Research methods Flashcards
Confounding vs extraneous variables
EV are apart from IV than could affect DV
CV have already affected the DV
Defining a variable and stating how it will be measured
Lab experiment
Very controlled environment and artificial setting where participants are randomly allocated to a condition
+ High control to eliminate EV so CV, easily manipulate IV to establish cause and effect, easily reproducible for reliability
- demand characteristics, social desirability bias, mundane realism, ecological validity
Field experiments
real world or natural setting though IV still controlled
+ mundane realism, ecological validity, IV can be controlled to establish cause and effect between IV DV, less demand characteristics esp if unaware they are taking part
-less control over EV - maybe invalid, less control of sample so less representative, difficult to reproduce
Natural experiment
uses naturally occurring IV not directly manipulated, finding participants who already meet the conditions of an experiment
+ mundane realism, ecological validity, useful when impossible or unethical to manipulate IV in a lab/ field exp
- low control over EV, very difficult to reproduce, difficult to determine cause and effect due to low control
Quasi experiment
Naturally occurring IV which is a difference between people that already exists - usually in a lab setting
+ High control, less EV, easy to reproduce with control
- Lacks ecological validity as artificial setting, demand characteristics, validity
Behavioural categories
Specific observable behaviour groups recorded in an observation - to be operationalised
Easier to focus, tally, objective, quantifiable, analysis, reliability
Observer bias and fixes
Knowing the aims of the study will influence observations, or observations could be very subjective
Inter-observer reliability - 2 people watch and record then correlate via Kappa test where +0.8 indicates reliability
Intra-observer reliability - recorded so can be rewatched several times (and by others)
Sampling in an observation
Event sampling - recording every time something happens - useful to gain a full picture and not miss anything out, but sometimes hard to count esp if very frequent
Time sampling - recording in given time intervals - easier esp in hard to count situations, but risks missing out major events between intervals
Types of observations
Non participant - no involvement with participants
Participant - direct involvement with actions/ interactions of participants
Covert - undercover and may give fake identity, group unaware
Overt - self introduce makes clear that they are being observed by others
Naturalistic vs controlled observation
Naturalistic observes in own environment with no direct IV manipulation - usually covert
Controlled observes in artificial environment with manipulated EV - usually overt
Manipulating EV makes it easy to establish cause and effect but may be difficult/ unethical
Naturalistic usually more ecologically valid and mundane realism
Generic observation eval
Whether people know - ethics, observer effects, demand characteristics, social desirability bias, mundane realism, ecological validity
Researcher participation - focus on observing, relatability to actual activity
Observer bias (can be overcome)
Structured - same questions in same order, closed questions for quantitative data
Unstructured - informal in depth unplanned, open questions for qualitative data
Semi structured interview - mix of both
Interviews eval
+Unclear questions can be clarified easily,
- interviewer effects can occur - even with uniform, body language
+ Can be recorded to replay/ analyse
- Need training/ skill esp for open qs - taking notes makes it harder to focus but not taking notes makes the participant feel unheard
- Social desirability bias
- Structured are quicker but lack in depth data, opposite for non structured
- Unstructured questions may lead to off topic/ useless discussion
Semi structured combines + and - of both
Questionnaires + design
Written set of questions/ instructions - can be self administered, by post, face 2 face etc
Consider type of data - qualitative to open qs and vice versa
Avoid ambiguous questions
Avoid questions with two parts
Avoid leading questions
Avoid complex language so easily understood