Research Flashcards
What is the purpose of research?
Develop a knowledge base to maximize the effectiveness of practice
What are the 8 types of research?
- basic 2. applied 3. experimental 4. non-experimental 5. qualitative 6. quantitative 7. translational 8. observational
What is the purpose of basic research?
To gain knowledge - obtain empirical data to develop, test a theory
What is the purpose of applied research?
To gain data to use towards a problem
What is quantative research?
measurement via Numeric data
What is qualitative research?
a deep understanding of a phenomenon - measures the quality
What is non-experimental research?
descriptive in nature - doesn’t have control over variables
What is experimental research?
Manipulation and control of variables and observing the differences
What is observational research?
Phenomena is observed rather than manipulated
What is translational research?
the application of findings towards clinical application
What is clinical research?
systematic way that examines clinical conditions and outcomes, establishes relationships among phenomena, generates evidence and decision making, and promotes the impetus for improving methods of practice
What are the five steps of the Research process?
- ask a question 2. design the study 3. methods 4. analyze results 5. communication
What is EBM?
conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of the best current evidence in making clinical decisions.
What three things dows EBM integrate?
- the best evidence available 2. Pt values/goals/preferences 3. Clinician experience/expertise/judgement
What are the risks of EBM?
Paralysis, the latest and greatest, ebm a-hole
What is the trend in healthcare vs clinical expertise?
More expertise seems to cause a decline in quality of healthcare