Research Methods Flashcards
What are extrenuous variables?
The only thing that should affect the IV is the DV however in some experiments there are extrenuous variables. Any other variables that interfere should be controlled or removed, these are called extrenuous variables. There are participant variables: Age, gender, intelligence, personality etc and situational variables such as lighting, weather, time of day, noise etc
What are confounding variables?
These variables do change systematically with the IV. This could be unexpected events eg if the first 10 out of 20 participants saw something exciting before they went in and the last 10 participants did not so this event results in another IV. So when the first group are different we have to take both into account
What are demand characteristics?
Participants are not passive in experiments and will spend a large time trying to find out what the new situation they are in which means they will find clues to understand the experiment. This means that they will behave differentely to how they would normally as they are trying to please the experimenter or sabotage the experiment and their behaviour is no longer natural.
What are investigator effects?
This is where the experimenter may smile or make eye contact with some participants more than others which will make them behave differentely. We tend to give what we expect ie more energy. There can also be leading questions which lead a participant to a certain answer.
What is randomisation?
This can be used to minimise the effects of confounding and extrenuous variables. This is a chance method that can reduce the researchers unconscious bias. Examples are randomising the lists or changing the order the conditions are done in
What is standardisation?
All participants should be part of the same environment, information and experience which includes standardised instructions
What are independent groups?
This is when two seperate groups of participants experience two different conditions. They would experience one level of the IV only. There is usually and experimental condition and a control condition. The performance of the two groups would be compared
What are repeated measures?
This means that all participants would experience both conditions of the experiment ie each would experience condition A and then later would experience condition B and two mean scores would be compared
What are matched pairs?
Matched pairs are together on variables or variables relevent to the experience ie in a memory study the pairs may be matched based on IQ levels (first and second, third and fourth and so on) and then one from each pair will be allocated a condition as an attempt to control confounding variables.
Evaluate independent groups
An issue with the independent groups design is that there may be participant variables. If the experimenter finds a different in means for the groups in the DV, participant variables may have played into it. This acts as a confounding variable which reduces validity
They are less economical as each participant contributes to a single result so twice as many would be needed
Strengths: Order effects do not effect
Participants are less likely to guess the aims
Evaluate repeated measures
Issues: The order significantly effects the way that the experiment goes. This can be fixed using counterbalancing. This is where half the participants would take part in condition A and then B and the other half would do condition B first and condition A second. Order effects can also cause boredom and fatigue or they may have developed skills so they will be better or worse on the second condition depending on which confounding variable it is. It is also more likely that they will work out the aims of the study
Strengths: Participant variables are controlled so higher validity and fewer are needed
Evaluate matched pairs
Strengths: Participants only take part in one so order effects don’t exist
Issues: Participants can never be matched exactly
May be time consuming and expensive
What is a laboratory experiment?
They are conducted in highly controlled experiments (not always a lab)
Give the strengths of laboratory experiments
They have high control over confounding and extrenuous variables so change in the DV is ensured to be caused by manipulation of the IV. This results in high internal validity
Replication is possible because new variables cannot be introduced
Give the limitations of a laboratory experiment
They lack generalisability as it is an artificial setting and participants may behave in certain ways (low external validity)
They are aware they are being tested so there will be demand characteristics
It has low mundane realism
What is a field experiment
The IV is manipulated in a natural setting, researcher goes to the particpants usual setting
Give the strengths of a field experiment
They have a higher mundane realism due to the natural environment
Produce more valid and authentic behaviour (high external validity)
Give the limitations of a field experiment
There is a loss of control over CVs and EVs so cause and effect is more difficult to establish and is less precise
There are ethical issues as participants are unaware of the study and cannot consent and the rsearch is an invasion of privacy
What is a natural experiment?
The researcher measures the effect of the IV on the DV however they have no control and cannot change the IV ie before and after a natural disaster. The DV may also be naturally occurring or ay be devised by the experimenter and then measured in the field or lab
Give the strengths of a natural experiment
They provide oppurtunities for research that may not otherwise occur for practical or ethical reasons
High external validity as they study real world problems
Give the limitations of a natural experiment
May only happen very rarely so reduces oppurtunities for research, this limits generalisation
Participants may be randomly allocated to different conditions (only in independent groups design) researcher may be unsure whether or not the IV is directly affecting the DV
Such research may be conducted in a lab and therefire lacks realism and has demand characteristics
What is a Quasi experiment?
Quasi experiments have an IV that is based of existing differences between people such as age or gender so the IV is not manipulated and cannot be changed. The DV may be naturally ocurring or may be measured in a field or a lab
Give the strengths of a Quasi experiment
Often carried out under lab controlled conditions so therefore can be replicated
Give the limitations of a Quasi experiment
They occur naturally so they can’t randomly allocate participants so therefore there may be confounding variables
The IV is not manipuated so we cannot claim that it has caused any observed change
What is a population/sample?
The group of people who the experimenter is interested in which a smaller sample size is drawn from, this is known as a sample.Ideally the sample size is representative so generalisation becomes possible. It is hard to fnd completely unbias samples so there is often some bias
What is a random sample?
A sophisticated form of sampling in which all members from the target population have an equal chance to be selected. Obtain a list of all members, all names are given numbers and the actual sample is chosen by a lottery method.
Evaluate random sampling
Strengths: Potentially unbias, CVs and EVs should be equally split between the groups which enhances internal validity
Issues: Difficult and time consuming as a complete list is hard to obtain
You may still end up with a sample that is unrepresentitive (although less likely than other methods)
Selected participants may refuse to take part
What is a systematic sample?
When every nth member of the target population is selected. A sampling frame is produced in which a list is sorted into an order ie alphabetical order and a sampling system is nominated (may be randomly allocated to reduce bias)
Evaluate systematic sampling
Strengths: Objective as researcher has no further influence after the sample frame is selected
Issues: Time-consuming and in the end they may refuse to take part.
What is a stratified sample?
A stratified sample is a sophisticated form of sampling in which the composition of the sample represents the proportions of people in certain sub groups (strata) within the population. The researcher begins by finding different strata that make up the target population, then the proportions are worked out. Finally the participants that make up eachs stratum are radnomly selected. Example: If in Manchester, 40% support Man U, 40 % support Man City, 15% support Bolton and 5% support Leeds, a stratified sample of 20 people would be 8,8,3,1
Evaluate a stratified sample
Strengths: Produces a representative sample
Generalisation is possible
Issues: Not perfect
Representation of the larger target population is not possible
What is an opportunity sample?
The researchers select anyone from the population who is willingly ready and available. They ask whoever is there at the time
Evaluate an opportunity sample
Strengths: Convenient
Less costly in time and money
Issues: Sample is unrepresentative of target population as it is drawn from a certain area so findings cannot be genralised
Researcher has complete control so therfore may be bias
What is a volunteer sample?
This involves participants selecting themselves to be part of the sample. This may be done via an advert or poster or by asking
Evaluate a volunteer sample
Strengths: Easy as it requires little input from the researcher
Ends up with more engaged participants
Issues: Volunteer bias as they select themselves to be part of the sample so they may be a certain profile of person
What are ethical issues?
These arise when a conflict exists between the rights of the participants and the research goals, to produce valid, authentic and worthwhile data
What is the BPS code of conduct?
This contains the BPS code of ethics which includes a set of guidelines that researchers have to follow. They are based on four principles: Respect, Competence, Responsibility, Integrity. They use a cost-benefit approach to assess experiments
What is informed consent?
Particpants should know what they are getting into before it begins. They should be made aware of the aims of the research, the procedures and their rights (including the right to withdraw) and what their data will be used for and they should then make a judgement without feeling obliged. It may make the study pointless as the behaviour will not be natural
How to deal with informed consent?
Participants should be issued with a consent letter or form with all relevant information. For all under 16, a parental signature is required. There are four other ways
1) Presumptive consent-a similiar group to the actual group are found and then they give consent. This is then presumed for the true group
2) Prior-general consent-Participants are given the option to perform in multiple studies including one that will contain deception
3) Retrospective consent-They are asked during the debrief having already taken part however they may not have been aware of their participation
What is deception?
Deception means deliberately witholding or misleading information from participants at any stage of the investigation. This means they have not given informed consent. It can be justified if the deception does not cause any damage
What is protection from harm?
Participants should not be placed at anymore risk than they would be in their daily lives and should be protected from physical and psychological harm. This includes embarrassment, inadequete or stress. Participants are reminded of their right to withdraw
How to deal with deception and protection from harm?
At the end of the study the participants should be given a full debrief and should be made aware of the true aims of the experiment and details they were not provided with before. They should be told what their data is used for and the right to withold data. Participants may have natural concerns about their behaviour and should be reassured that it was normal. In extreme cases they should be given counselling
What is privacy and confidentiality?
Participants have the right to control information about themselves. This is privacy. If this is invaded then their confedentiality should be protected and their personal data should be protected.
How to deal with confidentiality?
Personal details should be protected. It is more usual to not take any personal details and be anonymous. Refer to participants by number or initials. Briefing and debriefing is a standard practice and data will not be shared with other researchers.
What is a pilot study?
A pilot study is a small scale version of an investigation that takes place before the real thing. The aims are to check the procedure, materials, measuring scales etc. They are able to make any changes needed before the experiment if needed. They can be used for all types of studies including experimental design, self-report and observational
What is a single-blind procedure?
As the participants will sometimes not be told the aims of the experiment and the conditions they will be placed under, a single-blind trial is able to make sure that no information that creates expectations is released until the end to control the confounding effects of demand characteristics
What is a double-blind procedure?
Neither the participants or the researcher is aware of which conditions they are in or the aims of the investigation. They are important in drug trials as the participant may be administered with a drug or the placebo. If they don’t know what the person is receiving then they can’t influence them
What are control groups and conditions?
In the drug trial example, the group who had the real drug were the experimental group and the group that as given the placebo was the control group. We use a control group to set up a baseline and it is used for comparison. If the change of the behaviour in h the experimental group is notable then it is definately caused by the IV
What is an observational technique?
This is where the psychologist does not ask the people what they believe and they allow them to study behaviour in a controlled and natural setting. This allows for more flexibility
Evaluate observations
Strengths: Capturing what people do which is unexpected behaviour and they do give a special insight into behaviour
Issues: Observer bias can occur as their interpretation may be affected by their expectations (can be reduced using more than one observer)
They cannot demonstrate causal relationships
What is a naturalistic observation?
They take place in the location where the behaviour would usually occur and all aspects of the environment are free to vary
What is a controlled observation?
There is some control over variables including manipulating variables and having control over confounding and extrenuous variables
Evaluate naturalistic observation
Strengths: High external validity
Findings can be generalised
Issues: Lack of variable control makes replication difficult
May be more CVs and EVs which make it hard to spot a pattern of behaviour
Evaluate controlled observations
Issues: Cannot be readily applied to everyday life
Strengths: Less CVs and EVs so replication is possible
What is a covert observation?
When participants are unaware that they are in the study and behaviour is observed in secret
What is an overt observation?
When participants know their behaviour is being observed and have given consent
Evaluate covert observation
Strengths: Less problem of demand characteristics
High internal validity
Issues: Ethical problems as people have the right to privacy
Evaluate overt observation
Strengths: Ethically acceptable if consent is given
Issues: May suffer from demand characteristics due to the knowledge of being observed
What is a participant observation?
The researcher actually joins the group they are orking with undercover ie in a workforce
What is a non-participant observation?
When the researcher remains seperate from the study and records behaviour in an objective manner
Evaluate participant observation
Strengths: can experience situation and have increased insight
High external validity
Issues: Researcher may become too immersed and will lose objectivity
Evaluate non-participants observation
Strengths: Researcher stays objective
Issues: May lose valuable insight into behaviour
Give different ways of recording data
One of the key way of recording data is simply wrting sown what you see. This is an unstructured observation and produces accounts that are rich in detail. Appropriate when methods are short and involve few participants
A structured observation occurs when their is too much too much going on for one reearcher so you simplify behaviour into categories
Evaluate structured experiments
Strengths: Produce quantitive data (numerical) which is easy to analyse and compare
Evaluate unstructured observation
Strengths: Produces data that is rich in detail
Issues: Produces qualitive data which is hard to analyse
May be a greater risk of observer bias
Researchers may only record behaviour that they catch or notice
What are behavioural catergories?
Target behaviours are defined and made observable and measurable ie afection may be broken down into hugging, smiling, holding hands etc so a category such as ‘being loving’ would not work as people may interpret this differentely
Evaluate behavioual categories
Strengths: Makes data more clear and structured
Issues: Have to be well-checked ie there should be no bin category and categories should be exclusive and not overlap
What are sampling methods and give different types?
Continuous recording is a key feature of unstructured observations in which all behaviours are recorded.
Event sampling involves counting the number of times the event occurs in a target group
Time sampling involves recording behaviour with a pre-established time frame
Evaluate sampling methods
Event sampling
Strengths: Useful when bahviour happen infrequently and could be missed in time sampling
Issues: If event is too complex then the observer may overlook important details
Time sampling
Strengths: Reduces observations that need to be made
Issues: May be unrepresentative
What is the mean?
The arithmetic average calculated by adding up all the values in a set of data and dividing by the number of values
What are the strengths of using the mean?
It is the most sensitive as it uses all data in the set
Therefore representative
What are the limitations of using the mean?
The mean is easily distorted by extreme values so therefore may not represent the data overall
What is the median?
The central values in a set of data when values are arranged from lowest to highest. If there is not an even number of numbers than the median is halfway between the two middle values