Research Methods in Developmental Psych And Ethics Flashcards
Take care to do no harm; minimize harm
Beneficence and Nonmaleficence
Establish relationships of trusts, upholding professional standards of conduct, cooperate with other professionals if needed to serve the best interests of the client, and strive to contribute their professional time, compensated or not.
Fidelity and Responsibility
Promote accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness
Fairness and justice to all person to access and benefit from the contributions of psychology
Respect the dignity and worth of all people by exercising their rights to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination
Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity
APA General Principles:
A. Beneficence and Nonmaleficence
B. Fidelity and Responsibility
C. Integrity
D. Justice
E. Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity
PAP General Principles:
I. Respect for Dignity of Persons and Peoples
II. Competent Caring for the Well-being of Persons and Peoples
III. Integrity
IV. Professional and Scientific Responsibilities to Society
- Respect for all human beings, diversity, culture, beliefs
- free and informed consent
- privacy, fairness, and justice
I. Respect for Dignity of Persons and Peoples
- working for their benefit and do no harm
II. Competent Caring for the Well-being of Persons and Peoples
- honesty, truthfulness, open and accurate communication
- appropriate professional boundaries, multiple
relationships, conflicts of interest
III. Integrity
- contributing knowledge about human behavior
- conducting affairs within society with highest ethical standards
IV. Professional and Scientific Responsibilities to Society
Must provide accurate information and obtain approval prior to conducting the research
True or False
Must not provide accurate information and obtain approval prior to conducting the research
True or False
Informed consent is required, which include:
✓ Purpose of the research
✓Duration and procedures
✓ Right to decline and withdraw
✓ Consequences of declining or withdrawing
✓ Potential risks, discomfort, or adverse effects ✓ Benefits
✓ Limits of confidentiality
✓ Incentives for participation
✓ Researcher’s contact information
Researchers who study vulnerable populations should obtain informed consent both from the individual and guardian
True or False
Researchers who study vulnerable populations should not need to obtain informed consent both from the individual and guardian
True or False
Seek individual’s assent, provide an explanation, consider their best interest, and obtain permission from their guardians
True or False
Does not seek individual’s assent, provide an explanation, consider their best interest, and obtain permission from their guardians
True or False
Must appropriately document written or oral consent, permission or assent
True or False
Must not appropriately document written or oral consent, permission or assent
True or False
Permission for recording images or vices are not needed unless the research consists of solely naturalistic observations in public places, or research designed includes deception
True or False
Permission for recording images or vices are needed unless the research consists of solely naturalistic observations in public places, or research designed includes deception
True or False
Consent does not need to obtained during debriefing
True or False
Consent must be obtained during debriefing
True or False
Dispense or Omitting Informed consent only when:
- Research would not create distress or harm
- Permitted by law
Study of normal educational practices conducted in an educational settings
Obtain or Omit Informed Consent
Anonymous questionnaires, naturalistic
observation, archival research
When Confidentiality is protected
Avoid offering excessive incentives for research participation that could coerce participation
True or false
It is important to offer excessive incentives for research participation
True or false
Do not conduct a study that involves deception unless they have justified the use of deceptive techniques in the study
True or false
Deception must be discussed as early as possible and not during the conclusion of data collection
True or false
It is legally allowed to conduct a study that involves deception.
True or false
Deception does not need to be discussed early and can be discussed at the conclusion of data collection
True or false
They must give participants the opportunity to learn about the nature, results, and conclusions of the research and make sure that there are no misconceptions about the research
True or false
Must ensure the safety and minimize the discomfort, infection, illness, and pain of animal subjects
True or false
Must ensure the unsafety and maximize the discomfort, infection, illness, and pain of animal subjects
True or false
Must no present portions of another’s work or data
as their own
True or false
Presenting portions of another’s work or data as their own is allowed.
True or false
Must take responsibility and credit, including
authorship credit, only for work they have actually performed or to which they have substantially contributed
True or false
Faculty advisors discuss publication credit with
students as early as possible
True or False
After publishing, they should not withhold data from other competent professionals who intends to reanalyze the data
True or false
Shared data must be used only for the declared
True or false
Researchers who study cultural influences on
development or racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic differences in development must work hard to keep their own cultural values from biasing their perceptions of other groups
True or false
Researchers who study cultural influences on
development or racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic differences in development should not keep their own cultural values and be proud of their own ethnicity
True or false
one’s group is superior than the
other groups
Do not conduct studies that involves deception
unless deceptive techniques are justified
True or false
Studies that involves deception is allowed as long as it is confidential
True or false
If ever, deception must be explained as early as
feasible during the conclusion of the participation and participants have the right to withdraw if they want to do so
True or false
Basic Research Designs:
- Descriptive
- Case Study
- Ethnographic Studies
- Correlational Study
- Experimental Study
- Quasi-Experiment
aims to observe and record behavior
study of a certain individual or group
Case study
Useful in rare cases
Case study
Offers useful, in-depth information
Case study
Can explore sources of behavior, test treatments, and suggest directions for further research
Case study
Cannot be easily generalized to other population
Case study
Cannot make strong causal statements
Case study
low external validity
Case study
seek to describe the pattern of
relationships, customs, beliefs, technology, arts, and traditions that make up a society’s way of life
Ethnographic Studies
Case study of the culture
Ethnographic studies
Open to observer bias
Ethnographic studies
Help overcome cultural biases in theory and research
Ethnographic studies
Debunks the logic of western developed theories can be universally applied
Ethnographic studies
determine whether a correlation exist between variables, phenomena that change or vary among people or can be varied for purposes of
Correlational study
Study of the relationship between one variable and another without manipulation
Correlational study
- No random assignment
Correlational study
Lack of control over extraneous variables
Correlational study
Cannot establish causation
Correlational study
Used to study many important issues that cannot be studies experimentally for ethical reasons
Correlational study
Can study multiple influences operating in natural settings
Correlational study
high external validity
Correlational study
controlled procedure which the experiment manipulated variables to learn how oneaffects another
Establish cause-and-effect
Permit replication
Could encounter ethical issues
Can be artificial
High internal validity
natural experiment; compares people who have been accidentally assigned to separate groups by circumstances of life
Actually, a correlational study
Developmental Research Designs:
-children of different ages are assessed at ONE point of time
- more economical
- no cases of attrition (dropping out of the study) or repeated testing (practice effect)
- individual differences and trajectories may be
- results can be affected by differing experiences of people born at different times
- study the SAME GROUP or PERSON more than
once, or even years apart
- can track individual patterns of continuity and change
- time-consuming and expensive
- repeated testing could result to practice effect
- attrition could be a problem
- turnover of research personnel, loss of funding, or the development of new measures or methodologies
- data are collected on successive cross-sectional or longitudinal samples
- track people of different ages over time
- allows researchers to separate age-related change from cohort effects and provides more complete picture of development
- drawbacks: time, effort and complexity
- requires large number of participants and collection and analysis of huge amounts of data over a period of years
Cohort Effects: the influence of historical experiences on the outcome of data
The influence of the historical experiences on the outcome of data
Cohort effects
important because they can powerfully affect the dependent measures in a study ostensibly concerned with age
Cohort effects