Researchers Flashcards
Jackobsen et al
Tested the reliability of the ICD 10
> 100 danish patients diagnosed with psychosis
98% concordance rate with ICD 10
Demonstrates high reliability
Soderberg et al
Found an 81% concordance rate using the DSM
60% using ICD
Buckley et al
50% of schizophrenics had co-morbid depression.
Found 2/3rds of patients detained in Birmingham with Sz as opposed to Asian and white people.
Cochrane 1977
Reported Afro-Carribeans to be 7 times more likely to be diagnosed with sz in Britain than in their homeland (West Indies)
Joseph 2004
Reported a concordance rate in Sz of 40.4 in Mz twins
7.4% in Dz twins
Suggesting that sz is genetically influenced.
But not fully influenced > no 100% CCR
Ho et al
MRI scans on sz patients and found they had brain damage.
Longitudinal study
3 years later > rescanned
Brain damaged had worsened
In frontal lobes
Symptoms also heightened
Suggests brain damage does increase in sz’s
BUT. Not the cause of SZ
Bateson et al > 1956
Found children who frequently receive contradicting. Messages from parents
Develop schizophrenia
Linzen et al
A patient who return home to high EXPRESSED EMOTION is 4 times more likely to relapse than a person who returns to low EE
Bateson > Expressed a motion.
Studied a man with Sz
Was visited by hostile/critical mother
When she left he assaulted an aid & retained
Supports the negative effects of EE and it’s attribution to relapse
Research for Family dysfunction
Only 1% of the population have been diagnosed with Sz
There is likely to be a higher percentage of DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILIES.
suggests DF isn’t the sole cause of SZ
Implied that schemas are not activated in Sz’s making it difficult to process incoming info
Sensory overload > Frith et al
Frith et al
Sensory overload leads to
The inability to generate willed actions
Monitor willed actions
& monitor beliefs and intentions of others.
Suggests delusions are coping mechanisms for hallucinations
Helps to cognitively process
Davis et al
100 Sz patients
Compared drugs with placebos.
Found 70% of pps treated with antipsychotics improved in 6 weeks
Placebo > less than 25% of improvement
Zimmerman et al
Meta analysis
14 studies
1484 Sz patients in CBT
CBT significantly reduced positive symptoms.
Tarried et al
20 sessions on CBT in 10 weeks with drug therapy
Found these sufferers > better than taking CBT/ drug therapy alone.
Rathod et al
Non-Caribbean therapists had less success with Afro Caribbean patients due to lack of empathy.
Professional trainers are needed for CBT to work.
Pilling et al
Meta analysis > on several psychological treatments.
18 family therapy studies
1467 Sz patients
Found family therapy had the lowest relapse rate
Cannon et al
Correlation with pregnancy complications (damaged neurotransmitters) and Sz
Supports biological factors > can trigger Sz
Hogarty et al
Assessed relapse rates
103 sz’s
0% relapse rate for family therapy/social skills / drug therapy together.
41% for drug therapy alone.