Research designs Flashcards
Review for midterm
Research design come form 2 different types.These are:
1- Quantitative =
—-data = numbers
—-people= subjects
2- Qualitative =
—-data= words
—-people= participants
What is experimental research design?
- Design that determines if there is. Relationship btw 2 or more variables
- Used hugely in design for hypothesis
State 3 characteristic of an experimental research design?
1- independent-
2- dependant-
3- observing the effects of independent on dependent
why is control in experimental design important?
it better allows for a stronger conclusion/interoperation of the results
State advantages of Experimental research design?
- Convergence
- Replication
- Adjustment of variables
- Establishing cause and effect relationship
What does “establishing cause and effect” mean and?
- Having good framework
- use of correct statistical model and analysis
- Proper selection of independent, dependent and control variables.
- Correct interpretation of results
State ,3 criteria’s that shows that cause and effect relationship attained;
- The cause for establishing the effect in time
- Correlated with each other
- The correlation between then cannot be explained by another variable.
What are some disadvantages of experimental research design?
- Cost
- Inability to generalize
- Securing cooperation
- Depending on the type you choose, it can be quite complicated to design and implement.
Define Terms:
Independent variable
influence the other variable and is manipulated
Define Terms:
Dependent variable
that is measured observed and cannot be manipulated
Define Terms:
Control or situational variable
researcher may not be able to
Define Terms:
name for the individuals in experimental researchers.
Define Terms:
experimental group
the group that receives a treatment.
Define Terms:
between subject designs
each subject tests only in 1 level for each independent variable (IV)
Define Terms:
between group designs
group of subjects are tested under only one level of each IV
Define Terms:
Within the subjects design
Each subject gets tested more than 1 independent variable, under more than 1 level of IV
Define Terms:
Within groups design
Group of subjects are tested under more than one level of each IV.
What are some advantages for:
“between group designs”?
–> No changes that one treatment can contaminate another since the subject/ group only receive one treatment
What are some disadvantages for:
“between group designs”?
–> Concern that is a possibility that the subjects or groups are different enough to influence the effects of the treatment.
What are some advantages for:
“within group designs”?
Each subject compared to themselves not influenced by the other
What are some disadvantages for:
“within group designs”?
–> Carry over effect: the effects on the prior test might disturb the effects of the other.
To over come this:
- Randomization of treatment levels
- Counterbalancing the treatment levels (make a systemic level)
Define term:
Random sampling:
A sample that is formed by the population that has been selected in unbiased way.
Each person has an equal chance of being selected
Define term:
Random sampling:
Subjects are assigned to condition in an unbiased way
Define term:
Treatment/ experimental subjects are matched with a control subject.
Common matching items are:
o Agde
o Gender
o Weight
o Height
o IQ
o Years of schooling
Define term:
Matched group designs
- his approach helps to control for confounding variables that might otherwise affect the outcome, making it easier to isolate the effect of the treatment or intervention.
QN: Can you truly match items and eliminate everything?
- IT IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE because there is factors influences that a researcher simply cannot control.
- personal
Define terms:
Blind assignment
Subjects does not know if they are being testes.
Define terms:
Double Blind assignment
neither the researcher not the subject know that they are being tested.