Research Basics, Testing, Systematic Assessment, Theories of Learning, Testing Flashcards
Week 4
What is the difference between primary and secondary research?
What are the types of primary and secondary research?
What is testing bias and why is it important to avoid it?
Why are systematic assessment and / or using multiple measures of assessing students more beneficial than using standardized tests?
How do you select the appropriate type of test? (multiple, choice, matching, true/false, short answer, essay, and problem solving?)
Explain the difference between primary and secondary source?
Identify types of primary research that can be done.
Identify testing bias.
Why is assessment needed and what strategies can you employ to avoid bias?
Explain how systematic assessment and multiple measures of assessing students could be more beneficial than using standardized tests?
Identify common test misuses?
Explain specific characteristics and uses of:
- pretests,
- posttests,
- progress tests,
- diagnostic tests,
- aptitude tests,
- achievement tests
- screening tests
Identify characteristics and uses of formative and summative assessment?
Explain advantages and limitations of item types:
- multiple choice
- matching
- true / false
- short answer
- essay
- problem solving
Explain appropriate testing procedures and choices?
For Dr. Gessert’s call:
Explain the difference between primary and secondary research?
For Dr. Gessert’s call:
Explain testign bias?
For Dr. Gessert’s call:
Explain why systematic assessment and / or using multiple measures of assessing students is more beneficial than using standardized tests?
For Dr. Gessert’s call:
Explain how you will select the appropriate type of test:
- Multiple choice
- Matching
- True / False
- Short Answer
- Essay
- Problem Solving