Research Methods Flashcards
quantitative psychological types of research questions
- Difference: is one group of people DIFFERENT to another in some way?
- Association: is one construct RELATED to another
- Prediction: does one construct INFLUENCE others?
goal of psychological research
- Aim: make INFERENCES about a POPULATION.
- EG: a study investigating wellbeing in uni students.
The corresponding population = (ALL uni students)
everyone of interest to a research question
a group of people taken from the population to participate in a study
why we take samples from a population
- not possible to recruit all people in a population, – SAMPLE is used
- samples used as INFERENCE about the population based on what happens with MEASUREMENT of sample
EG: Are psyc students smarter than the general population
- Test IQ for psychology students and general population
- recruit sample for psych students and compare to the ‘population’
- compare mean IQ of psychology students to general population’s IQ (100)
- based on results of this comparison, we will make an INFERENCE about the population of psychology students and whether or not its diff from general population in intelligence
EG: Do firefighters diff from the general population in their experience of anxiety?
- Need to know the typical level of anxiety for
- Firefighters
- People who are not firefighters
- Sample for firefighters population VS sample for non firefighters population
- compare MEAN levels of anxiety for both samples.
- based on comparison, INFER the result of sample mean comparison is likely to be same for the populations
- INTANGIBLE, abstract attributes we THEORISE underlies OBSERVABLE BEHAVIOUR.
NOT DIRECTLY OBSERVABLE / measured - eg happiness, anxiety, intelligence
operational definition (numerical no.)
PROCESS of defining and measuring an UNOBSERVABLE construct indirectly (eg: IQ test for intelligence, questionnaire score for anxiety)
EG: intelligence as a construct
- physically intangible
- operational definition of contruct of intelligence = intelligence score
- IQ score allows intelligence to be measured INDIRECTLY
Where do research come from?
Literature search & Review (reading past researches and thinking what’s the NEXT STEP)
A question of: (TIPO)
- Theories
- Interest
- practical problems
- Observation
Research questions
broad ideas that typically ask about either
LOGICAL, SPECIFIC, TESTABLE, REFUTABLE and PREDICTIVE statements about what will happen in a psychological research study.
EG: state anxiety is negatively associated w mentalisation capacity
(hypotheses should NEVER predict that nothing will be observed) –framed qustions, not statements
Research Question & Hypothesis
Research Question –> Hypothesis
Experimental Hypothesis (H1)
(alternative hypothesis)
a statement that PREDICTS an EFFECT (eg: difference / association)