Research and Publication (8.01-8.15) Flashcards
What may be necessary before conducting research?
Psychologists should obtain appropriate approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) before conducting research.
What does informed consent in research include?
Purpose of the research, its duration, and procedures
Subjects’ right to decline or withdraw from participating
Foreseeable consequences of declining or withdrawing
Factors that might significantly affect the decision to participate (e.g., risks, discomfort, adverse effects, or confidentiality limits)
Prospective research benefits
Limits of confidentiality
Incentives for participation
A contact person for questions and concerns
If a research study uses experimental treatments, what should be included in informed consent?
The experimental nature of the treatment
The availability or non-availability of treatment for the control group
How subjects are assigned to groups
Available treatment alternatives if the subject declines or withdraws from the research
Compensation for or costs of participating, as well as whether third party reimbursement will be sought.
Can you deceive participants in research?
Deception must be avoided unless:
1. It is justified by the study’s “significant prospective scientific, educational, or applied value;”
2. Alternative procedures, without deception, are not available.
3. Try not the be deceptive, unless there are not options and we need the data
Small little deception is okay, unless there is an easier, harmless way of doing the same study
Always minimize harm, and debrief immediately
Can you film participants while conducting research?
Informed consent is necessary before the use of filming or recording in research
Can you use students or clients as research participants?
Yes. Psychologists must take care to protect them from any adverse consequences due to declining or withdrawing from the research.
If participation in research is required for coursework, what must psychologists provide?
When participation in research is part of a course requirement or an option for extra credit, other alternatives must be made available for students to obtain credit.
Are there ever situations where psychologists may waive informed consent?
Only when the research would likely not cause harm or distress or when allowed by law or regulations.
Can psychologist try to recruit participants for a study by offering professional services as an incentive
Yes, but they must clearly explain what those services entail, including any potential risks or limitations involved, and cannot offer such a large incentive that it could be considered pressure or coercion to participate
Can you deceive participants in a study that causes physical or emotional pain?
Psychologists may never deceive prospective subjects about research that may cause physical pain or emotional distress
What is the Milgram Experiment?
Participants were instructed to shock learners who made a mistake in a memorizing task.
What did the Milgram Experiment find?
Revealed that a large majority of participants complied with the experimenter’s orders even when the learner appeared to be in extreme pain, demonstrating the powerful influence of authority figures on human behavior, despite potential ethical concerns about the deception involved in the study
What should you do with a research participant after concluding a study?
Participants are entitled to a prompt opportunity to obtain information about the research, including its results and conclusions.
Can researchers fake data?
If a researcher finds a mistake in their data, what should they do?
They must take reasonable steps to correct any errors that may occur in their published data.
Is plagiarism okay?
How should animals used in research be treated?
Psychologists must treat animals humanely, obey all relevant laws and regulations with regard to acquiring, caring for, and disposing of animals, and accept responsibility for the handling of animals.
Psychologists must make efforts to minimize the discomfort and pain of animals.
What should be done when a research animal’s life is to be terminated?
It should be done rapidly and with an attempt to minimize pain.
What is the order of publication credits?
Publication credit should accurately reflect contributions to the research.
Do master’s theses require the student to have first authorship?
Students should receive first authorship when their dissertations are published as articles.
This standard does not apply to master’s theses.
Can you duplicate previously published data?
If it was previously published, do not make it appear like it’s original data
Can another researcher request another researcher’s data?
Psychologists need to make their data available to others to replicate their results, assuming confidentiality and legal concerns are addressed.
Can peer reviewers use a study they have reviewed as their own research?
When reviewing articles, psychologists should respect confidentiality and proprietary rights.