Research Methods Flashcards
Random sampling
Every member has equal chance
Systematic sampling
Every nth person is selected
The consistency of a measurement
Internal reliability
Internal consistency of a measure
Date collected and split in half results of each half compared
External reliability
Consistency with different measures of in the same one text to another
Test- retest
Re-administering some test to some people under some conditions but different occasions
Inter- rater
Subjectively leading to bias
Doing study and getting second researcher to study compare correlation coalition of + 0.80
The extent to a result reflects a true findings is real world
Internal validity
findings related to the manipulation of independent variables
External validity
Can be generalised beyond the study
Population validity
Can results be generalised by general population
Ecological validity
Results be generalised to real world and real life
Mundane realism
Task be generalised to real world and real life
Temporal validity
Can results be generated across different times
Face validity
Simple technique to test for validity
Concurrent validity
Comparing new procedure with similar procedures that been done before
Stratified sampling
Population divided into distinct stat and specific numbers
Opportunity sampling
Happen able to get regardless of representation
Volunteer sampling
Volunteer when asked
Ordinal data sampling
Qualities categories all natural order
Ordinal data sampling
Qualities categories all natural order
British psychological society
Responsible for promotion of excellences ethical practice
Informed consent
Participant not given all the aims of the study stop demand characteristics
Presumptive consent
Informing group of individuals similar to research participants about aims of study
Prior general consent
Informing participants that may be deceived in some way
Retrospective consent
Participants gives consent for their data to be used in research once debriefed
Prevents participants to give informed consent
Right to withdraw
It leave during study lead to bias
participants who receive money or uni credits may feel less able to
Protection from physical and psychological ham
Scientists difficult to guarantee from protection harm