM : Human behavior is _______: considered most significant statement on human behavior for integrating career and personal concerns ~
multidimensional ~
3 major influences that drive behavior ~
biological, psychological, and social ~
THEORY/MODEL/APPROACH : In the ____ _____-, the focus is on interrelationships of concerns ~
whole person approach to interviewing ~
One of the major goals of interviewing is to identify barriers to _____ and _____ . ~
career choice ; development ~
TERM : When interviewing culturally different clients, a major objective is to determine their _______ ~
level of acculturation ~
Life roles of multicultural groups are determined by ______ ~
unique cultural socialization ~
Significant contextual experiences are ________ experiences that influence ________ . ~
socialization; self-perceptions ~
The degree to which a test score is dependable refers to ~
reliability ~
That the test measures what it purports to measure refers to ~
validity ~
To be assured that an inventory measures the factors associated with career development, one is to evaluate which type of validity? ~
content ~
The Career Beliefs, Career Thoughts, and My Vocational Situation inventories are considered measures of factors that are associated with ____ and ____ clients ~
undecided ; indecisive ~
A controversial issue that has long been associated with interests inventories is: ~
gender bias ~
Research suggests that users of computer-assisted career guidance systems ~
respond favorably to the career options generated by the system ~
Research suggests that students who benefit most from CACG interventions were those who: ~
had a sense of purpose ~
One of the major concerns found with the use of computers in career counseling was ~
confidentiality ~
The major concern involving computer-generated interpretive statements is their ~
reliability ~