Moscovici’s study of minority influence Flashcards
A03: highly controlled
- useful is helping our understanding of the processes involved in minority influence.
- Moscovici able to isolate the variable of consistency in minority and demonstrate its effect on influencing the majority.
- allows us to draw firm conclusions about role of consistency in minority influence then be applied to everyday life.
- (i.e) enables those who wish to be influential to know that they must remain consistent in viewpoint
-if they are to have realistic chance of changing the views or behaviours of the majority.
A03: problems with the external validity of Moscovici’s study
- sample small and exclusively female, so we can’t assume that rates of influence would apply equally to men.
- the set up was very artificial and used a trivial situation.
- It is unlikely that participants cared very much about their answers, judging colour of slides is not going to represent a challenge to their established views.
-This could have had impact on the way pt reacted. - Although useful in showing that minorities can be influential, it may not reflect how people react to a dissenting minority in a real-life situation which may require person to deviate from long-held view
-meaning that study cannot necessarily tell us about the likely success of minorities in real-life.
A03: some research challenges
- consistency is the most important factor in minority influence
- Nemeth et al used simulated jury situation, group members discussed the amount of compensation to be paid to someone involved in a ski-lift accident.
-When confederate put forward alternative point of view and refused to change his position
-had 0 effect on other group members.
-A confederate who compromised, and showed some degree of shift towards majority - exert influence over rest of the group.
-This supports view that consistency without flexibility is unlikely to lead to a minority being influential.