Qualitative Research Flashcards
What is qualitative research ?
It seeks information which cannot be easily expressed in numbers
It is concerned with the live experience of people, feelings, opinons, perceptions of people.
Why can qualitative research be useful ?
To better understand the contexte in which we work
Before an experimental study to find out the appropriate topic to be investigated
Or concurrent with an experimental study, it helps the researcher to know about related phenomena in the study that cannot be quantified.
What is participants bias
Responses based on popular opinion or what is socially acceptable (ex: Bandwagon effect or groupthink)
What is recall bias ?
Accuracy of responses is limited by the ability of the participant to remember what happened.
What is researcher’s bias
Researcher deliberately interpret data to satisfy their opinions, hypothesis or personal values
Describe the subjectivist paradigm
The truth is what you think it is and it’s based on individual viewpoint
Describe the constructivist paradigm
The truth is created by groups of people and it needs to be interpreted because it is based on their circumstances
Describe the positivist paradigm
There is only one truth and we can measure it based on the validity and reliability of measurement tools
What is a paradigm ?
It is a framework to understanding things or for thinking about things. Paradigms are discipline specific.
The paradigm will define the research question
What are the steps of the research method ?
Sampling Recruitment Data collection Data analysis Data representation and research report writing
What are the traditional qualitative research approches ?
Grounded theory
What is ethnography ?
A holistic documentation of the views, actions and feelings of a particular group. The goal is to describe the live experience of participants.
What is grounded theory ?
To propose a theoretical explanation for a phenomenon or process based on specified assumptions. Iterative data collection and analysis. The goal is to formulate a theory to explain a phenomenon.
What is phenomenology ?
To determine how people make sense of an experience or a phenomenon. The goal is to determine how people with a certain experience coped with it or made sense of it.
What is iterative data collection ?
A data collection in which the outcome of the analysis of one phase of data collection will determine the type of data to be collected for the next phase of the research.
What are the sources of data in qualitative research ?
- spoken words
- photos videos audio recording
- text
- observed behavior of individuals and groups
- combination of all of the above
Why is academic rigor important in qualitative research ?
Quality control is achieved by academic rigor. All the procedures must be based on evidence. Synonym : trustworthiness.
It is a measure of how thorough researchers are in conducting their research and how accurate they are in reporting their research methods and outcomes.
What are the criteria of trustworthiness is qualitative research ?
- credibility (—> internal validity)
- transferability (—> external validity)
- dependability (—> reliability)
- confirmability (—> objectivity)
How to fulfill the criteria of trustworthiness ?
- transparency / audit trail
- iterative coding
- multiple coders
- triangulation of researchers, methods, data sources
- participant verification
- reflective practice
What is transparency ?
The absence of researcher bias. Achievable by audit trail. = accountability
What is iterative coding
Part of the process of data analysis, coding the data several times in order to refine the codes
Why using multiple coders ?
In qualitative research it is to get the perspectives of researchers with different backgrounds and disciplines in the research
What is triangulation ?
It is the use of multiple sources of information to show the trustworthiness of any aspect of the research
(Ex : triangulation of researcher, method, analysis data)
What is participant verification
Reduce bias
Taking your interpretation of what comes out of the data back to the people you collected it from to see wether / to what extend they agree and wether you have missed / misinterpreted something.