research into social change Flashcards
A03: research evidence
- support the view that unwillingness to associate with negative minority can slow down
the process of social change. - Bashir et al found that pt less
likely to behave in environmentally friendly
ways b) they did not want to be associated
with stereotypical and minority
‘environmentalists’. - They rated environmental activists and feminists in negative ways, describing them as ‘tree huggers’ and ‘man haters’.
- This support views that cryptomnesia may be necessary part of social change, particularly where a minority group has a negative public image.
A03: research support
-Nolan et al hung messages on front doors of houses in San Diego, California that either told them that most residents were trying to reduce their energy usage, or asked them to
reduce their energy usage,
- made no reference to other residents.
-Nolan found significant decreases in
energy usage in first group only.
- implies that residents were more willing to change their habits if they believed a majority of others had done so too
- demonstrated how majority influence can play a part in bringing about social change.
A03: theory of the snowball effect helps us to understand
- According to Moscovici, minority and majority influences are thought to work through different processes.
- Minority influence involves individuals being persuaded away from majority, and … is more likely to result in internalisation, whereas majority influence is more associated with NSI and compliance
-means that in early stages of social change we can expect to see true conversion as members of the majority are genuinely persuaded away from their former view or behaviour.