Reseacrch into features of the MSM Flashcards
What is the procedure for the capacity and duration of SR?
Procedure: Sperling flashed a 3x4 grid of letters onto a screen for one twentieth of a second and asked participants to recall the letters fròm one of the rows
To decide which row to recall Sperling would sound a different tone (e.g. high pitched tone would mean participants should recall the first row.
what was the findings for capacity in the in SR?
Recall of the indicated row was high, which suggests that all the
information was originally there, suggesting that the capacity of SR is
quite large.
What are the findings for duration in sensory register?
-participants could recall whatever was indicated by the sound as long as it was within two seconds, any longer than this and the letters had decayed
what was the findings for coding in the sensory register?
Crowd found that the sensory register only retains information presented visually for a few milliseconds, but if the information is presented in an auditory form and it can be retained for 2 to 3 seconds. This support idea that information coded in the sensory register is coded in different formats
what is the procedure for capacity in short-term memory? (jacobs)
Procedure - Participants were presented with a series of letters or digits, which they had to repeat back to the experimenter in the same order they were presented (serial recall). The list increased by a single item until participants consistently made mistakes.
what were the findings for capacity and short term memory?
The average SM span was between 5-9 items. Digits (9.3) were recalled better than letters (7.3). STM span increased with age e.g.
8 year olds (6.6) and 19 year old (8.6)
what is the procedure for duration in short term memory? (peterson and peterson)
They presented nonsense trigrams (i.e. VGI, PXK) to participants, and asked them to recall the trigrams after either 3,6,9,12,15 or 18 seconds They were prevented from rehearsing the trigrams by being asked to count backwards in 3’s from 999. The % of trigrams correctly recalled was recorded for each time interval.
what were the findings for the duration of the short-term memory?
Peterson and Peterson found that if rehearsal is prevented, then recall is negatively affected with the maximum duration being around 18 to 30 seconds
What is the conclusion for the duration of short-term memory?
This Supports the duration of STM is 18-30 seconds
what is the procedure for coding in stm? (baddeley)
Participants were presented with one of two word lists:
List A; acoustically similar words (e.g. ‘cat’, ‘mat’, ‘sat’) and List B; acoustically dissimilar words (e.g. ‘pit’, ‘day’, ‘cow’). To test coding, participants were given the list in the wrong order. Their task was to rearrange the words in the correct order.
what are the findings for coding in the short-term memory?
Participants given List A (acoustically similar) performed worse, with a recall of only 10%. They confused similar-sounding wo e.g. recalling ‘cap’ instead of ‘cat’, suggesting that STM is coded on a acoustic basis.
What type of experiment was duration in the short term memory?
laboratory experiment
what is the capacity for long-term memory?
The capacity of the long-term memory is assumed to be limitless, as research has not been able to determine a finite capacity
what is the procedure for the duration of LTM?
-longitudinal study, 400 participants aged between 17 and 74, they were showing photographs and names of old high school classmates and asked identify their old school friends.
what was the findings for the duration of long-term memory? (bahrick)
They found 90% of people could remember classmates names and faces after 15 years.
They also found that 80% of people could remember classmates’ names and 70% of faces after 48 years suggesting that meaningful memories are long lasting. (lacks temporal validity)