Research Question Flashcards
What are the features of the research question ?
- Relevant : it is an issue covered by the research
- Manageable : it is within the scope, not too large but not too narrow
- Specific : it is measurable or investigable
- Clear and simple : readers understand what you are hoping to find out
- Interesting : readers are interested in the research, it is a substantial question
- Legitimate : it is a question, not a statement
- Answerable : you can actually provide an answer to your research question
What does PICO mean ?
P: patient/population/problem
I : intervention (therapy, treatment)
C: comparison (control group or usual care)
O : outcome - what you wish to measure
What are the types of PICO questions ?
Diagnosis Therapy Prognosis Etiology/harm Prevention
For quantitative research
Diagnosis Research Question
Are (I) more accurate in diagnosing (P) compared with (C) for (O)
Therapy Research Question
In (P), what is the effect of (I) on (O) compared with (C)
Prognosis Research Question
Does (I) influence (O) in patients who have (P)
Etiology Research Question
Are (P) who have (I) at increased/decreased risk for/of (O) compared with (P) with /without (C)
Prevention Research Question
For (P) does the use of (I) reduce the future risk of (O) compared with (C)
What is PIco
P : population/patient/problem
I : interest
Co : context
Only in qualitative researches
What is SPICE
S : settings (where) P : perspective (from whom) I : interest (what) C : comparison (what else) E : Evaluation (how well, what result)
What is SPIDER
Qualitative + mixed methods of studies
S : sample population PI : Phenomenon of interest D : Design E : Evaluation R : Research type
What are the 4 components in Orientation ?
1) Define the problem
2) Orientate on the topic of interest
3) Define search limits
4) Determine terminology and concepts
What are the 4 components in systematic search ?
1) plan the search
2) perform an electronic search
3) additional search by hand
4) judge eligibility of studies
What are the 3 components of the Evaluation of search ?
1) critical appraisal
2) evaluate the process
3) update the search if needed
What are the 4 steps in systematic search ?
1) identification
2) screening
3) eligibility
4) inclusion
Where to find the best evidence ?
- Pubmed
- Pedro
- Sport Discus
- Google scholar
- Research gate
- Cochrane library