research methods Flashcards
what is an extraneous variable?
a variable that has the potential to mess up ur research
what does ecological validity mean
true to life
what is demand characteristics
when your participants have worked out ur experiment and change their behaviour
what is a strength of lab experiment
-allows extraneous variables to be controlled so cause and effect can be established
-increase of reliability
what is a weakness of lab experiment
lacks ecological validity
increase of demand characteristics
strengths of field experiment
increase of ecological validity
decrease of demand characteristics
weakness of field experiment
increase of extraneous variables
decrease of reliability
strengths of quasi
could be unethical
increase of ecological validity
decrease of demand characteristics
weakness of quasi
-hard to establish cause and effect (as researcher has not directly manipulated IV)
-decrease of reliability
when would you write a one tailed hypothesis
when you feel confident about which way your results are going to go
when would you write a two tailed hypothesis
when you are not clear which way your results will go
what’s a null hypothesis
when you say there will be no correlation between the two variables
what is a repeated measures design?
same participants are used in both conditions
what is an independent measures design?
two different sets of participants used in the two conditions
what is a matched design?
two different groups of participants are used but they are matched up
what is an advantage of repeated design
because same participants are being used, any differences you see are not likely to be due to differences between participants
what is a disadvantage of repeated design
your research might be affected by order effects
demand characteristics can be more likely
what is an advantage of independent design
-participants only doing research once so results not effected by order effects
-decrease of demand characteristics
what is disadvantages of independent design
- people have different abilities (participant variables)
advantage of matched design
-decrease of order effects
-decrease of demand characteristics
disadvantage of matched design
-costly and time consuming
-reduces participant variables
what is a participant observation
-the researcher becomes part of the group they are studying
-this type of observation often be naturalistic and unstructured
what is a non participant observation
researcher just observes without becoming part of the group
what is an overt observation
participants are aware they’re being studied
what is a covert observation
participants unaware they’re being studied
what is a naturalistic observation
behaviour is studied in a natural situation where everything has been left as it normally is
what is a controlled observation
some variables are controlled and participants likely to be aware they’re being observed
what is a structured observation
pre-decided set of behaviours that you are looking for
what is time sampling
involves observing behaviours at set time periods
advantages of time sampling
-allows u to see how a behaviour develops over time
-give quantitative data that is easy to analyse
disadvantage of time sampling
-could be time consuming
-could decrease reliability as it could be hard to be consistent
-important behaviour could be missed if it occurs between an observation period
what is event sampling
involve recording how often specific behaviours occur
advantage of event sampling
-quantitative data
-all behaviour will be seen rather than just at certain times
disadvantage of event sampling
difficult to observe all the targeted areas at the same time
what is an unstructured observation
-the researcher would have some idea of what behaviour they expect to see
-they record everything they see
strengths of naturalistic and controlled observations
high ecological validity because they do not involve the manipulation of an IV and because participants are unaware
weakness of unstructured observations
-chance of observer bias (when the observer sees what they expect to see rather than what the actually saw)
-may miss things
weakness of controlled and overt observation
observer effects (peoples behaviour might change if they are aware they’re being observed)
weakness of participant observation
ethical issues - often not possible to obtain consent of people that ur researching, people may feel betrayed if you have joined a group just to research them
what kind of method is a questionnaire?
self report
what kind of questions are in questionnaires?
closed questions
what is a likert scale?
respondents must indicate how closely their feelings match the question or statement on a rating scale
what is a semantic differential rating scale
it gathers info about someone’s attitude on a number of different dimensions
what kind of data does closed questions give
advantage of closed questions?
easier to analyse and easier for respondents to fill in
a disadvantage of closed questions?
may miss something because the response the participants want isn’t included in the options, this lowers the validity
advantage of open questions?
-detailed and in depth data
-gives a better idea of what someone thinks
-increases validity
what type of data does open questions give?
a disadvantage of open questions?
-data more difficult to analyse
-more open to bias as researchers own subjective opinion may come in
strengths of questionnaires?
-relatively quick and cheap
-allows patterns to be identified
-if there is open questions the data could be in depth and detailed increasing validity
weaknesses of questionnaires?
-chance of social desirability bias
- low response rate
-increase in demand characteristics
this is the ability to generalise the results beyond the research
the definition of variables so that they can be accurately manipulated, measured and replicated
order effects
they can produce changes in performance that are not due to IV e.g doing worse because they’re tired or better because they’ve practiced
snowball sampling
gaining participants for the sample by asking current participants to refer others they know are suitable
split half
measure of reliability that compares two halves of a test e.g odd and even numbered questions
measure of reliability that uses the same test twice, if they correlate well the measure has good reliability
what kind of method is an interview
self report
what is a structured interview
-mainly closed questions that are usually scripted
-participants get asked the same questions in a fixed order
what is a semi structured interview
fixed list of open and closed questions
same questions for all participants
advantage of semi structured interview
you can gather data that is more in depth and explore areas of interest
disadvantage of semi structured interview
some questions are open so more difficult to analyse
bias is more likely
unstructured interview
questions not prearranged
researchers have broad idea what they’re looking for